Browsing Fakultet for humaniora, idretts- og utdanningsvitenskap by Title
Now showing items 421-440 of 999
I en helhetlig tilnærming til læring er omsorg i sentrum
(Journal article, 2020)En helhetlig tilnærming til læring som ser omsorg, lek, læring og danning i sammenheng, er formulert i mandatet for barnehagelærerens arbeid (Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2017). Barnehagelærere møter i dag læringsdiskurser som ... -
‘I finally understand my mistakes’ – the benefits of screencast feedback
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study explores the impact of screencast feedback on maths tests for junior and high school students. While prior research emphasises the influence of feedback on learning, its effectiveness varies with type and delivery. ... -
I nærkamp med Notefienden: Skam, myndiggjøring og performativ læring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Denne studien er et bidrag til performativ musikkforskning, med et pedagogisk utgangspunkt. Metodologisk utforsker forfatterne eksperimentelle innganger til musikkforskning gjennom performance-skriving og collageteknikk. ... -
The ICC's investigation into the situation in Ukraine on the basis of referrals by third states parties to the Rome Statute: A commentary
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This commentary discusses the decision taken by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to open an investigation into the situation in Ukraine on the basis of referrals by a number of state parties to the ... -
Identification, Silence, Separation, and Imagination: Children’s Navigations of Christmas in a Religiously Diverse Norwegian Kindergarten
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Christmas plays an important role in kindergartens in all the Nordic countries. While for many, Christmas is a time for belonging, for others it is a time for withdrawal or longing. This article applies ethnographic data ... -
Identity Expression—the Case of ‘Sakawa’ Boys in Ghana
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Internet fraud remains a problem in Ghana and thus attracts the attention of teachers, researchers, civil society organisations, the state and policymakers. Existing studies on Internet fraud focused on the reasons, combat ... -
If Career Education Is the Solution, What Is the Implied Problem? A Critical Analysis of the Timetabled Subject of Educational Choice in Norwegian Schools
(Chapter, 2020)The Norwegian curriculum subject of Educational Choice aims to facilitate career learning in lower secondary school. A curriculum, as a policy document, describes the government’s expectations for what all Norwegian students ... -
IKT og nye llæreprosesser: Avsluttende rapport ved Høgskolen i Vestfold November 2003
(Research report, 2003)Prosjektet IKT og nye læreprosesser ble igangsatt høsten 2000 med to forsøksklasser henholdsvis på allmennlærer- og førskolelærerutdanningen. Ett år senere ble prosjektet utvidet/oppskalert til å gjelde alle nye studenter ... -
Illness and injury presenting to a Norwegian travel insurance company's helpline
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007)This study describes the prevalence of illness, injury and subsequent changes to homeward bound travel and the costs for a group of Norwegian travelers. The results of this study when compared with those of other European ... -
The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown During Spring 2020 on Personal Trainers’ Working and Living Conditions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose: The aim of this study was to map changes in working and living conditions of Norwegian personal trainers (PTs) during the Covid-19 lockdown spring 2020. Methods: A total of 150 PTs (mean (SD) age 35.5 (8.4) years, ... -
The impact of multilingualism and learning patterns on student achievement in English and other subjects in higher education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Students’ mindsets, multilingualism, learning styles and self-regulation strategies, which represent parts of their learning patterns, can affect their academic achievement in various ways. This article presents the results ... -
The impact of visualization techniques of immersive virtual scenarios in promoting nature connectedness: A blind randomized controlled trial with mixed-methods approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Little is known on whether and how different visualization techniques used to develop Immersive Virtual Nature (IVN) scenarios influence the users' subjective experience and feelings of nature connectedness. Methods: ... -
Improving Utilization of Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Work Economy in Recreational Cross-Country Skiers With High-Intensity Double-Poling Intervals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Purpose: To investigate the effect of a double-poling (DP) high-intensity aerobic interval-training (HIT) intervention performed without increasing total HIT volume. This means that regular HIT training (eg, running) was ... -
An “in vivo” analysis of crafts practices and creativity—Why affordances provide a productive lens
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Scholars are increasingly recognizing that creativity is grounded in the active sensorimotor engagement with the environment and materiality. Affordances—recognizable pointers to action opportunities in the ecology—provide ... -
Inaktive ungdommer - en av vår tids største utfordringer. Sluttrapport (2015 – 2018)
(Research report, 2019)FARVE-prosjektet «Inaktiv ungdom en av vår tids største utfordringer» (2015-2019) kom som et tilsvar til den omfattende kvantitative forskningen på skolegjennomføring og –avbrudd som forelå i Norge rundt 2012, da det var ... -
Indigenous Peoples on the Move: Intersectional Invisibility and the Quest for Pluriversal Human Rights for Indigenous Migrants from Venezuela in Brazil
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Indigenous migrants are often treated without regard for their status as Indigenous Peoples, as if their migrant status would hierarchically supersede their Indigenous one. The flow of Indigenous migrants from Venezuela ... -
"Inn ho stig med heilag' Fakter" : trekk fra det folkereligiøse liv i Telemark
(Journal article, 1999) -
Innledning - Fra industri til industriarv
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Industrialisering er et vesentlig kjennetegn ved utviklingen av moderne samfunn. Når en rekke områder i dag både beskrives og behandles som postindustrielle, ryddes industrisamfunn inn i en ordnet fortid som omgås, erfares ... -
Interaction-quality and children’s social competence in Norwegian ECEC.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This study investigated whether interaction quality in toddler groups, when children were age three, was associated with changes in children’s social competence from age three to age five years in Norwegian Early Childhood ... -
Intercultural empathy among Norwegian students: an inclusive citizenship perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In recent decades, Norwegian schools have experienced increased cultural diversification among students. Growing heterogeneity in origin and culture may enhance the risk of student marginalisation, segregation and exclusion. ...