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Enhancing community resilience through sustainable development practices; A case study of USAID funded Amalima Loko project in Zimbabwe
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis examines the possibilities of increasing community resilience through sustainable development practices by the USAID-supported Amalima Loko Project in Zimbabwe. This paper starts with a theoretical overview of ... -
Multicultural doula support and obstetric and neonatal outcomes: a multi-centre comparative study in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background; Migrant women face an increased risk of poor obstetric and neonatal utcomes. Norway implemented a multicultural doula (MCD) program in 2018, which was designed to improve pregnancy care for this group in ... -
Digitalization in the operating theatre- an interview study of operating room nurses’ and nurse anesthetists’ experiences in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background; Digitalization in the health sector requires adaptive change in human attitudes and skills. The operating theatres have been introduced to digital innovations through centuries. The aim of this study was to ... -
Hvilke erfaringer har tegnspråklige personer med kombinert sansetap (KST)/døvblindhet, og Usher type 1 med belysning i forhold til kommunikasjon?
(Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Norge har et mål om universell utforming i virksomheter rettet mot allmennheten. For tegnspråklige personer med kombinert sansetap (KST)/døvblindhet kan utilfredsstillende belysning skape utfordringer ved ... -
Tilsyn og hensyn
(Master thesis, 2024)Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke hvilke rammer Statsforvalterembetet forholder seg til som tilsynsmyndighet, og få innblikk i hvordan denne rollen praktiseres gjennom tilsynsoppdraget knyttet til kommunal ...