Browsing Fakultet for humaniora, idretts- og utdanningsvitenskap by Title
Now showing items 713-732 of 1012
A Quest for Justice: Recognition and Migrant Interactions with Child Welfare Services in Norway
(Chapter, 2021)Norwegian Child Welfare Services (NCWS) has faced intense criticism regarding their interactions with migrant families, with international human rights monitoring mechanisms expressing concern regarding ethnic discrimination ... -
“Racism is a perfect crime”: favela residents’ everyday experiences of police pacification, urban militarization, and prejudice in Rio de Janeiro
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article examines residents’ everyday experiences and perceptions of changing urban politics and racism in a “pacified” favela, or poor informal neighbourhood, in Rio de Janeiro, drawing on longitudinal ethnographic ... -
Rampenissen i barnehagen: Formidling og forhandling av ikke-empiriske figurers ontologiske status i adventstiden
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Hvor går grensene mellom fiksjon og religion? Og hvordan blir barn overbevist om at noen figurer eksisterer, mens andre ikke gjør det? Denne artikkelen analyserer hvordan spørsmål om sannhet tilknyttet fantastiske og ... -
Reading intervention for students with intellectual disabilities without functional speech who require augmentative and alternative communication: a multiple single-case design with four randomized baselines
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Literacy is one of the most important skills a students can achieve, as it provides access to information and communication. Unfortunately, literacy skills are not easily acquired, especially for students with ... -
Reducing inequalities among species through an arts-based inquiry in early childhood teacher education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article is based on a study in outdoor arts-based education with Norwegian early childhood teacher students. Their teachers of drama and art & crafts (also the researchers and authors of this article) facilitated the ... -
Reflective practice research in teacher education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In this essay the approach of reflective practice research, as introduced by the philosopher Anders Lindseth, is outlined and its relevance for teacher education is discussed. For that purpose, central theoretical as well ... -
Refleksjon i barnehagelærerutdanningen
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Hensikten med denne artikkelen er å diskutere hvordan refleksjon anvendes i ulik fag- og forskningslitteratur som omhandler barnehagelærerutdanningen. I studier av tekstene finner jeg at refleksjon knyttes til teori og ... -
Refleksjoner fra deltakere ved et kurs i UH-pedagogikk
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Artikkelen retter søkelyset mot et bestemt kurs i universitets- og høgskolepedagogikk sett fra deltakernes refleksjoner over utbyttet av kurset. Målet med studien er å belyse hvilke funksjoner utdanning i UH-pedagogikk kan ... -
Regional og typologisk variasjon i norsk slåttemusikk : en kvantitativ tilnærming med et historisk perspektiv
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2009-06-16)The purpose of the dissertation is to shed light on regional and typological variations in Norwegian old-time fiddling in a historical perspective. I have analyzed 500 transcriptions of traditional tunes from different ... -
Rehab/ituation from a phenomenological perspective: The case of fencing for the blind and visually impaired
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The emerging discipline of fencing for the blind and visually impaired is a distinct practice that calls for the unconventional employment of perceptual affordances and bodily doings. This paper explores the meaning of ... -
Reimagining Japan and fighting extremism with the help of a superhero: a teacher’s tale
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Across Europe, teachers face the challenge of educating against extremism and xenophobia.This is no less the case in Japan, which commonly self-identifies as a homogeneous nation and where in recent years society has seen ... -
Relations between motor skills and language skills in toddlers and preschool-aged children
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The purpose of this longitudinal study is to (1) examine the relations between language and motor-life skills in toddlers and preschool-aged children (n = 646) in real-life situations; and (2) to explore how the level of ... -
Relationships Between Maximal Aerobic Speed, Lactate Threshold, and Double Poling Velocity at Lactate Threshold in Cross-Country Skiers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Purpose: To investigate the relationships between maximal aerobic speed (MAS), lactate threshold in per cent of peak oxygen uptake (LT) and velocity at LT (LTv) in cross-country skiers. Secondly, we aimed to explore the ... -
Relativ energimangel i idrett og redusert beinhelse – fysioterapeutens rolle i identifisering og håndtering
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
«Relevant for livet og skolekvardagen». En analyse av relevansbegrepets inntog i Den kulturelle skolesekken
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)I 2021 ble Barne- og ungdomskulturmeldingen Meld. St. 18 (2020–2021) Oppleve, skape, dele. Kunst og kultur for, med og av barn og unge behandlet i Stortinget. Ett av kapitlene omhandler Den kulturelle skolesekken (DKS), ... -
Relevant forskning for hvem? Relevans for dem forskningen involverer gjennom utvidede muligheter for medvirkning.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)ABSTRACT Denne artikkelen handler om forskerens forhold til dem som involveres direkte i forskningen. I aksjonsforskningsprosjekter kalles de gjerne deltagere eller medforskere. I andre typer prosjekter kalles de ofte ... -
Relevant Transformative Teacher Education for Future Generations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this article, we investigate the need for a relevant transformative teacher education when current and future societal challenges have been decisive in defining a Norwegian education reform where interdisciplinarity in ... -
Religion i Nav. Variasjoner i bakkebyråkraters vurderinger av religiøse reservasjoner.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Denne artikkelen undersøker hvordan Nav-ansatte erfarer, tolker og vurderer religiøse reservasjoner mot arbeidsrettede aktiviteter hos deres brukere. Analysen anvender et bakkebyråkratiperspektiv og er basert på empirisk ... -
Religious education, antisemitism and the curriculum in Norway.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Using a content analysis, this study critically explores the religious education (RE) curriculum for primary and secondary school in Norway with a view towards highlighting references to antisemitism and the Norwegian ... -
Religious Festivals in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Institutions: A Norwegian Case Study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper investigates how teachers at Norwegian early childhood education and care (ECEC) institutions interpret the national curriculum’s mandate that children should learn about religion and religious festivals. The ...