• Functional procurement for innovation, welfare, and the environment 

      Edquist, Charles; Zabala-Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Public procurement accounts for a very large share of most economies worldwide. This conceptual article argues that the key to achieving more innovations when pursuing public procurement is to describe problems to be solved ...
    • Fundamental issues in nonlinear wideband-vibration energy harvesting 

      Halvorsen, Einar (Journal article, 2013)
      Mechanically nonlinear energy harvesters driven by broadband vibrations modeled as white noise are investigated. We derive an upper bound on output power versus load resistance and show that, subject to mild restrictions ...
    • Fundamental Movement Skills and Their Assessment in Primary Schools from the Perspective of Teachers 

      Eddy, Lucy; Hill, Liam J. B.; Mon-Williams, Mark; Preston, Nick; Daly-Smith, Andy; Medd, Gareth; Bingham, Daniel D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Evidence suggests that children struggle to acquire age-appropriate fundamental movement skills (FMS), despite their importance for facilitating physical activity. This has led to calls for routine school-based screening ...
    • Fusion of Body Sensors’ Data and Video Images in Assistive Technology 

      Halvorsen, Hans-Petter; Kaspersen, Karina; Jonsaas, Alexander; Mylvaganam, Kanagasabapath (Chapter, 2019)
      Modern innovations in the design of sensors and the convergence of computing, cognition and communications have led to many new possibilities in incorporating AI-techniques in Assistive Technology (AT) for elderly people. ...
    • The future impact of carbon tax on electricity flow between great britain and its neighbors until 2030 

      Rafiee, Ahmad; Karimi, Mehdi; Safari, Amir; Talabari, Fahimeh Abbasi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      This paper investigates the future role of cross-border electricity flow between Great Britain (GB) and its neighbors until 2030, considering high deployment of renewable energy sources (e.g., wind, solar, and biomass), ...
    • Future Operational Regimes of Bulk Power Generation in The Era of Global Energy Transition: Grid Codes, Challenges and Open Issues 

      Nøland, Jonas Kristiansen; Leandro, Matteo; Nysveen, Arne; Øyvang, Thomas (Chapter, 2020)
      This paper explores the effects of the ongoing energy transition on the classical bulk power generation. The rapid increase in renewable penetration changes the role of grid-connected generators significantly. Large machines ...
    • Future regional university/industry cooperation : academic excellence through 3-dimensional integration 

      Clausen, Trond (Journal article, 1998)
      A new interest in the existence and operation of the many small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) as active partners for the newborn regional universities in Norway has recently been registered. This interest has been ...
    • A fuzzy approach to rebust Social Sustainability Assessment(ISSA) 

      Akbarinejad Khamene, Tahmineh; Barahmand, Zahir; Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka (Journal article, 2023)
      Social sustainability has been increasingly recognized as a fundamental component of sustainable development in recent years. It is still challenging to measure social sustainability in comparison to other dimensions of ...
    • Fuzzy Gain-Scheduling PID for UAV Position and Altitude Controllers 

      Melo, Aurelio G.; Andrade, Fabio Augusto de Alcantara; Guedes, Ihannah P.; Carvalho, Guilherme F.; Zachi, Alessandro R. L.; Pinto, Milena F. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) applications have evolved to a wide range of fields in the last decade. One of the main challenges in autonomous tasks is the UAV stability during maneuvers. Thus, attitude and position control ...
    • Fysisk butikk: levende, død eller nytt liv? 

      Fredriksen, Jan Ivar; Refvik, Linda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Digital utvikling innenfor handelen har skapt behov for nye perspektiver, forretningsmodeller og løsninger. Kundens handlemønstre er i sterk endring. Kommunikasjon og salg skjer gjennom flere kanaler, med en miks av analoge ...
    • "Fædrelandske Ideer". Jacob Aalls nasjonsforståelse 1799-1814 

      Hyvik, Jens Johan (Book, 2003)
      Hvad har Norge været; hvad er det; hvad kan det blive?” Med disse spørsmålene innledet Jacob Aall boken Fædrelandske Ideer som ble utgitt i 1809. Spørsmålene varslet et høyt ambisjonsnivå, en vilje til å drøfte norske, ...
    • Følgeforskning av "Nettbasert masterstudium i Formgiving, kunst og håndverk" 

      Amari, Morteza; Hjardemaal, Finn R. (Research report, 2012)
      På oppdrag fra Institutt for forming og formgivning ved Høgskolen i Telemark har vi gjennomført et følgeforskningsoppdrag knyttet til oppstart, gjennomføring og avslutningen av treårig Nettbasert master i formgivning, kunst ...
    • Først engasjement, så innhold: Bruk av serien På tro og Are i religionsundervisning i videregående skole 

      Toft, Audun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Artikkelen diskuterer bruken av serien På tro og Are i religionsundervisning basert på observasjoner fra et case-studie i videregående skole. Fokus er på seriens episode om buddhisme. Denne episoden er kontroversiell og ...
    • Første skoledag - en analyse av norske barneskolers velkomstarrangement for førsteklassinger 

      Kaasin, Atle Rønnestad; Hogsnes, Hilde Dehnæs; Eik, Liv Torunn; Østmoen, Jostein Paulgård (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Første skoledag har en særegen posisjon i barns utdanningsløp. Likevel er dagen sjelden tematisert i forskningspublikasjoner. Denne artikkelen bidrar i så måte ved å undersøke det sedvanlige velkomstarrangementet for nye ...
    • Førstebestigningen av Lodalskåpa 

      Horgen, André (Others, 2008)
      Norges første bestigning av en 2000-meters topp fant trolig sted i 1798. Dette året ble Store Snøhetta på Dovre besteget av geologen og mineralogen Jens Esmark (1763 - 1839). 150 år senere var samtlige av Norges topper ...
    • Gab-SSDS: An AI-Based Similar Days Selection Method for Load Forecast 

      Janković, Zoran; Vesin, Boban; Selakov, Aleksander; Berntzen, Lasse (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The important, while mostly underestimated, step in the process of short-term load forecasting–STLF is the selection of similar days. Similar days are identified based on numerous factors, such as weather, time, electricity ...
    • Gamma densitometry measurements of gas/liquid flow with low liquid fractions in horizontal and inclined pipes 

      Vestøl, Sondre; Kumara, W.A.S.; Melaaen, Morten Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The ability to accurately predict the volume fraction of different phases flowing in a pipe is of extreme importance to nuclear and oil industries, among others. This article will focus on the application of a single-beam ...
    • Gasification of Biomass for Production of Syngas for Biofuel 

      Adhikari, Umesh; Eikeland, Marianne Sørflaten; Halvorsen, Britt (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Continuously increasing price of oil and gas, energy crisis and increased environmental consciousness towards the greenhouse gas emission have opened a new opportunity to the biomass, the oldest source of energy known to ...
    • Gender quotas on corporate boards: similarities and differences of quota scenarios 

      Mensi-Klarbach, Heike; Seierstad, Cathrine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      In this article, the use of gender quotas to strengthen gender equality on corporate boards is explored Examining national practices in ten European countries we provide an overview, categorizing the design of various ...
    • Gender shift in a Norwegian diminutive construction 

      Fløgstad, Guro Nore; Eiesland, Eli Anne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      In this article, we discuss the ei litta construction in Norwegian, a construction that involves the use of feminine morphology combined with non-feminine nouns, and expresses evaluation. Through corpus analyses and an ...