Browsing 3 Masteroppgaver by Title
Now showing items 4363-4382 of 4446
Warning drivers about vehicle wrong way ahead over Nordic Way interchange and cellular network
(Master thesis, 2022)Meeting vehicles in wrong direction on a divided highway is a dangerous situation that might cause a high energy collision. If one can warn other drivers that a vehicle is heading in their direction using C-ITS, this will ... -
Waste heat availability in the raw meal department of a cement plant
(Master thesis, 2017)The main aim of this study was to find out the available heat of the exhaust gas stream that is bypassed through the raw meal department at Norcem Brevik cement plant, Norway which produces about 1 million ton of clinker ... -
Water chemical effects of forest-fire on lakes
(Master thesis, 2012)A fire occurred in Mykland, Froland municipality, southern Norway in June 2008. This study is analyzing long and short-term changes in water chemistry in 6 lakes within the burned catchments and 3 outside the burned area ... -
Water Quality, Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins in Two Freshwater Reservoirs on the Coast of Georgia
(Master thesis, 2016-01-18)Cyanobacteria constitute a diverse group of photoautotrophic bacteria that inhabit a wide range of aquatic and terrestrial environments. Several aquatic bloom-forming species of cyanobacteria produce toxic secondary ... -
Wave Front Tracking using Template Matching and Segmented Regression
(Master thesis, 2017)The Combustion, Process Safety and Explosions research group at USN has collaborated with California Institute of Technology ( Calttech) and has produced high-speed videos of shock wave fronts. These videos require a ... -
What are the consequences of digitalizing the care of senior citizens?
(Master thesis, 2023)Digital innovation is often viewed as the way forward, leading to massive digitalization efforts in various sectors, both public and private. This digitalization effort is usually driven by a desire to cut costs so that ... -
What does human dignity mean for the language of human rights? An exploratory analysis of Jack Donnelly's and James Griffin's accounts on human dignity and human rights
(Master thesis, 2021)Human dignity is a prominent topic in the academic discourse. Its ambit represents a point of interest for the legal, philosophical, theological, or political realm, just to mention a few. Human dignity and human rights ... -
What does literature say about the collaboration between the general practitioner and district nurse in treating patients with chronic wounds in primary healthcare ?
(Master thesis, 2021)RESUME Titel: Samarbejde Bagground: Sår er blevet kaldt ” Den stille epidemi” og det estimeres at 70 -90% af sårbehandling udføres i den primære sundhedssektor. Den praktiserede læge og hjemmesygeplejerske udgør vigtige ... -
What is the reported association between visual impairment and sleep in adults?
(Master thesis, 2021)Formål: For å evaluere de utbredte variasjonene av søvnmangel hos mennesker med visuelle utfordringer, har forskjellige metoder blitt brukt. Mye forskning og eksperimenter er utført i samsvar med dette. Målet med denne ... -
What’s in it for me : utvikling av relasjoner i regionale innovasjonsnettverk
(Master thesis, 2016)Denne oppgaven ser på etableringsfasen av et regionalt innovasjonsnettverk. Med utgangspunkt i at det er båndene mellom deltakerne som er limet som binder et nettverk sammen, vil oppgaven gå nærmere inn og se på hva som ... -
What’s in the pot? Identifying contaminant species in the ornamental plant trade with eDNA metabarcoding
(Master thesis, 2022)Monitoring alien species introduction pathways is a central strategy in early detection of alien species. eDNA metabarcoding is a potentially valuable method for detecting alien species and describing source populations ... -
Where therapy and outdoor learning meet - a hermeneutic interpretation of learning perspectives in wilderness therapy
(Master thesis, 2021)This master’s thesis examines the learning processes in wilderness therapy practices in a European context. This group-based treatment modality for adolescents takes place in remote nature and combines psychotherapy with ... -
Which behaviours do shipbrokers use to create interpersonal trust and relationships with clients?
(Master thesis, 2018)The aim of this study was to observe which behaviours shipbrokers possess and use to create an adequate level of trust and appropriate relationships with their clients. This study attempts to answer the following ... -
Why hiking solo?
(Master thesis, 2022)This master´s thesis explores the rationales of why people hike solo, why it gives meaning to practitioners, and which key drivers there are for solo hiking? Previous finding suggests categories of meaning constructions ... -
Wind energy; CFD simulation of wakes and wind turbine forces
(Master thesis, 2015-09-18)Wind power is a clean and renewable energy source, which plays an important role in the world's energy landscape. When developing a wind farm it is beneficial to analyze the flow pattern in order to maximize the total ... -
Wireless Temperature Monitoring for Agriculture
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis focuses on the development a circuit board-based data processing unit with NFC and Bluetooth communication, aimed at advancing animal welfare in agriculture. The primary goal of this system is to retrieve ... -
Women's rights - Between competing laws in Kosovo : a study about gender based violence in rural areas
(Master thesis, 2018)Women´s rights in Kosovo has undergone drastic changes during the last decade. After the civil war in 1999, the international community settled down to rebuild Kosovo, based on the universal human rights. The national law ... -
Work-life balance, småbarnsliv og karriere - mission impossible?
(Master thesis, 2024)Mangfold og inkludering er temaer høyt på agendaen for ulike interessenter, blant annet arbeidsgivere, beslutningstakere, akademia og media. Det er liten tvil om at mangfold er både nyttig, men også nødvendig for en ... -
Working with feedback on written texts in the English classroom: students’ motivation, perceptions and response
(Master thesis, 2022)This study is about teachers’ feedback on lower secondary school students’ writing and how students respond to it. More specific, it investigates how students’ motivation influences how they treat feedback, what the students ... -
Yngre ingeniørers bruk av smarttelefon i balanseringen mellom arbeidstid og fritid.
(Master thesis, 2018)Bakgrunn: Smarttelefonen har de senere årene fått en utvidet funksjon og rolle i folks liv og arbeidsliv. Dette studiet ser nærmere på hvordan yngre ingeniører opplever dagens bruk av smarttelefon i relasjon til balanseringen ...