Browsing 1 USN ansatte by Title
Now showing items 1754-1773 of 4656
Hacia la síntesis del voseo tuteante. Notas sobre su historia y su variación
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Voseo tuteante is a most relevant isogloss of Spanish, and the culmination of a long historical process. As a form of address, it requires the analysis of the address system for a proper contextualization. As historical ... -
Hadronic resonances, strange and multi-strange particle production in Xe-Xe and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)We present measurements of hadronic resonance, strange and multi-strange particle production in collisions of Xe-Xe and Pb-Pb at the center-of-mass energies of , respectively, by the ALICE collaboration at the LHC. Particle ... -
Haematological and serum biochemical reference values in free-ranging red deer (Cervus elaphus atlanticus)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004)Analyses of haematological and biochemical constituents were carried out on the Norwegian subspecies of free-ranging red deer (Cervus elaphus atlanticus). All animals were captured from January to March by using a mixture ... -
«Han har da ei Lærebygning» Aasmund Olavsson Vinje sitt syn på Knud Knudsen i Dølen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Knud Knudsen (1812–1895) and Aasmund O. Vinje (1818–1870) were two prominent Norwegian figures in the nineteenth century. Although they are both frequently mentioned in various books and texts about Norwegian language ... -
Handlingsrammer og handlingsrom i kunst og handverksfaget: korleis institusjonelle mønster medverkar i studentars skapande prosessar med installasjonar
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Artikkelen ser på to ulike undervisningsopplegg der faglærarstudentar i kunstog handverk arbeiddemedinstallasjonar. Utifrå nokre konkrete eksempel blir det belyst korleis forståingar, tilnærmingar og arbeidsmåtar som er ... -
Hans B. Skaset : mannen i media
(Chapter, 2005) -
Hartvig Nissen og N.F.S. Grundtvig. Grundtvigianske aspekter i norsk skoletenkning rundt midten av 1800-tallet. Polemikken mellom Hartvig Nissen og Frederik Bugge i Morgenbladet 1845
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Denne artikkelen ser nærmere på den unge Hartvig Nissens virke, og belyser særlig hvordan Nissens forståelse av skole og utdanning er relatert til impulser han mottok som student i København på slutten av 1830-tallet. Ikke ... -
Harvest is associated with the disruption of social and finescale genetic structure among matrilines of a solitary large carnivore
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Harvest can disrupt wildlife populations by removing adults with naturally high survival. This can reshape sociospatial structure, genetic composition, fitness, and potentially affect evolution. Genetic tools can detect ... -
Harvesting of males delays female breeding in a socially monogamous mammal : the beaver
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)Human exploitation may skew adult sex ratios in vertebrate populations to the extent that males become limiting for normal reproduction. In polygynous ungulates, females delay breeding in heavily harvested populations, but ... -
Harvesting the Sky: A new horizon in photocatalytic hydrogen production
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In a groundbreaking advance for sustainable energy, a recent study unveils a transformative approach to hydrogen production, signaling a major shift in renewable energy. This study integrates one-dimensional covalent organic ... -
Have the reports of TQM’s death been greatly exaggerated? A re-examination of the concept’s historical popularity trajectory
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)There is a vast literature on Total Quality Management (TQM), one of the most influential management concepts introduced during the twentieth century. In the TQM literature, there are multiple conflicting views on TQM’s ... -
Having Fun and Staying Active! Children with Disabilities and Participation in Physical Activity: A 15th-month Follow-Up Study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Aim: This study investigated change in the participation profile of physical activity over 15 months after a three-week intensive rehabilitation that used physical activity as the main intervention. Methods: The Children's ... -
Hazel Rods in Graves
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Hånden og ånden : praksis og teori i et historisk/filosofisk perspektiv
(Conference lecture, 2006) -
Headache and musculoskeletal pain in school children are associated with uncorrected vision problems and need for glasses: a case–control study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Musculoskeletal pain and headache are leading causes of years lived with disability, and an escalating problem in school children. Children spend increasingly more time reading and using digital screens, and increased near ... -
Headache, eyestrain, and musculoskeletal symptoms in relation to smartphone and tablet use in healthy adolescents.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Neck pain and headache are leading causes of years lived with disability globally, and the prevalence is gradually increasing from school age to early adulthood. These symptoms have been linked to the use of digital devices. ... -
Healing and Meaning Making Through Storytelling and Poetry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The article highlights the way storytelling and poetry can heal a worried mind and make sense of life events. Three main focuses will be presented and discussed. First is the nature and quality of storytelling and how it ... -
Health care personnel’s perception of guideline implementation for musculoskeletal imaging: a process evaluation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: The increasing complexity and variability in radiology have significantly fueled the need for guidelines. There are many methods for disseminating and implementing guidelines however; and obtaining lasting ... -
Health care providers' experiences of pain management and attitudes towards digitally supported self-management interventions for chronic pain: a qualitative study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: Chronic pain constitutes a significant burden for the individuals affected, and is a frequent reason why patients seek health care services. While in-person psychosocial interventions can be of support to people ... -
Health effects of ionising radiation in paediatrics undergoing either cardiac fluoroscopy or modern radiotherapy (The HARMONIC project)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The use of ionising radiation (IR) for medical diagnosis and treatment procedures has had a major impact on the survival of paediatric patients. Although the benefits of these techniques lead to efficient health care, ...