Now showing items 23-35 of 35

    • Rikard Berge – dokumentasjon av folkemusikk gjennom fonograf og fotografi 

      Authen, Cecilie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      This article explores the documentation of Norwegian traditional music, to be found in the Norwegian folklorist Richard Berge’s (1881 –1969) phonograph and photography archives. The article discusses how Berge proceeded ...
    • Rytmen i kryllingspringar 

      Omholt, Per Åsmund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      This article is based on a research project at Telemark University College, where I have aimed to record the entire material of fiddle tunes that Truls Ørpen (1880–1958) wrote down from his own local community Krøds - ...
    • Segmentation, Transcription, Analysis and Visualisation of the Norwegian Folk Music Archive 

      Lartillot, Olivier; Elovsson, Anders; Johansson, Mats Sigvard; Thedens, Hans-Hinrich (Chapter, 2022)
      We present an ongoing project dedicated to the transmutation of a collection of field recordings of Norwegian folk music established in the 1960s into an easily accessible online catalogue augmented with advanced music ...
    • Sounds familiar(?): Expertise with specific musical genres modulates timing perception and micro-level synchronization to auditory stimuli 

      Danielsen, Anne; Nymoen, Kristian; Langerød, Martin Torvik; Jacobsen, Eirik; Johansson, Mats; London, Justin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Musical expertise improves the precision of timing perception and performance – but is this expertise generic, or is it tied to the specific style(s) and genre(s) of one’s musical training? We asked expert musicians from ...
    • "Svevende intervaller" - og svevende begrep 

      Kvifte, Tellef (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      The article discusses the term “svevende tonalitet” (“floating tonality”) that is frequently used in descriptions of Norwegian traditional music. The term refers to variations in intonation patterns, but is used in ...
    • Tankar om autentisitet og kjeldebruk i den vokale folkemusikken 

      Furholt, Ragnhild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This article refers and discusses two questions given to some young folksingers and song students: 1) What does it mean to you to sing authentic? 2) What is a good source for your singing? The article discusses the criteria, ...
    • Teknologien og tradisjonen - Noter og opptak, nok en gang 

      Kvifte, Tellef (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The paper discusses the use and effects on traditional music by the introduction of the technologies of music notation and music recording. Both of these technologies imply fixation and, therefore, also the possibility ...
    • Tradisjonsområder : konstruksjon eller realitet? 

      Omholt, Per Åsmund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
    • Traditions, archives and change 

      Kvifte, Tellef (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      In the Nordic countries, there are several archives containing documentation of traditional music and dance. The ways in which the material in the archives are produced, distributed and used, may influence the very tradition ...
    • Tredimensjonale skulpturer i fire dimensjoner : Husserls kinesteser og Calders kinetiske skulpturer 

      Tin, Mikkel Bjørset (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
    • Truls Ørpen, oppskrivertradisjonen og de gode formene 

      Omholt, Per Åsmund (Journal article, 2020)
      De store samlingene med slå!enedtegnelser må studeres i lys av sin samtid. Det gjør dem ikke til dårligere kilder – tvert om kan de gi innsikter man ikke kan få av lydfestet dokumentasjonsmateriale.
    • What is musical meter? 

      Johansson, Mats (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      This article discusses the concept of musical meter, its most common definitions and their implications for musical analysis. It is shown that the concept has been notoriously difficult to define and that the core of the ...
    • Å male i blått - om måling av intonasjon på hardingfele 

      Omholt, Per Åsmund (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This article investigates and discusses possible explanations for unconventional intonation practices in Norwegian Hardanger fiddle tunes. Software measurements of archive recordings, mainly of the Telemark fiddler Johannes ...