• Apprenticeship as a model for teaching and learning in formal education 

      Groth, Camilla (Chapter, 2024)
      In this chapter, the use of recorded video material and online connection to external experts is suggested to bring some of the real-life context and situatedness of a practice back into the formal classroom. Apprentice ...
    • Co-creation in professional craft practice 

      Groth, Camilla; Berg, Arild (Chapter, 2018)
      Design practice involves several disciplines, and when the manufacturing process demands special skills, designers outsource the work to craftspersons. Traditionally, craftspersons make a living by taking orders and ...
    • Conclusions 

      Groth, Camilla; Schilhab, Theresa (Chapter, 2024)
      Having explored the authors’ 4E(+) perspectives on learning through examples from the classroom and beyond, we can now reflect on what this means for teachers and teacher students more concretely. What are the implications ...
    • Conditions for experiential knowledge exchange in collaborative research across the sciences and creative practice 

      Groth, Camilla; Pevere, Margherita; Niinimäki, Kirsi; Kääriäinen, Pirjo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Interdisciplinary research across the sciences and creative practice offers potential to explore new areas of knowledge previously hidden between disciplines. However, diverging epistemology and expectations make collaboration ...
    • Craft sciences meet neuroscience 

      Groth, Camilla; Jousmäki, Veikko; Saarinen, Veli-Matti; Hari, Riitta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Collaboration between disciplines is necessary when research questions cannot be answered within a single discipline. Joining of forces can produce results that neither discipline could provide alone. Here we exemplify ...
    • Dynamic affordances in human-material “dialogues” 

      Groth, Camilla; Kimmel, Michael (Chapter, 2024)
      This chapter investigates craft practices through the lens of affordances, a central concept in both the field of cognitive psychology and that of design and craft. We illustrate how practitioners skilfully respond to what ...
    • Editorial: Embodiment and Experiential Knowledge 

      Nimkulrat, Nithikul; Groth, Camilla (Conference object, 2022)
      The chairs' introductory editorial for the Experiential Knowledge SIG theme track, 'Embodiment and Experiential Knowledge'.
    • Editorial: Making in the Digital Era 

      Groth, Camilla; Nimkulrat, Nithikul (Conference object, 2024)
      Experiential Knowledge Special Interest Group (EKSIG) focusses on the understanding of ‘knowledge’ and ‘contribution to knowledge’ in design research, especially in the areas where designing forms part of the research ...
    • Editorial: Special issue on embodied making and learning 

      Groth, Camilla; Riis, Kirstine; Gulliksen, Marte Sørebø (Others, 2020)
      This special issue on embodied making and learning is dedicated to aspects of embodied cognition that goes on in the field of art, craft and design. The contributors to this issue were invited from the Embodied Making and ...
    • Explorations in Craft Sciences 

      Almevik, Gunnar; Groth, Camilla; Westerlund, Tina (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The field of ‘Craft Sciences’ refers to research conducted across and within different craft subjects and academic contexts. This book aims to build on the breadth of topics, source material, methods, perspectives, and ...
    • An “in vivo” analysis of crafts practices and creativity—Why affordances provide a productive lens 

      Kimmel, Michael; Groth, Camilla (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Scholars are increasingly recognizing that creativity is grounded in the active sensorimotor engagement with the environment and materiality. Affordances—recognizable pointers to action opportunities in the ecology—provide ...
    • Introduction to the anthology 

      Schilhab, Theresa; Groth, Camilla (Chapter, 2024)
      Imagine some of the learning stages you have passed to reach the developmental level where you are today. From your time as an infant in the cradle, reaching for the moving colours hanging from the mobile above your head, ...
    • Introduction: Making as reflecting through interaction with the material environment 

      Groth, Camilla; Nimkulrat, Nithikul (Chapter, 2024)
      Recent advances in the context of embodied cognition and the “4Es” support inquiries into craft and design practice from an embodied perspective. This theoretical frame provides a view of active material engagement and ...
    • Making as a Way of Interacting with the Environment 

      Groth, Camilla (Chapter, 2020)
      As craft practitioners, we interact closely and intimately with materials and tools. As we learn to listen to the voice of a material, to the possibilities and limitations it presents, we adjust our intentions to what is ...
    • Navigating methodological perspectives in doctoral research through creative practice: Two examples of research in crafts 

      Riis, Kirstine; Groth, Camilla (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Methodologies for conducting academic research in crafts through practice-led approaches are still emerging, and research methods are developing with each project. Through this article, we navigate the field from a doctoral ...
    • Physiological measurements and emotional experiences of drawing and clay forming 

      Rankanen, Mimmu; Leinikka, Marianne; Groth, Camilla; Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, Pirita; Mäkelä, Maarit; Huotilainen, Minna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Experimental research on the psychophysiological effects of different art materials and tasks is still scarce. This mixed methods research focused on physiological changes and emotional experiences in drawing and clay ...
    • The Role of the Weaver in the Encounter with Life and Death 

      Nordström, Birgitta; Groth, Camilla (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      I weave ritual textiles for funerals, loss, and sorrow. Weaving in relation to death is a topic in myths, literature, and storytelling, where the weft, woven row by row, resonates with human life lived day by day. So does ...
    • Scaffolding visualization and mental rotation in designing and crafting 

      Gulliksen, Marte Sørebø; Groth, Camilla (Chapter, 2024)
      This chapter discusses visualization of shapes, specifically mental rotation, during design and craft practice and how this can be scaffolded with external aids. We present and discuss an autoethnographic case of a wood ...
    • Studying Material Interactions to Facilitate a Sense of Being with the World 

      Aktas, Bilge Merve; Groth, Camilla (Chapter, 2020)
      Material interactions are fundamental to design and craft education; however, they might also provide opportunities to reflect on sustainable behaviour in general. In this paper, we present an interdisciplinary undergraduate ...
    • T-shaped craft researchers’ contribution in transdisciplinary research projects 

      Groth, Camilla; Høgseth, Harald Bentz; Melin, Karl-Magnus; Leijonhufvud, Fredrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Transdisciplinary project groups are promoted as a way for coping with the growing complexity of research environments. In the context of archaeology and conservation, the knowhow of practitioner-researchers in crafts has ...