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Optimization of luminescence properties of Eu3+ doped molybdate red phosphor materials for lighting application
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;221, Doctoral thesis, 2025)With the development of fourth generation solid-state light source technology, phosphor materials have received widespread attention due to their distinctive wavelength conversion characteristics. At present, solid-state ... -
Actinomma sogndalensis n. sp. (Radiolaria, Polycystina) an endemic species to the Sognefjord, western Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Studies of polycystine radiolarians (marine planktonic protists) have shown that great faunistic differences occur between the different Norwegian fjord systems. Plankton studies by Swanberg and Bjørklund in the early ... -
Lov, lek og ledelse: Samspillet mellom organisasjonskultur og endring av pedagogisk praksis
(Chapter, 2024)The article offers critical perspectives on power dynamics and staff interactions in kindergartens, stemming from the implementation of laws regarding the psychosocial environment. The aim of this article is to shed light ... -
Kreativitet i læreplanverket for Kunnskapsløftet 2020. Hvordan kommuniseres kreativitet i læreplanen, og hva betyr dette i skolen?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I et samfunn i endring, krig og klimakrise har vi behov for samfunnsborgere som kan tenke nytt og finne løsninger. Kreativ kompetanse etterspørres i arbeidslivet, og med revideringen av læreplanverket for Kunnskapsløftet ... -
Artificial Intelligence in Nursing: Perspectives from Norwegian Nurses
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Nurses continue to face challenges in leading health information technology innovations such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). There is an acknowledged need to explore the attitude of nurses towards AI and nurses’ acceptance ...