Browsing 3 Masteroppgaver by Title
Now showing items 425-444 of 4444
Calcination applying H2 combustion in O2 in a CO2 rich atmosphere
(Master thesis, 2021)The cement industry is one of the leading producers of anthropogenic greenhouse gases, the most important of which is CO2. Strong mitigation measures must be introduced to reduce substantial CO2 emissions from the cement ... -
Calibration and testing methodology of mobile battery systems
(Master thesis, 2024)The growing sector of high-power mobile battery systems offers flexible solutions for power delivery to diverse industrial applications at geographical locations that can vary over time. Unlike traditional stationary battery ... -
Can bears bear climatic change?
(Master thesis, 2023)Climate change is a topic of global importance, affecting species and ecosystems worldwide. Climatic variations and changes, like anthropogenic changes, have vast effects on plant-life, wildlife, and fungi alike. Nordic ... -
Can small-scale northern marine protected areas work as management tools for a mobile temperate fish species? A before-after control-impact study of coastal Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
(Master thesis, 2016)The recruitment and spawning stock biomass of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) along the Skagerrak coast have been extremely low the last years and overfishing seems to be one of the main factors for this decrease. Marine ... -
Candidatus neoehrlichia mikurensis i Ixodes ricinus i Norge
(Master thesis, 2016-01-18)Mikroorganismer som bakterier og virus kan overføres mellom mennesker og dyr, noen av disse kan være potensielt patogene. Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis er en flåttbåren patogen bakterie som første gang ble karakterisert ... -
Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis in Ixodes trianguliceps. Implications for the infectious cycle
(Master thesis, 2018)Ticks and its pathogen constitute a growing burden for animal and human health in the world. Ticks are blood-feeding parasites, which make them capable of transmitting various pathogens to their hosts that can cause ... -
Canines as biodetectors for conservational work: can they discriminate Rock ptarmigan from Willow ptarmigan?
(Master thesis, 2018)The main goals for conservation biology is to document the full range of biological diversity and human impact, along with developing plans, approaches and measures to prevent extinction of species. Alpine and arctic bird ... -
Canis lupus familiaris (hund) : oversikt over genetiske studier : genotyping og evaluering i forhold til adferd
(Master thesis, 2009)Denne mastergradsoppgaven tar for seg genetiske studier gjort på hund innen kreft, hjertelidelser og pelsfarge. I tillegg er 139 hunder fra rasene Samojedhund, Leonberger, Rottweiler, Flatcoated Retriever, Welsh Corgi ... -
Caoine Spaces for vocalising grief. The de-ritualisation and re-ritualisation of keening in contemporary Ireland
(Master thesis, 2014)In this master’s thesis I investigate the trajectory over time of the cultural practice of keening (the Irish funeral cry) – an improvised, sung oral poetry combined with choruses of wailing cries, performed at wakes and ... -
Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers
(Master thesis, 2007)Ultrasound technology is a powerful tool in medical diagnosis. While piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers are dominant on the marked at present, capacitive transducers cMUT- are being explored as a complementary technology. ... -
Capital and the nexus between the extreme-right and crime
(Master thesis, 2023)En litteraturstudie om de sosiale, kulturelle og økonomiske mekanismene bak koblingen mellom høyreekstremisme og kriminalitet En undersøkelse av potensielle faktorer og subkulturer som potensielt kan bidra til overlap ... -
Carbon capture, utilization, and storage activities and sustainability reporting by oil and gas companies
(Master thesis, 2023)The thesis focuses on the oil and gas sector, which significantly contributes to releasing greenhouse gases that threaten the environment and fuel global warming. This research provides a critical overview of global and ... -
Carbonization of SU-8 Based Electrode for MEMS Supercapacitors
(Master thesis, 2014)Supercapacitors are more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources than traditional ones. To achieve the supercapacitors with both energy density and power density that mainly depend on the effective surface ... -
“Care for nature doesn’t just happen” - Perspectives on care for nature in Norwegian teacher education
(Master thesis, 2022)This master thesis explores how teacher educators with a background in nature- and friluftsliv-based education work to nurture care for nature in Norwegian programs. It responds to previous research pointing to the important ... -
A case study on Business model innovation to empower sustainable development in the oil and gas supplier industry
(Master thesis, 2023)This dissertation`s overreaching objective is to investigate the in-depth sustainable growth of the oil and gas supplier industry by analyzing business model innovation from a perspective of empowerment. The research ... -
Casestudie av Florø Fotball. Fra Breddefotball til Toppfotball med en lokal profil
(Master thesis, 2018)Mastergradsavhandlingen har som formål å undersøke hvilke faktorer som har bidratt til at Florø Fotball har gått fra en breddeklubb til en toppklubb med en lokal profil i perioden 2007-2017. Ved inspirasjon av talentutvi ... -
Casestudie av Odd Ballklubb sin talentutviklings virksomhet
(Master thesis, 2018)I denne masteroppgaven redegjør jeg for hvilke synspunkter og perspektiver som ligger til grunn for Odd sitt arbeid med talentutvikling. Jeg har anvendt en holistisk økologisk tilnærming i en kvalitativ casestudie angående ... -
CFD analysis of pot room
(Master thesis, 2022)Hydro Aluminium Karmøy har fått medieoppmerksomhet på grunn av økt lokal fluorutslipp. Interessen for å redusere utslippene fra taket prioriteres. Basert pådenne interessen er en optimal plassering ønskelig for en laserbasert ... -
CFD study of a fluidized bed
(Master thesis, 2008)The aim of this thesis is to investigate the momentum exchange between the phases in a bubbling fluidized bed. The momentum exchange can be described by a drag model. Several drag models with different assumptions are ... -
CFD study of a vent mast for hydrogen-powered ships
(Master thesis, 2023)Global warming is a big problem today, posing risks to communities, security, and the economy. The shipping industries face challenges to become emissions-free in the future. Hydrogen holds promise for achieving zero ...