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"Paa gammelt Maal og paa Pergament". Har det funnest ein skriftleg norsk balladetradisjon?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Det blir gjerne stillteiande rekna med at dei norske balladane har blitt overførte i munnleg tradisjon frå seinmellomalderen og fram til midten av 1800-talet, da Landstad, Bugge og andre samlarar feste balladetradisjonen ... -
Pain acceptance and its impact on function and symptoms in fibromyalgia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Objectives: Fibromyalgia is a chronic widespread pain (CWP) syndrome of unknown etiology with substantial burden of illness and functional impairment. Pain acceptance has emerged as an interesting target of therapy in ... -
Pain in intensive care unit patients—A longitudinal study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Aim: To assess occurrence of pain during the first 6 days of intensive care unit (ICU) stay and evaluate associations between occurrence of pain and selected patient-related variables. Design: A longitudinal study. Methods: ... -
Pain in persons with chronic venous leg ulcers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Pain is a serious problem for patients with leg ulcers. Research mainly focuses on dressing-related pain; however, chronic background pain may be just as devastating. Our main objective was to describe the prevalence and ... -
Pair movement of a monogamous mammal, the Eurasian beaver
(Master thesis, 2019)Studying the cohesion of monogamous pairs is an important component in understanding their social relationships. I used the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) to investigate how movement patterns and space use relate to their ... -
Palatalization in Educated Cairene Arabic
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)In the speech of some educated Cairenes, the coronal stops /t d tˤ dˤ/ acquire a secondary palatal articulation before high front vowels and glides, resulting in [tj] or [dj]. Based on first-hand data, this article provides ... -
Palestinian and Norwegian Kindergarten Teachers' Perspectives on Psychosocial Support: A Qualitative Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The current qualitative case study aims to explore and map the concepts and the conditions for providing psychosocial support in kindergarten across two vastly different countries, Palestine and Norway. The global challenge ... -
Palestinian Elementary School Curriculum as an Instrument for Liberation and Consolidation of National Identity: A Critical Freirean Study Based on Teachers’ Perspectives in the Gaza Strip
(Master thesis, 2023)This study explores the role of the Palestinian curriculum at the elementary stage in providing an instrument for liberation and in promoting the Palestinian national identity. The thesis is based on the perspectives of ... -
Palliativ pleie og behandling : en oversikt over tjenestetilbudet og kompetansenettverk i Buskerud fylke
(Rapporter fra Høgskolen i Buskerud, Research report; Peer reviewed, 2008-10)Rapporten redegjør for begrepet palliasjon, og har som utgangspunkt at en god organisering av det palliative helsetilbudet er en viktig forutsetning for å nå målet om best mulig livskvalitet for pasient og pårørende. ... -
Pancreatic and periampullary carcinoma. Proteomics and metabolite profiles
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;216, Doctoral thesis, 2024-12-17)Adenokarsinom med utgangspunkt i det periampullære området har fellesbetegnelsen periampullært karsinom og inkluderer pankreatisk duktalt adenokarsinom (PDAC), ampullært karsinom, duodenalt adenokarsinom og distalt ... -
Paper based DEM vs computerized DEM test : printed and computerized DEM test in Nepali adults in varying directions of reading
(Master thesis, 2020)Background: Measurement of an eye movements during reading provides an optometrist with a piece of valuable information about visual information processing. Developmental eye movement test (DEM) is a number naming paper-based ... -
Papir i transformasjon: En undersøkelse av materialet papirmasse gjennom barnehagebarns og egne skapende interaksjoner
(Master thesis, 2016)Det sentrale spørsmålet i denne avhandlingen er å belyse hvordan materialet papirmasse inviterer til skapende interaksjoner. Dette undersøkes ved tre deltagende observasjoner og eget skapende arbeid. Det er 8 barn i alderen ... -
Paradoksal lykke? : ”The blended approach” - organisasjonslæring gjennom kvalitetsarbeid, på tvers av paradigmer?
(Master thesis, 2009)Uttrykket knowledge management har de siste omtrentlig tjue årene vært brukt om en rekke til dels forskjellige måter å lede organisasjoner på og ulike forsøk på å organisere bruk av kunnskap. Siden 1995 har knowledge ... -
The paradox of remote work: When employee wishes and wellbeing collide
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has witnessed a surge in remote work, ushering in a ‘new normal’ whose nuances and ramifications are yet to be fully understood. In a recent study, leveraging data from a large ... -
Paradoxes of (In)security and Moral Regeneration in Vanuatu and Beyond
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article examines some paradoxical intersections of fear, security, and morality on Ahamb Island in Vanuatu in the South Pacific. I take as my ethnographic vantage point a child-led Christian revival movement that ... -
Parallel calibration of multiphase flow meters (MPFM) based on measurements of phase streams in separators
(Master thesis, 2019)The Alvheim field suffers from significant production deferrals of oil and gas, during calibration of multiphase flow meters used in ownership allocation. This thesis has developed an algorithm solving a new method, which ... -
Parallel configuration, control and mirror operation of twin processes using DeltaV
(Master thesis, 2021)The University of South-Eastern Norway has two identical Serial Two Tank systems, a first-order system with time delay. Identical twin processes are systems built with identical physical components. These identical systems ... -
Parallelle fortellinger i kristendommen og islam
(Master thesis, 2023)I denne masteroppgaven har skrevet om parallelle fortellinger og hvordan de blir framstilt i norske lærebøker for faget KRLE på ungdomstrinnet. Vår lærebokforskning av to forskjellige lærebøker i KRLE 8-10, er av en eldre ... -
Parameter and State Estimation of Large-Scale Complex Systems Using Python Tools
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This paper discusses the topics related to automating parameter, disturbance and state estimation analysis of large-scale complex nonlinear dynamic systems using free programming tools. For large-scale complex systems, ... -
Parameter estimation and analysis for grey-box models of building thermal behavior
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;77, Doctoral thesis, 2020-10-12)Reduction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions is one of the most important scientific endeavours of our time. Space heating of buildings is responsible for a considerable portion of the worlds total energy consumption. The ...