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Vad och hur gör de? - att synliggöra lärande i grundskolans slöjdpraktik via videoetnografi och mikroanalys
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Artikeln bygger på resultat och erfarenheter av etnografiskt insamlade videoinspelningar från grundskolans slöjdundervisning utgående från tre studier; dels vid ett projekt med förstudier under slutet av 1990-talet (Johansson, ... -
Valg eller læring ? Ja takk begge deler!
(Master thesis, 2021)Temaet for masteravhandlingen er gruppeveiledning som utgangspunkt for karrierelæring frem mot valg av høyere utdannelse. Den teoretiske rammen er sosiokulturell karrierelæringsteori knyttet til karrierelæring og valg. ... -
Valgets kval En studie i hva som påvirker karrierevalgene til dagens ungdom
(Master thesis, 2020)Tema for denne masteroppgaven er å utforske prosessen for unges karrierevalg og hva som kan påvirke valgene. Hensikten gjennom føringsdokumenter for rådgiving og utdanningsvalg i skolen, er at alle skal kunne foreta et ... -
Valgfrie former – mulighet eller byrde?
(Master thesis, 2019)I den offisielle bokmålsnormalen er det stor valgfrihet, både når det gjelder staving av enkeltord og på systemnivå som bøyingsformer. For språkbrukere betyr dette at de har mulighet til å velge former i skriftspråket ... -
Valgmennene i Bratsberg amt våren 1814
(Chapter, 2014)Den 23. mars 1814 var 38 menn fra Bratsberg amt samlet på Fossum hos fungerende amtmann Severin Løvenskiold. De hadde en oppgave, å velge tre representanter til riksforsamlingen som skulle møtes 10. april på Eidsvoll. ... -
Validation of results from Barracuda® CFD modelling to predict the minimum fluidization velocity and the pressure drop of Geldart A particles
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Fluidization characteristics such as the minimum fluidization velocity and the bed pressure drop are important for the design of an efficient fluidized bed. These characteristics can be measured experimentally, but also ... -
Validation of the interdisciplinary Norwegian vision assessment tool KROSS in stroke patients admitted to hospital or rehabilitation services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: Identifying vision problems after stroke is important for providing appropriate referral and vision rehabilitation in healthcare services. In Norway, vision assessment is not a standard routine or integrated ... -
Validation of the Norwegian International Reading Speed Texts (IReST) in adult readers with normal vision
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)There is a lack of standardised reading tests in Norwegian suitable for adults and persons with visual impairment (VI). The International Reading Speed Texts (IReST) measure reading performance of longer paragraphs. The ... -
En valideringsstudie av foritesten Modified Thorington
(Bachelor thesis, 2012)Målsetting: Målet med denne valideringsstudien var å undersøke Modified Thoringtons nøyaktighet i forhold til Covertesten. Metode: Det ble utført forimålinger på 40 cm med Covertest og Modified Thorington. Testene ble ... -
Validert oversettelse av NIHSS med kulturell tilpasning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Bakgrunn: National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) er et anerkjent amerikansk skåringsverktøy som benyttes av helsepersonell for å kartlegge nevrologiske utfall ved mistanke om hjerneslag. Testen har vært anvendt ... -
Validity and Reliability of an Inertial Sensor-Based Knee Proprioception Test in Younger vs. Older Adults
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Diminishing proprioception caused by aging effects is associated with a higher risk to fall. However, existing measurement systems of proprioception are often expensive, time-consuming, or insufficient regarding reliability ... -
The validity and reliability of observational assessment tools available to measure fundamental movement skills in school-age children: A systematic review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) play a critical role in ontogenesis. Many children have insufficient FMS, highlighting the need for universal screening in schools. There are many observational FMS assessment ... -
Valuation and Allocation of Bought Time
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;53, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Time is one of the most important resources that consumers gain and spend. It is also a conceptually unique resource. I review the existing literature on time as a resource and discuss time in relation to other resources. ... -
Valuation of Telenor ASA
(Master thesis, 2021)The purpose of this master thesis was to apply my knowledge in financial management to value Telenor Group as a comprehensive group. Our problem is thus: "What is Telenor ASA worth per share on 31.12.2020." The ... -
Value Creation and Value Capture Alignment in Business Model Innovation: A Process View on Outcome‐Based Business Models
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Industrial manufacturers are innovating their business models by shifting from selling products to selling outcome‐based services, where the provider (manufacturer) guarantees to deliver the performance outcomes of the ... -
Value Creation in Digital Marketplace Platforms: Behind Bezos’ Napkin and Beyond
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;194, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The overall research topic of this dissertation is to understand value creation in digital marketplace platforms from a business model perspective. The dissertation starts out by focusing on digital marketplace platforms ... -
Values in preservice mathematics teachers’ discussions of the Body Mass Index - A critical perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article explores the values that come to the fore when preservice mathematics teachers (PTs) 1 engage in critical discussions about the role of mathematical models in society. The specific model that was discussed was ... -
Valuing growth: How to value young growth companies and start-ups
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis focus on the valuation of young growth companies and start-ups. The research concerns the methods used, the drivers of value when applying those methods, and how to validate the drivers of value. Furthermore, ... -
Vandring gjennom skog - bevissthet og dannelse
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne masteravhandlingen dreier seg om å se det store bildet, og de overordnede begrepene folkehelse og livsmestring, gjennom små fragmenter i og av naturen. Undersøkelsen tar utgangspunkt i en 27 dagers vandring gjennom ... -
Vandringsadferd til ørret (Salmo trutta) i et elvinnsjø økosystem, Tokkeåi/Bandak i Telemark: Hydroakustiske og ArcGIS baserte metoder
(Master thesis, 2016-09-21)I perioden 2010-2013 foregikk det et større forskningsprosjekt på ørret og næringskjeden til ørret i det vassdragsregulerte elve-innsjø økosystemet Tokkeåi og Bandak i Telemark. Prosjektet var knyttet til en villkårsrevisjon ...