Blar i Fakultet for humaniora, idretts- og utdanningsvitenskap på tittel
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«saalænge Eventyr kan Hjertet røre»: Aasmund Olavsson Vinje og folkeminnene
(Chapter, 2021)Den 4. januar 1852 publiserte Aasmund Olavsson Vinje et hyllingsdikt til eventyr- og sagnsamleren Peter Chr. Asbjørnsen (1812–1885) i avisa Drammens Tidende. Diktet etterfølges av en rosende omtale av Asbjørnsens språklige ... -
Sammenhenger mellom digitalisering og utdanningskvalitet - innspill og utspill.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)I denne studien har vi analysert 22 av de totalt 91 innspillene som ble sendt til ministeren i forbindelse med utformingen av Stortingsmelding 16 (2016-2017) Kultur for kvalitet i høyere utdanning (Kunnskapsdepartementet, ... -
Sårbarhet som profesjonsetisk kompetanse? En metarefleksjon basert på undervisning i skapende dans i høyere utdanning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)I denne artikkelen stilles spørsmål om erfaringer av sårbarhet kan gis relevans i relasjon til profesjonsetisk kompetanse i lærerutdanning: Kan vi få fram troverdig kunnskap om betydningen av lærerutdannerens opplevde ... -
Scaffolding visualization and mental rotation in designing and crafting
(Chapter, 2024)This chapter discusses visualization of shapes, specifically mental rotation, during design and craft practice and how this can be scaffolded with external aids. We present and discuss an autoethnographic case of a wood ... -
School Children’s Physical Activity and Preferred Activities during Outdoor Recess in Estonia: Using Accelerometers, Recess Observation, and Schoolyard Mapping
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Studies about recess have found that children have higher physical activity (PA) during outdoor recess compared to indoor recess, and well-constructed schoolyards play an important role in stimulating PA in children. This ... -
School leadership in data use practices: collegial and consensus-oriented
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background: Previous research has highlighted the importance of school leadership in the productive use of student performance data. However, less is understood about the specific ways in which school leaders discuss this ... -
Schoolyard Affordances for Physical Activity: A Pilot Study in 6 Nordic–Baltic Countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Environmental settings influence children’s and adolescents’ physical activity (PA) in neighborhoods and schoolyards. This study aimed to explore the main characteristics of schoolyards in six Nordic–Baltic countries, to ... -
Science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge development during enactment of socioscientific curriculum materials
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The purpose of this study is to provide insight into short‐term professionalization of teachers regarding teaching socioscientific issues (SSI). The study aimed to capture the development of science teachers' pedagogical ... -
Scientification of Norwegian football in the 1990s and the emergence of a new regime of knowledge
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The present paper aims to analyse the importance of science in Norwegian men’s football’s successful period in the 1990s. A main purpose is to examine how the ideas of Egil ‘Drillo’ Olsen (coach of the men’s national team) ... -
Scottish education through Norwegian eyes: Hartvig Nissen's report from his study trip to Scotland in 1853
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The article presents and analyses the first part of Norwegian educator Hartvig Nissen’s (1815–1874) comprehensive report from his study tour to Scotland in 1853. Nissen occupies an important place in Norwegian nineteenth-century ... -
Secular trends in infant feeding practices during the first year of life in Norway: Findings from 1998 to 2019 - the Spedkost surveys
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The aims of the present study were to assess secular trends in breast-feeding and to explore associations between age at introduction of solid foods and breast-feeding duration. Data from three national dietary surveys in ... -
‘Seeing Whiteness’ in Norwegian education challenging a discourse of silence
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Employing a systematic literature review, this study explores research into whiteness studies in Norwegian education. Whiteness is broached as a sociogenic rather than a phylogenic phenomenon homologous with constructed ... -
Segmentation, Transcription, Analysis and Visualisation of the Norwegian Folk Music Archive
(Chapter, 2022)We present an ongoing project dedicated to the transmutation of a collection of field recordings of Norwegian folk music established in the 1960s into an easily accessible online catalogue augmented with advanced music ... -
Sekularisering eller modernisering? Offentlig og politisk debatt om kristendomsfaget i 1946
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Denne artikkelen setter søkelys på kristendomsfagets rolle i vedtaket av framhaldsskoleloven i 1946, og diskuterer relasjonen mellom politiske føringer og offentlig debatt når det gjelder kristendommens status i norsk skole ... -
Semblanza mortis de R. H. Moreno Durán
(Journal article, 2006) -
Sense-making through Touch Interaction with a Picturebook App
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Many picturebooks are published today as software applications (apps) for touch devices, presenting many opportunities for sensory experiences and interaction. A person’s sense-making is embodied (or grounded) in sensory ... -
Ser du gorillaen i rommet? Om å undervise i observasjon ved bruk av fiksjonalisering
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)I denne dramaturgiske studien undersøker vi hvordan lærerstudenter trener på observasjon som ferdighet og metode for å forberede seg til observasjonspraksis i skolen. Treningen foregår i et profesjonsverksted, en arena for ... -
Shadow Schools-Tamil Educational Success in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper considers Tamil educational success in Norway. Employing Bourdieu’s cultural capital as a conceptual lens, the factors that drive Norwegian-Tamil parents’ educational ambitions for their children are explored. ... -
Shifting the eating disorder into the background—Friluftsliv as facilitating supportive strategies in everyday life recovery
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The aim of this qualitative study was to explore subjective experiences of howfriluftsliv can support processes of recovery for persons living with eating disorders. Eight participants with experiences with bulimia nervosa ...