Now showing items 8351-8370 of 9947

    • STAS – Skidding and Transit Analysis Software 

      Ruud, Adrian Chan Bjørnson; Kleiv, Tormod Fostad; Marheim, Marte; Olsen, Liv Marte (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      For offshore operations, heavy subsea equipment needs to be transported from one location to another by ship. This type of operation is called Skidding and Transit and is used for subsea equipment that is too large or too ...
    • Stasjonsundervisning i begynneropplæringen 

      Fjellvik, Victoria Haugli (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne masteroppgaven handler om stasjonsundervisning i begynneropplæringen. Tematikken er undersøkt med utgangspunkt i problemstillingen: «Hvilke erfaringer lærere har med stasjonsundervisning i begynneropplæringen sett i ...
    • Stasjonsundervisning og tilpasset opplæring 

      Albertsen, Kristian Mikalsen (Master thesis, 2023)
      Oppgaven utforsker stasjonsundervisningens muligheter for tilpasset opplæring i grunnskolen på barnetrinnet. Oppgaven søker å besvare problemstillingen: hvordan kan lærer gjøre bruk av stasjonsundervisning for å sikre alle ...
    • Stasjonsundervisning som en demokratisk praksis 

      Bak, Ingrid Karoline (Master thesis, 2023)
      Dette studiet startet på bakgrunn av et ønske om å sette meg dypere inn i det tverrfaglige temaet demokrati og medborgerskap, og gjennomføre et praksisnært prosjekt. Jeg ønsket å gjennomføre et prosjekt som kan utvikle min ...
    • State estimation and model-based control of a pilot anaerobic digestion reactor 

      Haugen, Finn; Bakke, Rune; Lie, Bernt (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      A state estimator and various model-based control systems have been designed for a real anaerobic digestion (AD) pilot reactor fed with dairy manure. The model used is a modified Hill model which is a relatively simple ...
    • State Estimation and Optimal Control of an Industrial Copper Electrowinning 

      Perera, Magamage Anushka Sampath (Doctoral dissertations at the University College of Southeast Norway;6, Doctoral thesis, 2016)
      This dissertation contains a solution for an industrial large-scale complex control problem. There are several challenges to be faced when handling control problems. One such challenge is to be able to handle the system’s ...
    • State Estimation of a Thermal Model of Air-cooled Synchronous Generator 

      Pandey, Madhusudhan; Øyvang, Thomas; Lie, Bernt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      In this paper, we extend a previous study on a totally enclosed thermal model of a synchronous generator, with temperature state estimation using experimental data. The extension includes a new formulation of the system ...
    • State investments and human rights? The case of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global 

      Kreander, Niklas Valter; McPhail, Ken (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Abstract Purpose - The paper explores how the Norwegian Government incorporated its responsibility for human rights into the investment practices of its Global Pension Fund and how human rights issues were negotiated when ...
    • State of Affair in Terms of Big Data Utilization in Complex System Engineering Organizations 

      Salim, Fahim Ahmed; Ali, Haytham; Langen, Tommy; Wettre, Andreas; Muller, Gerrit; Falk, Kristin (Chapter, 2022)
      The primary goal of this ongoing questionnaire is understanding the state of affairs in terms of big data utilization in Norwegian high-tech enterprises. By asking 24 questions to employees at partner organizations comprising ...
    • State of Affair in Terms of Big Data Utilization in Complex System Engineering Organizations: A Case Study in the Context of Norwegian Industry 

      Salim, Fahim Ahmed; Ali, Haytham; Langen, Tommy; Deb, Bragna; Wettre, Andreas; Muller, Gerrit; Falk, Kristin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Effective utilization of big data is still an open question for most organizations. In the presented case study, we attempted to get a nuanced understanding of the state of affairs regarding big data utilization in Norwegian ...
    • The state of human centred cesign in e-navigation; investigating drivers and barriers in North-European testbeds. 

      Bølstad, Hilde (Master thesis, 2017)
      e-Navigation has been launched by IMO as an overall strategy for increased maritime safety and efficiency, by stimulating and enhancing the innovation of user-friendly services and equipment for maritime customers. The ...
    • State Space Model Based PID Controller Tuning 

      Solvang, Preben Sandve (Master thesis, 2019)
      Advances in digital computing over the last years have resulted in new and powerful tools for obtaining process models. An example of such a tool is the dsr toolbox, which gives a state space model based on measured ...
    • Stateless Nations and Digital Identity Construction: The Case of the Hazara of Hazaristan Under Microscope 

      Mir Hazar, Kamran (Master thesis, 2021)
      This master thesis investigates the importance and challenges of digital identity construction for the stateless nations, takes the qualitative case study as the research approach, and examines the case of the Hazara of ...
    • Static and dynamic eigenvalues in unified stability studies 

      Khodaparast, Jalal; Fosso, Olav B.; Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      A framework for unified analysis of small-signal and large-signal power system stability based on static and dynamic eigenvalues is proposed in this paper. The presented implementation is based on Gear's method, which is ...
    • Statistical diagnosis of a gas-solid fluidized bed using Electrical Capacitance Tomography 

      Rautenbach, Christo; Melaaen, Morten Christian; Halvorsen, Britt (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Fluidization experiments were performed using several particle size distributions of spherical glass particles, ranging from Geldart B to D. An Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) tomograph was utilised in the present ...
    • Statistical estimation of loads from gas explosions 

      Høiset, Stian (Doctoral theses at NTNU;1998:23, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 1998)
      In the design of structures in the offshore and process industries, the possibility of a gas explosion must always be considered. This is usually incorporated by performing explosion simulations. However, estimations based ...
    • Statistics of a noise-driven elastic inverted pendulum 

      Halvorsen, Einar; Litak, Grzegorz (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Recently an elastic inverted pendulum structure was proposed as a means to make nonlinear energy harvesters. An effective dynamical model of this bi-stable system has an effective lumped mass that is dependent on the ...
    • Statistikk og SPSS for enkle undersøkelser 

      Hansson, Knut W. (Arbeidsnotater fra Høgskolen i Buskerud;73, Working paper, 2013-09-06)
      Ved Høgskolen i Buskerud, bachelorstudiene i IT, gjøres det noen ganger en undersøkelse som avsluttende Bacheloroppgave. Den gir da 7,5 studiepoeng. Studentene har, enten parallelt eller på forhånd, hatt et relativt ...
    • Statlig styring og finansiering av kommunale miljøvernoppgaver : prinsipper og vurderinger av egnede virkemidler 

      Håkonsen, Lars (TF-notat 25/2009, Working paper, 2009-05-25)
      Dette notatet studerer hvordan natur- og miljørelaterte kommunale oppgaver kan finansieres og styres. Vi ser dels på finansiering gjennom inntektssystemet og dels på finansiering utenfor inntektssystemet, dvs. øremerkede ...
    • Statlige rammevilkår på ramme alvor. Sosialt entreprenørskap i norsk offentlig kontekst 

      Kobro, Lars Ueland; Røtnes, Rolf; Eggen, Fernanda Winger; Skar, Cathrine (Skriftserien fra Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge;14, Research report, 2017-11-13)
      Rapporten er resultatet av ett år med forskning, etterspurt av tre departementer. Hovedfokuset har vært å identifisere barrierer mot sosial innovasjon i den norske velferdsstaten og gi forslag til hva slags innsats som vil ...