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Fit for beredskap? En litteraturstudie om helse og livsstil blant innsatsledere i politiet
(Chapter, 2023)Politiets innsatsledere er en mannsdominert ansattgruppe utsatt for mange stressfaktorer som kan påvirke både helse og sikkerhet i yrkesrollen. Dette kapitlet fokuserer på hvordan innsatsledernes helse og livsstil er av ... -
The role of familial conflict in home range settlement and fitness of a solitary mammal
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Familial conflict, including parent–offspring conflict (POC) and sibling competition (SC), occurs when an individual maximizes its access to a limiting resource at the expense of a related individual. The role of familial ... -
Bibliometric trends in Industry 5.0 research: An updated Overview
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The emergence of Industry 5.0 took place in the mid-2010s, presenting a novel vision for the future of an industry that places emphasis on human involvement in the production process. Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 ... -
Nurse educators' suggestions for a digital educational resource suitable for undergraduate student nurses' placement studies: Qualitative empirical research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Aims: To explore and describe nurse educators' suggestions regarding a digital educational resource addressing quality in placement studies for first-year student nurses in nursing homes. Design: A qualitative, explorative, ... -
The Bible in Norwegian Politics: Scripture in the Parliamentarians’ Discourse
(Chapter, 2023)Unlike the United States, in Norway candidates for political office generally do not highlight the Bible’s influence on their political thinking. Similarly, during their campaigns, journals typically do not ask candidates ...