Automatic Oil Filling Station
PS currently have a MOFS that is a critical component in their production. The MOFS is a relatively low efficient apparatus that is very time consuming. Currently, manual execution of the system operations is necessary, which hinders efficient labor use. PS want to increase the productivity of the designated operation. They desire an AOFS in order to free up labor time, while simultaneously minimize the risk for error and faults. The product we will design must be able to dehumidify the AK350 Wacker silicone oil, run vacuum leak tests and fill jumpers. The system must also be capable of pressure testing and pressurizing the respective hoses. These tasks must run automatically and independent of each other in order to do simultaneous operations at different jumpers connected to the system. Our purpose is not to construct, but to develop a functional and final design that Precision Subsea can build.
utført i samarbeid med Precision Subsea AS