Browsing Fakultet for humaniora, idretts- og utdanningsvitenskap by Title
Now showing items 156-175 of 1012
D.H. Lawrence between the Relative and the Absolute: From Religion and Science to Art and Life
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The paper will first of all attempt to examine Lawrence’s relationship with the relative and the absolute in the context of the intellectual climate around the turn of the century. The focus here will be primarily on the ... -
Da prinsessen og halve kongeriket glapp - om skole og samfunnsintegrasjon på norsk
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)I 2014 bestemte det norske kronprinsparet seg for å ta barna ut av den offentlige skolen. Tronarvingen, prinsesse Ingrid Alexandra, begynte på Oslo International School, en privatskole med høy egenbetaling der undervisningen ... -
Dagboksmetod - att beskriva slöjdarbete med elevers och lärares egna ord
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)I denna artikel ligger fokus på dagbokstexter för reflektion och lärande i skolans slöjdundervisning. Att dokumentera och skriva om sin dag och sina känslor har förekommit sedan människan började skriva. Dagböcker som ... -
Danningsperspektiver i grunnskolens eksamensoppgaver i norsk
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Artikkelen er en analyse av grunnskolens eksamen i norsk. I analysen sammenlignes oppgavesettene gitt under L97 og LK06. Eksamensoppgavene blir drøftet i lys av danningsbegrepet og spesielt Wolfgang Klafkis teorier. Analysen ... -
Data use in education: alluring attributes and productive processes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Dårlige vaner og manglende sans for spillet? Et kroppssosiologisk essay om norsk fotballs forståelse for spillet.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)I dette essayet analyseres manglende internasjonale resultater for norsk fotball siden tidlig 2000-tall med utgangspunkt i henholdsvis Merleau-Pontys fenomenologiske og Bourdieus sosiologiske perspektiver om kroppsliggjøring. ... -
De la multiculturalidad a la identidad sutil. Una propuesta para la transferencia identitaria
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Las migraciones masivas de población, en particular a Europa, siempre han generado conflictos; pero si además estas ocurren bajo una profunda crisis económica, se crea un ambiente propicio para las expresiones xenófobas o ... -
De olympiske vinterlekene i 1952 : politisk legitimering og debatt
(Journal article, 2006)De olympiske vinterlekene i 1994 på Lillehammer har vært gjenstand for mange forskningsprosjekter, evalueringer og utredninger. Imidlertid finnes det lite forskning på dette arrangementet i Oslo i 1952. I det følgende skal ... -
Decolonial Options in Education – Interrupting Coloniality and Inviting Alternative Conversations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)With the call for papers to this special issue of the Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education, the purpose was to initiate a conversation on decolonial options in education. This might not bean expected ... -
Deconstructing autonomy: The case of principals in the North of Europe
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Principal autonomy has been identified as an important ingredient in effective and healthy schools. However, little is known about the various dimensions of the phenomenon and how it takes form in different contexts. This ... -
Defining compulsive exercise in eatingdisorders: acknowledging the exerciseparadox and exercise obsessions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Recently Dittmer et al. (JED 6:1–9, 2018). suggested a transdiagnostic definition and a clinical assessment for compulsive exercise in adolescents and adults with eating disorders. In this letter to the editor, we extend ... -
Deformations of rational surface singularities and reflexive modules with an application to flops
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Blowing up a rational surface singularity in a reflexive module gives a (any) partial resolution dominated by the minimal resolution. The main theorem shows how deformations of the pair (singularity, module) relates to ... -
"Dei skar so månge skøre i ein kjeppe [...]" : om pinner med innskårne hakk funnet under kirkegulv
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004)Archaeological research under churches has unearthed a substantial and varied range of finds. Among the numerous types of objects found are sticks with carved notches. The function these sticks have had, and the reason why ... -
Delegitimizing multicultural education: populist politicians in Norway and the weaponizing of the autobiographical genre
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The rise of populism in Norway has witnessed sustained efforts at undermining multicultural education. Given their distrust of established and mediated channels of public communication, several populist politicians seem ... -
Democracy and science: two sides of the same coin?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Democracy and science, according to a number of researchers, share several basic characteristics like critical thinking, public discourse, open debate, free flow of information, mutual respect, and the critical role of ... -
Demokratisk dialog i kulturminneforvaltningen. Et slag om fortiden?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This article discusses which consequences the political aims about increased use of dialogue and democracy in Norwegian heritage management can have for the sector. Today all levels of public management in Norway are ... -
Demokratisk industriarv? Kulturarvifisering og identitet i øvre Telemarks verdensarvområde
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Industrial heritage supposedly offers workers a right to a past and has therefore been celebrated as democratic. Authorities continue to applaud democratization, supporting and encouraging heritage for all, in an open and ... -
Den livskraftige barnehagen: En økofilosofisk-pedagogisk tilnærming
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Artikkelen utvikler en økopedagogisk-filosofisk tilnærming til den livskraftige barnehagen som en framtidens barnehage for en naturvennlig og bærekraftig utvikling. Empirien bygger på et aksjonsforskningsprosjekt i ...