Blar i Institutt for språk og litteratur på tittel
Viser treff 153-163 av 163
Verdas største skrøne: Om korleis folkrockgruppa LOMsk tolkar Peer Gynt-forteljinga
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article examines the album Bukkerittet (The Buck Ride) by the Norwegian folk rock group LoMsk. The album, released as a CD, contains motifs, characters and situations taken from the famous play Peer Gynt, written by ... -
Videolekser som ressurs for lesing og undervisning i lærerutdanning – En studie av hvordan samarbeid og partnerskap kan utvikles rundt lærerstudenters videoinnspilte leserefleksjoner
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Denne artikkelen rapporterer fra et pågående designeksperiment der et konsept kalt «videolekser» ble introdusert for å få innsikt i lærerstudenters lese- og læringsprosess. Konseptet ble laget i samarbeid mellom underviserne ... -
De viktige bildebokvalgene – lesing av bildebøker som estetisk aktivitet i 38 barnehager
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Denne artikkelen omhandler et utviklingsarbeid som involverte 38 barnehager. Et av målene med arbeidet var at barnehagene skulle få økt kompetanse om nye bildebøker. Et annet var at de skulle få økt kunnskap, og forståelse ... -
Vinjes Ferdaminni i opplysningsdialektisk perspektiv
(Chapter, 2021)Ferdaminni handler om Aasmund Olavsson Vinjes reise sommeren 1860. Karl XV skulle krones i Trondheims domkirke, og Vinje dro som journalist for Dølen. Men ønsket om å bli bedre kjent med Norge var nok minst like viktig som ... -
Vocabulary learning strategies in extramural English gaming and their relationship with vocabulary knowledge
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Research has shown that students learning English as a foreign language can enhance their vocabulary knowledge through exposure to the target language outside of school. However, little is known about whether certain ... -
Water and Insularity as Structural Elements in D.H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow and Women in Love
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The article argues that the element of water (supplemented by the presence of islands and an island existence) serves as a wide-ranging and thus typically modernist leitmotif in the duology The Rainbow and Women in Love, ... -
Who am I? How Newly Arrived Immigrant Students Construct Themselves Through Multimodal Texts
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article presents a study of how teenage immigrant students, newly arrived in Norway, constructed themselves discursively through a number of identity texts. Drawing on theories from New Literacy Studies, Critical ... -
Why are you talking like that, sir? Il-Limbi, phonology and class in contemporary Egypt
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article investigates the phonological patternings in the speech of il-Limbi, an immensely popular character in Egyptian comedy; and it stands therefore at a crossroads between cultural studies and linguistics. Il-Limbi ... -
Why is educational change so difficult and how can we make it more effective?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)One main issue in educational research and policy is educational change. Educational authorities, scholars and teachers working with educational change should ask themselves why educational change is necessary, reflect on ... -
A wild animal inside my house: An analysis of the children´s picture book Sven the Otter and the Magic Rock by Espen Villseth and Anita Sletten
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Svenn, a wild otter, has become an Instagram celebrity with over 140,000 followers around the world. Svenn has his own YouTube channel and Facebook page. Moreover, in December 2020, NRK, an influential Norwegian TV channel, ... -
Å balansere teoretiske perspektiv i grammatikkinnføringer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Artikkelen drøfter hvilken rolle de tre sentrale teoretiske rammeverka generativ lingvistikk, kognitiv lingvistikk og systemisk-funksjonell lingvistikk har i forskning på grammatikk og i undervisning i grammatikk på ...