Browsing Institutt for språk og litteratur by Title
Now showing items 79-98 of 163
La palabra lúdica: The recreational word
(Journal article, 2011)Erudition as a cultist topic and style, recreated in countless traditional sources, helps Colombian writer R. H. Moreno-Durán to establish a delicate equilibrium between the parodic forms of linguistics research and the ... -
Labialization in Cairene Arabic
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This paper investigates certain morphological categories in Cairene Arabic where the contrast between the short high vowels [i] and [u] is neutralized. The understanding of these neutralizations has direct consequences on ... -
The lamentable status of (queer) children in fandom: On being a fannish pariah
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This autoethnographic paper considers the place of (queer) children in fandom, focusing on fan fiction–centered fan communities. It explores, in particular, the ways in which these communities have been defined and policed ... -
Language aptitude and its links with metalinguistic knowledge, self-efficacy, anxiety, and language maintenance in multilingual language teachers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Language teachers cannot help their students develop high levels of metalinguistic knowledge and language aptitude if they themselves are found lacking in these abilities. This article reports on a study that utilised a ... -
Language contact across the lifespan
(Chapter, 2019)The outcome of a multilingual encounter depends on a number of factors. Contact may be of various kinds and may differ in duration, and speakers may belong to different sociocultural groups depending on such variables as ... -
Language Learning Strategies in the 2020 National Curriculum for English
(Chapter, 2022)The concept of language learning strategies (LLS) has a central place in the new Norwegian national curriculum for English (LK20). Current research on the new national curriculum has focused on general challenges for ... -
Language, citizenship and schooling: A minority teacher's perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In an age in which a shift towards increased authoritarianism and populism means that citizenship is defined in increasingly exclusive ways, migrant teachers’ perspectives are vital in informing inclusive educational ... -
Linkages between literary response, aesthetic competence, and literary competence in the EFL classroom
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Developing students' literacy skills and intercultural competence via literary works has become a key component of foreign language (FL) curricula at the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels in many countries. In FL ... -
Literacy i naturfag og fysikk. Hva kreves av grunnleggende ferdigheter?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Artikkelen drøfter læreplanens vekt på grunnleggende ferdigheter og argumenterer for at grunnleggende ferdigheter lesing og skriving kan studeres som én ferdighet: literacy. Lærerens rolle blir ansett å være avgjørende for ... -
The Literary Adaptation of Vǫluspá in Hauksbók and Snorra Edda
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The three versions of Vǫluspá display substantial differences in their references to speaker and audience. In 2013, the present author investigated such references in the Codex Regius version of the poem, and argued that ... -
Literature in language education: Exploring EFL learners' literary competence profiles
(Journal article, 2024)Literary competence is a critical component of foreign language education and has far-reaching implications for language learners’ linguistic and cultural development. This article reports on a study that examined how the ... -
Literature in language education: Exploring teachers’ beliefs, practices, creativity, and literary competence
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Given the growing movement in support of blurring the divisions between language and literature teaching, it has become increasingly vital to understand what language teachers think of literature as a language resource, ... -
Los olvidados caminos de la paz
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)Entre las causas que clarifican el porqué de más de medio siglo la violencia armada intermitente, y en particular para los lectores no familiarizados con el acontecer colombiano, se encuentran: la desigualdad económica ... -
Making It News: Money and Marketing in the Expatriate Modernist Little Magazine in Europe
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This article deals with practical and economic aspects of expatriate little magazine production and should be seen as furthering the understanding of the economic and promotional underpinnings of modernist cultural expression ... -
Managing students’ insufficient answers in oral examinations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)What happens when students cannot answer teachers’ questions in oral examinations? This study investigates how teachers manage students’ insufficient answers in disciplinary oral competence exams (DOCEs) in the secondary ... -
Mat og måltid som symbol for modring: En analyse av bildebøkene Mor av Kim Fupz Aakeson og Mette-Kirstine Bak og Stripekalven av Marit Kaldhol og Justyna Nyka
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In this article, we analyze the picturebooks Mor (Mother, 1998) by Kim Fupz Aakeson and Mette-Kirstine Bak and Stripekalven (The Striped Calf, 2008) by Marit Kaldhol and Justyna Nyka based on the following question: How ... -
Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik im frühen DaF-Unterricht in Dänemark und Norwegen – Lehrer- und Schülerperspektiven
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In den skandinavischen Ländern arbeitet man seit vielen Jahren daran, den früheren Start mit 2. Fremdsprachen an den Schulen einzuführen. Seit einer Schulreform im Jahre 2014 wird nun in Dänemark DaF-Unterricht bereits ab ... -
Metacognition in Language Learning and Teaching
(Book; Peer reviewed, 2018)This volume offers an exhaustive look at the latest research on metacognition in language learning and teaching. While other works have explored certain notions of metacognition in language learning and teaching, this book, ... -
The moderating effect of multilingualism on the relationship between EFL learners’ grit, enjoyment, and literacy achievement
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Aims and Objectives/Purpose/Research Questions: The study investigated the relationship between the L2 grit, domain-general grit, foreign language enjoyment (FLE), multilingualism, and self-reported literacy achievement ... -
Monstrous Encounters: Feminist Theory and the Monstrous
(Journal article, 2017)Nothing is closer to home than the monster: you first encounter it as a child, under the bed or in the closet. (Or, in one intense childhood memory from 1980s Norway, in the toilet; the murky depths of outhouses were said ...