Institutt for tradisjonskunst og folkemusikk
Recent Submissions
Nye slåtter på sjøfløyta
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article describes how a traditional fiddle repertoire can be adapted and applied to the recorder flute. The starting point is practical, where a springleik material in Gudbrandsdalen has been transferred to the recorder, ... -
Lost in transcription: Transkripsjonspraksis av den vokale folkemusikken for bruk innan dokumentasjon, forsking og opplæring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article focuses on the transcription of vocal folk music in Norway, and furthermore on how such transcriptions are used and interpreted. It could be stated that notation, as we know it today, is not fully feasible for ... -
Ikke noe TikTok, digital didaktikk, takk - Kulturskolenes erfaringer og læringsutbytte ved bruk av digitale medier under koronapandemien
(Research report, 2021)Som følge av koronapandemien og nedstengningen av store deler av samfunnet våren 2020, stengte også kulturskolen i stor grad ned sin regulære virksomhet. Mange steder responderte kulturskolene på krisen med å utvikle ulike ... -
Estonian and Norwegian Sheep Wool as a Textile Material Properties and Possibilities for Use Based on the Example of the Wool of Six Sheep Breeds
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In Estonia, up to 90% of local wool is not adequately valued, while in Norway, due to the well-functioning wool-buying and -sorting system, a large part of local wool is used purposefully. However, both countries have room ... -
Negotiating traditional music in educational spaces: An ethnographic case study of the Norwegian Academy of Music.
(Chapter, 2023)This article engages with issues of musical belongings in institutional spaces in higher music education. It makes an ethnographic case study of the Norwegian Academy of Music and explores how traditional music was established ... -
Bins, Spans, and Tolerance: Three Theories of Microtiming Behavior
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study compares three recent theories of expressive microtiming in music. While each theory was originally designed to engage a particular musical genre—Anne Danielsen’s beat bins for funk, Neo-Soul, and other contemporary ... -
Segmentation, Transcription, Analysis and Visualisation of the Norwegian Folk Music Archive
(Chapter, 2022)We present an ongoing project dedicated to the transmutation of a collection of field recordings of Norwegian folk music established in the 1960s into an easily accessible online catalogue augmented with advanced music ... -
Om det fysiske utgangspunktet for intonasjon på fele
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Artikkelen fokuserer på relasjonen mellom spilleteknikk på fele og hardingfele i folkemusikken og intonasjon. Det argumenteres for at det fysiske rammeverket, inkludert anatomien i hånd og fingre, påvirker intonasjonspraksisen. ... -
Å male i blått - om måling av intonasjon på hardingfele
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article investigates and discusses possible explanations for unconventional intonation practices in Norwegian Hardanger fiddle tunes. Software measurements of archive recordings, mainly of the Telemark fiddler Johannes ... -
Sounds familiar(?): Expertise with specific musical genres modulates timing perception and micro-level synchronization to auditory stimuli
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Musical expertise improves the precision of timing perception and performance – but is this expertise generic, or is it tied to the specific style(s) and genre(s) of one’s musical training? We asked expert musicians from ... -
Møter gjennom folkemusikk; fellesskap og særtrekk: Om Nordtrad og det årlige treffet for folkemusikkutdanninger i Norden og Baltikum
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The Nordtrad network was established in 1999 and has since 2000 arranged an annual gathering for students and teachers from the higher educations of folk/traditional music in the Nordic and Baltic countries. This article ... -
Truls Ørpen, oppskrivertradisjonen og de gode formene
(Journal article, 2020)De store samlingene med slå!enedtegnelser må studeres i lys av sin samtid. Det gjør dem ikke til dårligere kilder – tvert om kan de gi innsikter man ikke kan få av lydfestet dokumentasjonsmateriale. -
En, to, tre...? Om inkonsekvenser, variasjon og endring i springar- og polstakt i Norge
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The article addresses deviations from articulated norms regarding the placement of bar lines in Norwegian triple metre springar and pols. The great variation within these genres has played a major role as a marker of what ... -
Rikard Berge – dokumentasjon av folkemusikk gjennom fonograf og fotografi
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article explores the documentation of Norwegian traditional music, to be found in the Norwegian folklorist Richard Berge’s (1881 –1969) phonograph and photography archives. The article discusses how Berge proceeded ... -
Crafting nature, crafting self: An ecophilosophy of friluftsliv, craftmaking and sustainability
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article is based on a project in the Regional Research Fund (“Oslofjorden”) that explores the relationship between friluftsliv (outdoor life), craftmaking and sustainability in the context of the friluftsliv program ... -
Empirical Research on Asymmetrical Rhythms in Scandinavian Folk Music: A Critical Review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Making sense of genre and style in the age of transcultural reproduction
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Through a discussion of the theoretical and empirical foundations of the concepts of style and genre, this article draws attention to the conceptual dilemmas that emerge when established regimes of musical ownership and ... -
Measuring Rhythm: A Context-Sensitive Approach
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)In this article I present some considerations on the measuring of musical rhythm with earlier research on rhythm and timing in Scandinavian traditional fiddle music as a point of reference (Ahlbäck, 1995; Bengtsson. 1974; ... -
Europeiske spor i hardingfelespringaren
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The older types of Norwegian traditional instrumental dance music have never been a central focus of Norwegian traditional music research. What little work has been done on the topic has tended to concentrate on the links ... -
Mælefjøllvisa - toner i bevegelse : om intonasjon i vokal folkemusikk
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The article is based on a case study, where a recording from 1937 with the traditional performer Aslak Brekke from Vinje, Telemark (1901-1978), has been the subject of technical measurement and analysis. The study points ...