Browsing USN Open Archive by Title
Now showing items 9369-9388 of 10795
T-shaped craft researchers’ contribution in transdisciplinary research projects
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Transdisciplinary project groups are promoted as a way for coping with the growing complexity of research environments. In the context of archaeology and conservation, the knowhow of practitioner-researchers in crafts has ... -
«Ta godt vare på barnet mitt!» - Om tilfredshet hos foreldre som følger sine barn til dagkirurgisk behandling i narkose
(Master thesis, 2022)Introduksjon: Barn som kommer til dagkirurgisk behandling i narkose, har krav på omsorgsfull og trygg behandling av høy kvalitet. Barnas opplevelse av helsehjelpen er tett forbundet med foreldrenes opplevelse. Foreldrenes ... -
Ta Seljord i bruk. Forstudierapport
(Working paper, 2012-05-30)Forstudierapporten gir et kunnskapsgrunnlag og en vurdering for videre prosjektutvikling av Seljord som besøkskommune. Rapporten legger vekt på statistisk informasjon om befolknings- og sysselsettingsutvikling, kombinert ... -
”Ta vare på meg – en liten stund!” Mennesker med psykoselidelser sine erfaringer fra det å medvirke ved brukerstyrte innleggelser
(Master thesis, 2016)På bakgrunn av at brukermedvirkning er et satsningsområde innen psykisk helsevern tilbys ordningen med brukerstyrte døgninnleggelser (BRI) i spesialisthelsetjenesten stadig flere steder i Norge. BRI går i korte trekk ut ... -
"Tager de viscum og cucubalus-" : glimt fra den magiske folkemedisinen
(Journal article, 2003) -
Tailored courses - a road to learning for shipping companies
(Master thesis, 2015)This study focuses on individual and organizational learning, and attempts to measure the individual and the organizational learning of a tailor-made Bridge and Engine Resource Management course in a short and long-term ... -
Tailoring Cu nanoparticle catalyst for methanol synthesis using the spinning disk reactor
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Cu nanoparticles are known to be very active for methanol (MeOH) synthesis at relatively low temperatures, such that smaller particle sizes yield better MeOH productivity. We aimed to control Cu nanoparticle (NP) size and ... -
Take Action, Recover Well? The Role of Daily Proactive Recovery Strategies for Recovery, Stress, Affect, and Next-Day Performance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Although both employee wellbeing and performance are valued by organizations, achieving them conjointly is not simple in practice. Prior studies have highlighted the role of daily experiences of recovery from work stress ... -
Taking real steps in virtual nature: a randomized blinded trial
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Studies show that green exercise (i.e., physical activity in the presence of nature) can provide the synergistic psychophysiological benefits of both physical exercise and nature exposure. The present study aimed to ... -
Taktile møter
(Master thesis, 2023)Målet med denne undersøkelsen var å utvikle kunnskap om hvordan faglærere kan tilrettelegge kunst og håndverksopplæringen for elever med store og sammensatte funksjonsnedsettelser med vekt på taktil utforskning av materialer. ... -
A tale from the Glass Dome: A narrative analysis of housing, living conditions and recovery
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article explores how housing circumstances in Norway may influence recovery for persons experiencing co-occurring mental health and substance abuse problems. In Norway, the provision of housing for people who are ... -
A tale from the Glass Dome: A narrative analysis of social housing, living conditions and recovery
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This article explores how housing circumstances in Norway may influence recovery for persons experiencing co-occurring mental health and substance abuse problems. In Norway, the provision of housing for people who are ... -
A tale of tails: the use of Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) tails for ageing and individual identification
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)With increasing technology and knowledge, the range of methods used to monitor wildlife is growing. As many invasive techniques have been shown to negatively impact study populations, the use of non-invasive methods is ... -
Talent development in a longitudinal perspective: Elite female handball players within a sport school system
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The purpose of the present longitudinal study was to explore the psychological and physical transition into (and subsequent 3 years in) a Sport Academy High School of 10 young female handball players. Psychological (coping ... -
Talenttank. Langreiste talenter - lokale muligheter. Sluttrapport
(Research report, 2014-05-25)Denne rapporten omhandler prosjektet «Talenttank, langreiste talenter – lokale muligheter» som startet opp våren 2013 og ble avsluttet i mars 2014. Prosjektet er et samarbeid mellom Notodden Voksenopplæring, NAV (veiledning), ... -
Talenær song?. Om samanlikning av song med tale i forsking på vokal folkemusikk i Skandinavia
(Master thesis, 2018)This master thesis explores how and why researchers compare the Scandinavian traditional folk singing style with speech, and how this comparison may inspire practitioners. The material in question consists of research done ... -
“Talk to me, not at me”: obese women’s experiences of birth and their encounter with birth attendants—a qualitative study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose: To explore the birth experiences of obese women in regard to their encounter with birth attendants. Methods: Qualitative, in-depth interviews with 10 women were conducted in February 2020. Data were analysed using ... -
Talk to us, not for us The perspective of Norwegian Muslims of immigrant background on inclusion and representation of their community in the Norwegian mainstream media
(Master thesis, 2018)In the last century the world has seen more movement of people than any other time in human history. This has brought about a wave where societies, especially in Western Europe are becoming more and more multicultural. ... -
Tamilske studenter, karrierevalg og karriereveiledning
(Master thesis, 2021)Denne masterprosjektet handler om tamilske studenters karrierevalg og deres betydning av relasjon til karriereveiledning. Jeg skal intervjue fire studenter med tamilsk bakgrunn i fra høyere utdanning. Hensikten er å få ... -
Tanatologiens poetikk Et undersøkende essay om fotografi, empati og døden
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Essayet har vært en måte å tolke mitt skapende arbeid på. Jeg tar utgangspunkt i egen kunstnerisk praksis, dvs. kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid, og en fotografiserie med tittelen The Poetics of Thanatology. Teksten reflekterer ...