Institutt for estetiske fag
Recent Submissions
Å (sammen)filte(s) med ull og steder gjennom a-r-t-ografens agenser i egen undervisning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Artikkelen er skrevet frem med utgangspunkt i en undervisningssituasjon sammen med en gruppe barnehagelærerstudenter og store mengder kassert ull fra norsk villsau. Med a-r-t-ografi som forskningsmetodologi og pedagogisk ... -
An “in vivo” analysis of crafts practices and creativity—Why affordances provide a productive lens
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Scholars are increasingly recognizing that creativity is grounded in the active sensorimotor engagement with the environment and materiality. Affordances—recognizable pointers to action opportunities in the ecology—provide ... -
What affords being creative? Opportunities for novelty in light of perception, embodied activity, and imaginative skill
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)An affordance perspective highlights how resourceful the ecology is for creative actions of all sorts; it captures how creativity is grounded in materiality. In contrast to “canonical affordances” (i.e., “ready-to-hand,” ... -
How Did Children With Disabilities Experience Education and Social Welfare During Covid-19?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Research suggests that children with disabilities have been systemically marginalised during the Covid-19 pandemic as contamination measures complicated some social policies. School closure, quarantine, and the increased ... -
Teachers’ pedagogical beliefs in Norwegian school makerspaces
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In Norway, makerspaces are emerging as new educational contexts across all school levels. This trend is multifaceted as it is inspired by the global maker movement and supported by local initiatives as well as a national ... -
Introduction: Making as reflecting through interaction with the material environment
(Chapter, 2024)Recent advances in the context of embodied cognition and the “4Es” support inquiries into craft and design practice from an embodied perspective. This theoretical frame provides a view of active material engagement and ... -
Scaffolding visualization and mental rotation in designing and crafting
(Chapter, 2024)This chapter discusses visualization of shapes, specifically mental rotation, during design and craft practice and how this can be scaffolded with external aids. We present and discuss an autoethnographic case of a wood ... -
Dynamic affordances in human-material “dialogues”
(Chapter, 2024)This chapter investigates craft practices through the lens of affordances, a central concept in both the field of cognitive psychology and that of design and craft. We illustrate how practitioners skilfully respond to what ... -
(Chapter, 2024)Having explored the authors’ 4E(+) perspectives on learning through examples from the classroom and beyond, we can now reflect on what this means for teachers and teacher students more concretely. What are the implications ... -
Apprenticeship as a model for teaching and learning in formal education
(Chapter, 2024)In this chapter, the use of recorded video material and online connection to external experts is suggested to bring some of the real-life context and situatedness of a practice back into the formal classroom. Apprentice ... -
Thinking through hands in education
(Chapter, 2024)This chapter exemplifies and discusses the role of the body in teaching and learning. By the expression “thinking through hands”, we address the common misunderstanding that “thinking” is a process in our mind only and ... -
Editorial: Making in the Digital Era
(Conference object, 2024)Experiential Knowledge Special Interest Group (EKSIG) focusses on the understanding of ‘knowledge’ and ‘contribution to knowledge’ in design research, especially in the areas where designing forms part of the research ... -
Editorial: Embodiment and Experiential Knowledge
(Conference object, 2022)The chairs' introductory editorial for the Experiential Knowledge SIG theme track, 'Embodiment and Experiential Knowledge'. -
Introduction to the anthology
(Chapter, 2024)Imagine some of the learning stages you have passed to reach the developmental level where you are today. From your time as an infant in the cradle, reaching for the moving colours hanging from the mobile above your head, ... -
T-shaped craft researchers’ contribution in transdisciplinary research projects
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Transdisciplinary project groups are promoted as a way for coping with the growing complexity of research environments. In the context of archaeology and conservation, the knowhow of practitioner-researchers in crafts has ... -
At være i rolle/at være sig selv/at være ekko af de andre: Kunstpædagogen som udøvende og skabende samtidskunstner i performative æstetiske læreprocesser
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Med udgangspunkt i teaterfaglige perspektiver diskuterer jeg i denne artikel paralleller mellem kunstpædagogen og den udøvende og skabende samtidskunstner. Mine overvejelser baserer sig på erfaringer gjort gennem gestaltning ... -
Kunst som kunnskapsåpner: Om tvisyn som didaktisk begrep, mellommenneskelige fenomen og estetiske læreprosesser i barnehagelærerutdanningen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Hva skal en barnehagelærerstudent lære at mellommenneskelige fenomen er? Og hvordan skal en barnehagelærerutdanner undervise i mellommenneskelige fenomen? I denne artikkelen undersøker jeg disse spørsmålene ved å utvikle ... -
Utopier og realiteter i kunst og håndverksfaget – Rammefaktorers betydning for kunst og håndverksundervisningen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Artikkelen problematiserer avstanden mellom formuleringer og intensjoner i LK20, og de forutsetningene lærerne har for å gjennomføre undervisning i kunst og håndverksfaget. Ut fra sin egenart ivaretar faget sentrale ... -
Reducing inequalities among species through an arts-based inquiry in early childhood teacher education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article is based on a study in outdoor arts-based education with Norwegian early childhood teacher students. Their teachers of drama and art & crafts (also the researchers and authors of this article) facilitated the ... -
Læringssyn i skaparrørslelitteraturen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Skaparrørsla (på engelsk Maker movement) veks raskt verda over og løftar fabrikasjon- og kommunikasjonsteknologi som nye verktøy inn i kreative prosessar, saman med det skapande menneskje som nøkkelspelar i den digitale ...