Browsing Universitetsbiblioteket by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
A controlled vocabulary for nursing and allied health in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001)Nursing and allied health libraries at educational institutions in Norway have generally indexed their book collections with uncontrolled terms. With the reorganization of higher education in 1994, the majority of these ... -
Debatt om røvertidsskrift
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Introduction: The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten revealed extensive problems with predatory publishing in an article that led to headlines in Norwegian news media in August 2018. Many were concerned about how the rise of ... -
The development of a model for teaching information literacy to nursing students through cross-professional collaboration
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)This paper describes experiences from a collaborative project between the nursing educators at the Institute of Nursing Science and the health sciences librarians at Vestfold University College in Norway. The aim of the ... -
Drammensbiblioteket etter 7 års drift. Rapport til Nasjonalbiblioteket. Drammen 2014
(Others, 2014-03-24)Etter flere års drift og erfaring med «Det sømløse bibliotek», var det i 2013 tid for en evaluering og forslag til eventuelle endringer og forbedringer. Representanter for eierne av de tre bibliotekene, Høgskolen i Buskerud ... -
Elektrokonvulsiv behandling (ECT):systematisk litteratursøk med tematisk sortert referanseliste
(Research report, 2014) -
Experiences of developing an educational course for librarians in international cooperation. MedLibTrain: a joint Polish-Norwegian project
(Journal article, 2013)Medical librarians from Poland and Norway participated in the joint project MedLibTrain, and developed a training program for medical librarians performing teaching tasks. The project was developed in tight Polish-Norwegian ... -
Forskningsbibliotektjenester – Papirbredden 2 : rapport : et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Buskerud fylkesbibliotek, Drammen bibliotek, Husbankens bibliotek, Høgskolen i Buskerud- biblioteket, Vestre Viken helseforetak- biblioteket
(Others, 2012-01-05)Prosjektgruppen definerte følgende mål: ”Utrede og utvikle bibliotektjenester og støtte for forskere, nærings- og kompetanseklynger og kunnskapsbedrifter i regionen. Forskningsbibliotektjenestene skal støtte områdene helse, ... -
Is the established role of the public librarianship still valid, or will it have to be fundamentally revised due to the digital revolution?
(Conference report, 1998)The last nearly two years I have had the opportunity of being president of the Norwegian library association. This has given me an opportunity to study to some extent present EU developments and policies. This definitely ... -
«Jeg blir sett, bekreftet positivt, og det gir mot» – Psykososialt læringsmiljø i Akademisk språkkafé
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Målgruppen for denne studien er studenter med norsk som andrespråk (N2-studenter) eller andrespråkstudenter. N2-studenter har større frafall fra studiene enn andre studenter. Deres læreforutsetninger påvirkes av at de er ... -
Libraries in Kosova/Kosovo. A general assessment and a short and medium-term development plan
(Research report, 2000)The UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosova (UNMIK) and the library professionals in Kosova face a major task to reconstruct library buildings and re-establish library services at all levels. This is the overall ... -
Management and Leadership Approaches to Health Promotion and Sustainable Workplaces: A Scoping Review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Whole-system approaches linking workplace health promotion to the development of a sustainable working life have been advocated. The aim of this scoping review was to map out if and how whole-system approaches to workplace ... -
Open Access - opprettelse av åpent institusjonelt arkiv i HiBu : rapport fra arbeidsgruppe
(Research report, 2008-05-09)Arbeidsgruppen anbefaler at det opprettes et institusjonelt arkiv i HiBu fra 1.1.2008. Dette arkivet skal inneholde vitenskapelige arbeider fra ansatte og studentarbeider på bachelor- og masternivå. HiBus institusjonelle ... -
Perspectives on salutogenesis of scholars writing in norwegian
(Chapter, 2017)Salutogenesis has been an increasingly used theoretical framework for health research in Norway during the last years, with an increase in literature in Norwegian. In spite of this, the majority of research from Norway is ... -
Research group librarian – a cooperating partner in research?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Academic libraries encounter many challenges when providing services for researchers and it is evident that use of the library in information searches has reduced significantly over time and continues to decrease. However, ... -
Sambiblioteket i Drammen : Drammensbiblioteket 2005-2007 : Sluttrapport
(Research report, 2008-05-09)Prosjektet "Sambibliotek Drammen" er et sektorovergripende samarbeid, på tvers av forvaltningsgrenser, og vil i praksis realisere visjonen om "Det sømløse bibliotek" (St.meld. 22 1999-2000) der brukeren skal slippe å tanke ... -
Striden om gratisprinsippet i bibliotekene 1981–2005. En dokumentasjon
(Chapter, 2023) -
Studieren im Gefängnis in Norwegen – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
(Chapter, 2013)Es gibt das allgemeine Verständnis, dass Ausbildung wichtig ist. Ausbildung ist ein Menschenrecht (United Nations 1948) und einen Grundpfeiler der heutigen Gemeinschaft. Die Ausbildung an den Hochschulen und Universitäten ... -
Test for å navngi fil med embargo
(Others, 2020) -
The possible role of libraries in the digital future
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1998)All over the world there is an enormous effort to develop the information society in order to support new economic growth. A new economy is planned which to a large extent will be based on the trading of intellectual ...