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Litt færre tråder tror jeg, men de er litt tykkere. En kvalitativ studie om pedagogisk faglederrolle i barnehagen.
(Master thesis, 2024)Spesielt for denne masteroppgaven er at jeg har fått tatt del i et pilotprosjekt, der kommunen som eier, har gjort endringer i den strukturelle organiseringen av ansvar og myndighet i fem barnehager. Alle barnehagen meldte ... -
Et dypdykk i to skolers opplevelse av PALS-programmet
(Master thesis, 2024)Problematferd og hvordan dette håndteres i skolen er et aktuelt tema en kan lese mye om i massemediene. I dette studiet har jeg tatt et dypdykk i PALS-programmet og hvordan dette fungerer som et verktøy for aktører i skolen ... -
History, Education, and History Education: Expressions of Historical Culture in Norwegian and Swedish Upper Secondary Schools (1920-1960)
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;212, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The aim of this thesis is to analyse expressions of historical culture in the context of Norwegian and Swedish upper secondary schools in the period 1920–1960, and thereby explore changes, continuity, and diversity in ... -
Beyond the Headsets: Implications of individual differences and pre-exposure in tourism
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;215, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Virtual reality (VR) has revolutionised marketing practices, particularly within the tourism sector, attracting substantial attention from scholars in the field of marketing. Unprecedented technological advancements have ... -
A note - on the Kongsberg light strategy - project: Evidence based sustainable light strategy for Kongsberg municipality - fall 2023 (Part 1 of 2)
(Skriftserien fra Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge;153, Report, 2024)Based on United Nations data, in 1960 the rural population exceeded the urban population by about a billion individuals. However, forecasts suggest that by 2050, over two-thirds of the global population will reside in urban ...