Browsing Institutt for estetiske fag by Title
Now showing items 79-98 of 105
Scaffolding visualization and mental rotation in designing and crafting
(Chapter, 2024)This chapter discusses visualization of shapes, specifically mental rotation, during design and craft practice and how this can be scaffolded with external aids. We present and discuss an autoethnographic case of a wood ... -
Sense-making through Touch Interaction with a Picturebook App
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Many picturebooks are published today as software applications (apps) for touch devices, presenting many opportunities for sensory experiences and interaction. A person’s sense-making is embodied (or grounded) in sensory ... -
Skapende arbeid med grunnformsproblematikk. En inngangsport til visuell og kulturell forståelse
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Denne artikkelen bygger på erfaringene med et grunnformsbasert utsmykningsprosjekt på en barneskole og to undervisningsprosjekter knyttet opp mot utsmykningen og dens tematikk - det ene med studenter i lærerutdanningen og ... -
Sløyden i endring: 35 år med NordFo 1985-2020
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Denne artikkelen undersøker temaområder som karakteriserer den nordiske sløyden og avdekker ulike påvirkningsfaktorer som styrer fagområdets utvikling. Som empiri anvendes en kartlegging av 145 plenumsforedrag avholdt på ... -
Studying Material Interactions to Facilitate a Sense of Being with the World
(Chapter, 2020)Material interactions are fundamental to design and craft education; however, they might also provide opportunities to reflect on sustainable behaviour in general. In this paper, we present an interdisciplinary undergraduate ... -
T-shaped craft researchers’ contribution in transdisciplinary research projects
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Transdisciplinary project groups are promoted as a way for coping with the growing complexity of research environments. In the context of archaeology and conservation, the knowhow of practitioner-researchers in crafts has ... -
Tanatologiens poetikk Et undersøkende essay om fotografi, empati og døden
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Essayet har vært en måte å tolke mitt skapende arbeid på. Jeg tar utgangspunkt i egen kunstnerisk praksis, dvs. kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid, og en fotografiserie med tittelen The Poetics of Thanatology. Teksten reflekterer ... -
Teachers’ pedagogical beliefs in Norwegian school makerspaces
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In Norway, makerspaces are emerging as new educational contexts across all school levels. This trend is multifaceted as it is inspired by the global maker movement and supported by local initiatives as well as a national ... -
Technology and new educational practices: Videostories as tool for promoting pedagogical reflection?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Ved universiteter og høgskoler tar ledelsen og støtte- og utviklingsmiljøer ulike grep for å motivere fagansatte til å utforske digitale teknologiers pedagogiske potensialer. De ønsker også å utvikle mer aktive og fleksible ... -
There and back again: A carver’s tale of losing and regaining sense of space due to a brain tumour
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Sense of space is a core cognitive ability necessary for imagining future three-dimensional forms, rotating them mentally, as well as for abstract thinking. It is a core ability in craft activities, enabling the maker to ... -
Thinking through hands in education
(Chapter, 2024)This chapter exemplifies and discusses the role of the body in teaching and learning. By the expression “thinking through hands”, we address the common misunderstanding that “thinking” is a process in our mind only and ... -
Transforming physical materials into artefacts – learning in the school’s practice of Sloyd
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)This article describes learning and interaction in the practice of Sloyd [Craft and Design, sw. Slöjd] when pupils in the school’s practice of sloyd work on and transform material into a sloyd object in the Swedish ... -
Underlying the carver’s experience: Sensorimotor modulation in cerebellum when carving wood
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Woodcarvers often report their experiences as having an intense internal focus, and feeling of a close connection to the material. This article explore key processes in cells and organs that underlies these experiences, ... -
Undersøkende praksis - tema- og prosjektorientert bildeundervisning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)På basis av fagkritiske holdning og sterkt inspirert av dansk billedpedagogikk, har jeg utviklet det jeg kaller Undersøkende praksis (UP). UP er tema- og prosjektorientert bildeundervisning og kan kort karakteriseres som ... -
Utfordringer ved bruk og deling av visuelle uttrykk i en digital tidsalder
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)De siste tiårenes teknologiske utvikling av bilderedigering og bildedeling har forandret hvordan bilder brukes som medium i kunst, kultur og kommunikasjon. Dette fører med seg andre problemstillinger knyttet til bruk og ... -
Utopier og realiteter i kunst og håndverksfaget – Rammefaktorers betydning for kunst og håndverksundervisningen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Artikkelen problematiserer avstanden mellom formuleringer og intensjoner i LK20, og de forutsetningene lærerne har for å gjennomføre undervisning i kunst og håndverksfaget. Ut fra sin egenart ivaretar faget sentrale ... -
Vad och hur gör de? - att synliggöra lärande i grundskolans slöjdpraktik via videoetnografi och mikroanalys
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Artikeln bygger på resultat och erfarenheter av etnografiskt insamlade videoinspelningar från grundskolans slöjdundervisning utgående från tre studier; dels vid ett projekt med förstudier under slutet av 1990-talet (Johansson, ... -
Video as a Tool for Knowing and Telling in Practice-led Craft Research
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)As craft practices have been taken up in academia, practitioner-researchers meet the challenge of articulating experiential knowledge of their practice. This position asks the researcher to first document and make sense ... -
Visual ethnography as a tool in exploring children?s embodied making processes in pre-primary education
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This article presentsand discussesvisual ethnography as a methodological approach to research on embodied making and learning in pre-primary education. The article reflectsonhowvisual ethnography (Pink, 2007) contributes ... -
What affords being creative? Opportunities for novelty in light of perception, embodied activity, and imaginative skill
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)An affordance perspective highlights how resourceful the ecology is for creative actions of all sorts; it captures how creativity is grounded in materiality. In contrast to “canonical affordances” (i.e., “ready-to-hand,” ...