Blar i Institutt for språk og litteratur på tittel
Viser treff 64-83 av 163
Gender shift in a Norwegian diminutive construction
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)In this article, we discuss the ei litta construction in Norwegian, a construction that involves the use of feminine morphology combined with non-feminine nouns, and expresses evaluation. Through corpus analyses and an ... -
Hacia la síntesis del voseo tuteante. Notas sobre su historia y su variación
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Voseo tuteante is a most relevant isogloss of Spanish, and the culmination of a long historical process. As a form of address, it requires the analysis of the address system for a proper contextualization. As historical ... -
«Han har da ei Lærebygning» Aasmund Olavsson Vinje sitt syn på Knud Knudsen i Dølen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Knud Knudsen (1812–1895) and Aasmund O. Vinje (1818–1870) were two prominent Norwegian figures in the nineteenth century. Although they are both frequently mentioned in various books and texts about Norwegian language ... -
Historien, estetikken og etikken. Tre lesninger av Sara Stridsbergs Happy Sally
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)I artikkelen diskuteres Sara Stridsbergs debutroman Happy Sally (2004) med utgangspunkt i de tre begrepene historie, estetikk og etikk. Teoretisk fundert i narrativ psykologi og estetisk teori viser artikkelens to første ... -
How police investigators seek to secure that suspects speaking a second language understand their rights in investigative interviews
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study presents an empirical investigation of 54 police interviews in Norway conducted with suspects speaking Norwegian as a second language. Using Conversation Analysis as our method, we examine how investigators seek ... -
How teachers use prosody to guide students towards an adequate answer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This paper focuses on the role prosodic features play in displaying evaluative stance in desk talks and oral exams in Norwegian secondary schools. We explore the extent to which teachers make available, to students, their ... -
Hvordan lages barn? Bildebøker for barn om hvordan barn blir til
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)I denne artikkelen analyseres fire bildebøker for barn der temaet er hvordan barn blir til. Målet er å undersøke hvordan voksensamfunnet formidler dette tilsynelatende tabubelagte og sensitive emnet til små barn gjennom ... -
The impact of multilingualism and learning patterns on student achievement in English and other subjects in higher education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Students’ mindsets, multilingualism, learning styles and self-regulation strategies, which represent parts of their learning patterns, can affect their academic achievement in various ways. This article presents the results ... -
Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of spoken, written and material narratives
(Chapter, 2022)The chapter presents the historical and theoretical foundation that unite the volume chapters. It briefly describes the historical backdrop that has motivated the volume and the research project from which it has emanated, ... -
Intonational production as a window into children’s early pragmatic competence: The case of the Norwegian polarity focus and two jo particles
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The use of the Norwegian intonation pattern Polarity Focus highlights the polarity of a contextually given thought and enables the speaker to signal whether she believes it to be a true or false description of some state ... -
Jeg Gotta Like Spille Fortnite, Men I Never Win the Game: Implementing Multilingual Pedagogies in a Norwegian Primary School
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Teachers in Norway have been increasingly faced with the challenge of adapting their instruction methods to address the needs of minority-language students. The current body of research on the issue seems to indicate that ... -
Jules Verne for norske lesere gjennom 100 år
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Artikkelen gir en oversikt over utgivelser fra norske forlag i hundreårsperioden fra den første Verne-oversettelsen kom på trykk i Christiania i 1873 og frem til 1971. Da kom den hittil eneste oversettelsen av forfatterens ... -
The King in Exile: Ecocriticism, Lawrence and Animals
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)According to Timothy Morton Lawrence’s “ecological awareness” has a fivefold basis: a rousseauesque critique of civilization, the cultural pessimism of the late nineteenth century, the experience of growing up in an ... -
Kritisk lesing av historiske saktekster. Fire vg3-elevers forståelse av en antisemittisk tekst
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Kritisk tilnærming til tekst er et av områdene i de nye kjerneelementene i norskfaget. I denne artikkelen undersøker vi hvordan høypresterende elever på Vg3 forstår en historisk saktekst med antisemittisk innhold, og hvilke ... -
Kritisk tekstkompetanse i norskfaget Korleis elevar på 8. trinn les og vurderer multimodale kommersielle tekstar
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Denne artikkelen presenterer funn frå ei spørjeundersøking om kritisk lesing og vurdering som omfattar eit utval på 228 norske elevar på åttande trinn (13–14 år). Studien undersøkjer både kva oppfatningar om kritisk lesing ... -
La palabra lúdica: The recreational word
(Journal article, 2011)Erudition as a cultist topic and style, recreated in countless traditional sources, helps Colombian writer R. H. Moreno-Durán to establish a delicate equilibrium between the parodic forms of linguistics research and the ... -
Labialization in Cairene Arabic
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This paper investigates certain morphological categories in Cairene Arabic where the contrast between the short high vowels [i] and [u] is neutralized. The understanding of these neutralizations has direct consequences on ... -
The lamentable status of (queer) children in fandom: On being a fannish pariah
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This autoethnographic paper considers the place of (queer) children in fandom, focusing on fan fiction–centered fan communities. It explores, in particular, the ways in which these communities have been defined and policed ... -
Language aptitude and its links with metalinguistic knowledge, self-efficacy, anxiety, and language maintenance in multilingual language teachers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Language teachers cannot help their students develop high levels of metalinguistic knowledge and language aptitude if they themselves are found lacking in these abilities. This article reports on a study that utilised a ... -
Language contact across the lifespan
(Chapter, 2019)The outcome of a multilingual encounter depends on a number of factors. Contact may be of various kinds and may differ in duration, and speakers may belong to different sociocultural groups depending on such variables as ...