Browsing Fakultet for humaniora, idretts- og utdanningsvitenskap by Title
Now showing items 524-543 of 999
Mainstream Norwegian Medievalism in the Twenty-first Century Continuity and Change in Narrative and Form
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Scholarship and media discussions of Medievalism in contemporary Norway has focused on the right-wing and fascist movements use of Vikings and medieval history and forgotten the medievalism that permeates mainstream Norwegian ... -
Making as a Way of Interacting with the Environment
(Chapter, 2020)As craft practitioners, we interact closely and intimately with materials and tools. As we learn to listen to the voice of a material, to the possibilities and limitations it presents, we adjust our intentions to what is ... -
Making It News: Money and Marketing in the Expatriate Modernist Little Magazine in Europe
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This article deals with practical and economic aspects of expatriate little magazine production and should be seen as furthering the understanding of the economic and promotional underpinnings of modernist cultural expression ... -
Making matters? Unpacking the role of practical aesthetic making activities in the general education through the theoretical lens of embodied learning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)New knowledge on cognition and learning generated in the various fields of neuroscience is now being incorporated into the learning sciences. This development might have broad significance for the theoretical development ... -
Making sense of genre and style in the age of transcultural reproduction
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Through a discussion of the theoretical and empirical foundations of the concepts of style and genre, this article draws attention to the conceptual dilemmas that emerge when established regimes of musical ownership and ... -
Making “Cuts” with a Holstein Cow in Early Childhood Education and Care: The Joys of Representation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article explores children’s play with representations of animals, specifically the Holstein cow, as noninnocent care practices in the context of early childhood education and care environments. We use Barad’s relational ... -
Managing Risk of Non-Communicable Diseases in Women with Bulimia Nervosa or Binge Eating Disorders: A Randomized Trial with 12 Months Follow-Up
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Persons with bulimia nervosa (BN) or binge eating disorder (BED) have an elevated risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). However, lowering this risk is rarely addressed in standard cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT). ... -
Managing students’ insufficient answers in oral examinations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)What happens when students cannot answer teachers’ questions in oral examinations? This study investigates how teachers manage students’ insufficient answers in disciplinary oral competence exams (DOCEs) in the secondary ... -
"Mange er kalt, men få er utvalgt" : kunstnerroller i endring
(Rapport 215, Research report, 2004)Denne rapporten er utarbeidet som del av prosjektet ”’Mange er kalt, men få er utvalgt’. Sosiokulturelle og kulturpolitiske utvelgelsesprosesser ved rekruttering til kunstnerrollen.” Prosjektet har vært finansiert av Norges ... -
Maritime Students’ Use and Perspectives of Cloud-Based Desktop Simulators: CSCL and Implications for Educational Design
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study investigates the challenges and opportunities of using cloud-based simulators for training in maritime education and training (MET). The aim is to map bachelor students’ use and perspectives to inform educational ... -
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods Applied to a Synchronous Generator Model
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approaches are widely used for tuning model parameters to fit process measurements. While modern probabilistic programming languages (PPLs) such as Stan, PyMC, and Turing have made it easier ... -
Master design, kunst og håndverk: Sammenfatning av masteroppgaver 2017
(Master i formgiving, kunst og håndverk;5/2016, Others, 2017)Kjære leser, Undersøkelse og forskning i eget skapende arbeid er omfattende og byr på en rekke utfordringer knyttet til både klargjøring av begreper og teoretiske rammer og til tilegnelse av kunnskap gjennom praktisk arbeid. ... -
Master formgivning, kunst og håndverk: Presentasjon av masterstudentenes oppgaver i estetisk skapende prosjekt og pilotprosjekt
(Others, 2015)Å kunne lære, kommunisere, samhandle, delta, utforske, skape og å ha fagspesifikk kompetanse er fremtidens kompetanseområde for å håndtere fremtidige oppgaver i samfunnet. Det er anbefalinger fra Ludvigsen utvalget. ... -
Master formgivning, kunst og håndverk: Presentasjon av masterstudentenes oppgaver i estetisk skapende prosjekt, pilotprosjekt og andre tekster
(Others, 2014)Dette mastertidsskriftet er en presentasjon av studentoppgaver ved master i formgivning, kunst og håndverk ved høgskolen i Telemark, campus Notodden. Studiet er en videreføring og videreutvikling av Rammeplan for hovedfag ... -
Master formgivning, kunst og håndverk: Sammenfatning av masteroppgaver våren 2014, og andre tekster
(Others, 2014)Kjære leser, Det er en ekstra stor glede for meg å kunne presentere første nummeret av et mastertidsskrift som er dedikert masterstudentenes oppgaver ved høgskolen i Telemark, Notodden. Dette første nummeret er en presentasjon ... -
Master formgivning, kunst og håndverk: Sammenfatning av masteroppgaver våren 2015, 2013 og fagartikkel
(Others, 2015)Kjære leser, Å etablere et eget akademisk formingsfaglig miljø har vært sentralt for fagmiljøet siden etableringen av Hovedfag i forming i Norge i 1979. Dette er blitt gjort gjennom å utvikle studieplaner og praktisk ... -
Master formgivning, kunst og håndverk: Sammenfatning av masteroppgaver våren 2016 og fagartikkel
(;5, Others, 2016)Artikkelen til Erling Framgard er et av bidragene til vitenskapelige artikler i Formakademisk. Bidragene i Formakademisk og Techne er viktige for fagutvikling og fagformidling innen design, designdidaktikk, kunst og håndverk ... -
Mastering the artful practice of navigation: The situated endorsement of professional competence in post-simulation evaluations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In this study, the ambition is to explore in situ which aspects of professional performance students are made accountable for in evaluations carried out by means of simulator-based competence tests. Methodologically, the ... -
Mat og måltid som symbol for modring: En analyse av bildebøkene Mor av Kim Fupz Aakeson og Mette-Kirstine Bak og Stripekalven av Marit Kaldhol og Justyna Nyka
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In this article, we analyze the picturebooks Mor (Mother, 1998) by Kim Fupz Aakeson and Mette-Kirstine Bak and Stripekalven (The Striped Calf, 2008) by Marit Kaldhol and Justyna Nyka based on the following question: How ... -
A mathematics teacher’s storylines about CME-teachings, mathemacy and newly arrived students’ mathematical competence
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article highlights storylines that have emerged during interviews with a teacher who is trying out Critical Mathematics Education in his multicultural and multilingual class of 10th grade students. The aims for the ...