Browsing 1 USN ansatte by Title
Now showing items 2839-2858 of 4747
Nanna With - et tilbakeblikk på sportsjournalistikk
(Journal article, 2013-09-19) -
Nano fabricated silicon nanorod array with titanium nitride coating for on-chip supercapacitors
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)We demonstrate high aspect ratio silicon nanorod arrays by cyclic deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) process as a scaffold to enhance the energy density of a Si-based supercapacitor. By unique atomic layer deposition (ALD) ... -
Nano-Power Monostable-Based Wake-Up Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks
(Chapter, 2022)Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) generally consist of thousands of sensor nodes, each one supplied by a battery or harvested energy. To prolong the lifetime of wireless sensor networks, wake-up receivers (WuRxs) are typically ... -
Nanoscale hetero-structured Co-Co(OH)2 composite/amorphous carbon core/shell bi-functional electrocatalysts electrochemically evolved from metastable hexagonal-phase cobalt for overall water splitting
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Bi-functional electrocatalysts suited to alkaline water splitting systems are highly pursued, towards the most realistic application enabled by simplified electrolyzer design and cost-effective operation. Herein, a novel ... -
Nanoscale imaging of shale fragments with coherent X-ray diffraction
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Despite the abundance of shales in the Earth's crust and their industrial and environmental importance, their microscale physical properties are poorly understood, owing to the presence of many structurally related mineral ... -
Narcotic offences and drug use disorders among young refugees in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Aims: We examined the patterns of healthcare utilisation for drug use disorders (DUDs) and charges related to narcotics among young refugees in Norway considering the role of sex, country of origin and condition of arrival ... -
Narrativ strategi Nettundervisning i kunst og håndverk
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Faget kunst og håndverk har en lang tradisjon i norsk lærerutdanning og bygger på ulike målformuleringer, teoretiske forankringer og metodiske tilnærminger. I denne artikkelen vil jeg både rette oppmerksomheten på faget ... -
Narrative Tensions in Strained Junior Elite Performers’ Experiences of Becoming Elite Performers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Contextualized within narrative theory and the field of talent identification and development systems (TIDS), this interview study examined strained junior elite performers’ experiences of becoming elite performers while ... -
Narratives of health-promoting experiences by older husbands and wives providing care to their home-dwelling spouses receiving home-care services in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: In today’s healthcare systems, older family caregivers who care for their spouses at home are indispensable providers of healthcare. However, many of these caregivers are at risk of becoming ill themselves. To ... -
National Parks in Northern Sweden as Refuges for Illegal Killing of Large Carnivores
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Large protected areas are often considered to be as important as population size in reducing extinction risk for large carnivores. However, the effectiveness of protected areas for large carnivore survival has rarely been ... -
National structures for building and managing sport facilities: a comparative analysis of the Nordic countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Sport facilities are instrumental in keeping the population fit and healthy. Governments worldwide are thus engaged in devising policies, programs and projects for building such facilities, with the aim of providing citizens ... -
Natural environments, psychosocial health, and health behaviors in a crisis – A scoping review of the literature in the COVID-19 context
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The COVID-19 outbreak led to major restrictions globally, affecting people's psychosocial health and their health behaviors. Thus, the purpose of this scoping review was to summarize the available research regarding nature ... -
Naturally changing reference conditions: Evidence of isostatic uplift being the main cause of changes in ecological status in a SW Norwegian fjord system
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)According to the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), restoration actions are needed if the present-day ecological quality status (EcoQS) is worse than good. However, less stringent environmental objectives may be ... -
Nature-based early childhood education for child health, wellbeing and development: A mixed-methods systematic review protocol
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: Several systematic reviews have reviewed the evidence relating to nature on aspects of children and adolescent’s health and wellbeing; however, none have looked at the associations or effectiveness of attending ... -
A nature-based solution to a landfill-leachate contamination of a confined aquifer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Remediation of groundwater from landfill contamination presents a serious challenge due to the complex mixture of contaminants discharged from landfills. Here, we show the significance of a nature-based solution to a ... -
Naturen som læringsarena i norsk grunnskole - En oversiktsstudie
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Mange internasjonale reviewstudier viser at uteundervisning kan ha positive effekter på sosiale relasjoner, fysisk og psykisk helse og læring. Forskning fra Norge er imidlertid sjeldent inkludert i disse reviewstudiene. I ... -
Naturfredning eller egeninteresser? Naturfredningssaker i DNT og NJFF 1880–1930
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I denne artikkelen diskuteres hvordan to sentrale friluftslivsorganisasjoner, Den Norske Turistforening (DNT) og Norges Jæger- og Fisker-Forening (NJFF), møtte natursynet til naturfredningsbevegelsen, som kom til Norge ... -
Naturiseksporten i norsk sjøfartshistorie
(Chapter, 2014) -
Naturlige løsavsetningers egnethet som kommunale deponeringsplasser i Telemark
(Working paper, 1980) -
Navigating methodological perspectives in doctoral research through creative practice: Two examples of research in crafts
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Methodologies for conducting academic research in crafts through practice-led approaches are still emerging, and research methods are developing with each project. Through this article, we navigate the field from a doctoral ...