Fakultet for humaniora, idretts- og utdanningsvitenskap
Recent Submissions
Nye slåtter på sjøfløyta
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article describes how a traditional fiddle repertoire can be adapted and applied to the recorder flute. The starting point is practical, where a springleik material in Gudbrandsdalen has been transferred to the recorder, ... -
Storylines from Newcomers’ Perspectives: The Complexities of Learning Mathematics in a Norwegian Introductory Class
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper investigates storylines from newcomers’ perspectives on their experiences of learning mathematics in an introductory mathematics classroom setting in Norway. We engaged in participatory research at a school over ... -
Exposure and connectedness to natural environments: An examination of the measurement invariance of the Nature Exposure Scale (NES) and Connectedness to Nature Scale (CNS) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Detachment from nature is contributing to the environmental crisis and reversing this trend requires detailed monitoring and targeted interventions to reconnect people to nature. Most tools measuring nature exposure and ... -
Science in the clutches of elite sports: hard science, relational skills and power in Norwegian sports coaching
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this article, we examine the professionalization coaching in Norway, focusing on the years between 1990 and 2020. During this period, Norway started to perform comparatively well in international elite sport. Data are ... -
Fletværk. At flette sammen – en artikel om bærekraft / bæredygtighet / hållbarhet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)Denne tekst er et fletværk, skabt af 4 fletsøstre. Fletværket er blevet til med et ønske om at lade kulturelle hverdagspraksisser, tanker og ord flettes fra forskellige nordiske lande. Et flet, der undersøger fællesskaber ... -
Discourses in the Development of Career Education and Career Guidance in Norwegian Schools Since 1990
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Career guidance in Norway has been provided through the school system for the last 30 years and forms the background for the rise of career education. This article examines which discourses appear in the development of ... -
Una democracia sagrada: la religión civil de Lula
(Journal article, 2024)El discurso de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, presidente de Brasil desde 2023, contiene una visión religiosa de lo político. Esta visión se puede considerarse una teología política mínima, una teología poco elaborada y definida ... -
Meritteringsordningen og universitets- og høgskolepedagogikk - hybride virksomheter i arbeid med utdanningskvalitet
(Chapter, 2024)This chapter sheds light on the relationship between the Excellent Teaching Practitioner system (ETP system) and Academic Development (AD) in higher education institutions in Norway. Using a hybrid perspective on ETP that ... -
Læreres erfaringer med kompetanseutvikling i et online profesjonelt læringsfellesskap
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study presents what reflections science teachers express when they shared experiences after trying out a new teaching method in science in an online synchronous professional learning community (PLC), and how they ... -
Word searching in multilingual dementia: An interdisciplinary approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Aims and objectives: This study investigates how multilingual speakers with dementia mobilise their multilingual and interactional resources when searching for words in a naming test setting, and how their word-search ... -
Å (sammen)filte(s) med ull og steder gjennom a-r-t-ografens agenser i egen undervisning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Artikkelen er skrevet frem med utgangspunkt i en undervisningssituasjon sammen med en gruppe barnehagelærerstudenter og store mengder kassert ull fra norsk villsau. Med a-r-t-ografi som forskningsmetodologi og pedagogisk ... -
Innovation in the realm of the unforeseen: A review of competence needed
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: Our main research question in this article was: What are the competence structures for innovative processes? Both the nature of the unforeseen and innovation are related to something unknown, i.e., that ... -
Kjønnsroller i skolens samfunnsfag: Kunnskap og lærebøker gjennom fire læreplanperioder
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Artikkelen tar for seg hvordan kunnskap om kjønnsroller har blitt framstilt i lærebøker i samfunnsfag over mer enn tre tiår. Kjønn og likestilling fikk en viktig plass i Mønsterplanen av 1974, og analysen starter med bøker ... -
Utdanningshistoriens skjæringspunkter og muligheter
(Others, 2024) -
Literature in language education: Exploring EFL learners' literary competence profiles
(Journal article, 2024)Literary competence is a critical component of foreign language education and has far-reaching implications for language learners’ linguistic and cultural development. This article reports on a study that examined how the ... -
Samfunn og samhandling under press: Betydning for pedagogisk praksis og teori
(Chapter, 2024)Samfunnet er i endring – det uforutsette setter sine spor; kriser, trusler, etterretning, pandemier, krig, ideologikonflikter, teknologisk utvikling, målstyring, økonomiske forskjeller og miljø- og bærekraftutfordringer ... -
The relationship between interaction mindsets and language teachers’ self-development practices
(Chronicle, 2024)Self-development is a crucial aspect of language teaching as it fosters various dimensions of language teacher cognition, affect, and identity, ultimately contributing to better learning outcomes. Most studies on language ... -
Alle må med: Styreres erfaringer med å etablere og utvikle profesjonelle læringsfellesskap i barnehagen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Denne artikkelen undersøker barnehagestyreres erfaringer med etablering og utvikling av profesjonelle læringsfellesskap i egne barnehager. Studien springer ut av et større utviklingsarbeid gjennom Regional ordning for ... -
Family language policy: The impact of multilingual experiences at university and language practices at home
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article presents the findings from a study that explored how the language practices and management to which 156 students from universities in China reported being exposed at home, alongside their language beliefs, use ... -
A controlled weight loss intervention study among women of Somali background in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Women of Somali background in Norway have a high prevalence of overweight and obesity, compared with women in the general Norwegian population. For lifestyle interventions to be applicable for immigrants to ...