Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 3889
Longitudinal assessments of corneal and tear film characteristics after lasik versus continued contact lens wear
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 1999)Changes in oxygen availability, exerted mechanical force or even surgical manipulation are all factors known to influence corneal characteristics, yet detailed information about the changes such influence may induce is ... -
Landbruk og distriktspolitikk – ein analyse av den norske landbruksstøtta
(NILF-Report;, Research report, 2002) -
Do Norms Count? State Regulation and Compliance in a Norwegian Fishing Community
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2002)The article addresses the interface between law and the morality of civil society. It starts with a review of the discourse between the utilitarian approach to rationality and perspectives which include normative action. ... -
IKT og nye llæreprosesser: Avsluttende rapport ved Høgskolen i Vestfold November 2003
(Research report, 2003)Prosjektet IKT og nye læreprosesser ble igangsatt høsten 2000 med to forsøksklasser henholdsvis på allmennlærer- og førskolelærerutdanningen. Ett år senere ble prosjektet utvidet/oppskalert til å gjelde alle nye studenter ... -
A Mathematical Theory for Mixing of Particulate Materials
(Doctoral thesis, 2006)A theoretical framework for sampling theory is developed. In this relation, concepts like mixture heterogeneity and representative samples are mathematically defined. Further, the relation between Gy's concepts of accuracy ... -
Strutseving (Matteúccia struthiópteris (L.) Tod.) - en vanlig bregneart som kan bli en gourmetgrønnsak også i Norge. Litteraturoversikt
(Bioforsk TEMA;, Research report, 2007)Det finnes et landbruksprodukt som er sterkt etterspurt i deler av USA og Canada, men som synes å være nesten ukjent i Europa. Produktet har blitt beskrevet som ”en smakfull og næringsrik grønnsak”. Råvaretilgangen og ... -
Virkelig verdi - et utfordrende måleattributt
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)I internasjonal regnskapsrett er virkelig verdi innført i et omfang som er uten sidestykke i regnskapsfagets historie. Virkelig verdi kan nå brukes som måleattributt på mange områder hvor tradisjonen har vært historisk ... -
A Clover shaped silicon piezoresistive microphone for miniaturized photoacoustic gas sensors
(Chapter, 2009)Here we present the design and modeling of a novel piezoresistive microphone designed for a photoacoustic gas sensor system. The microphone is fabricated using a novel process to enable DRIE etch through of membranes of ... -
Filosofiske samtaler som motgift mod totalitarisme
(Journal article, 2009)Det er en vanlig fordom at utdannelse og demokrati vil kunne forhindre totalitarisme. Imidlertid har historien vist at totalitær tenkning kan få fotfeste i demokratiske og intellektuelt velutviklede samfunn, som fx det ... -
The outdoor environment in Norwegian kindergartens as pedagogical space for toddlers' play, learning and development
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)This study examines some characteristics of the outdoor environment in Norwegian kindergartens. Understood as pedagogical space, outdoor conditions may enhance or restrict the youngest children's possibilities for play, ... -
Longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging-based assessment of vascular changes and radiation response in androgen-sensitive prostate carcinoma xenografts under androgen-exposed and androgen-deprived conditions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Prostate cancer (PCa) patients receive androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) to reduce tumor burden. However, complete eradication of PCa is unusual, and recurrent disease is evident within approximately 2 years in high-risk ... -
The Trade in Painters’ Materials in Norway in the Middle Ages. Part 1: The 'silent' Trade in Painters' Materials in Norway in the High Middle Ages
(Chapter, 2010)This paper can be read as an introduction or an appendix to Unn Plahter’s exposition, which forms the other part of this contribution. The investigations referred to by her, here and elsewhere, on the imported painters’ ... -
Sleep-Wake Patterns during the Acute Phase after First-Ever Stroke
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)This study describes the pattern of day and night sleep and explores relationships between these patterns and sociodemographic and clinical factors as well as sleep environmental context and the patient's subjective sleep ... -
Hva koster egentlig CO2-håndtering?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011) -
Anisotropic conductive film for flip-chip interconnection of a high I/O silicon based finger print sensor
(Lecture, 2011)Anisotropic conductive film (ACF) has been used for flip chip interconnection of a silicon based MEMS finger print sensor to a signal processing ASIC. The assembled sensor device was subjected to a short term high temperature ... -
Effect of Tonsillar Herniation on Cyclic CSF Flow Studied with Computational Flow Analysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The Chiari I malformation, characterized by tonsils extending below the foramen magnum, has increased CSF velocities compared with those in healthy subjects. Measuring the effect of tonsillar ... -
Sex-biased dispersal in a northern ungulate population
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)In most mammals dispersal is male-biased and in many polygynous ungulates female philopatry and matrilineal grouping involve small-scale genetic structure. We have through sex-related differences in microsatellite allele ... -
Følgeforskning av "Nettbasert masterstudium i Formgiving, kunst og håndverk"
(Research report, 2012)På oppdrag fra Institutt for forming og formgivning ved Høgskolen i Telemark har vi gjennomført et følgeforskningsoppdrag knyttet til oppstart, gjennomføring og avslutningen av treårig Nettbasert master i formgivning, kunst ... -
Systemdrift 2020
(Research report, 2012)KUBE 2012 har i årets sommerprosjekt svart på problemstillingen: Hvordan bør Statnett drifte kraftsystemet i 2020? Utviklingen av systemdriften frem mot 2020 vil drives av en kraftig økning i utvekslingskapasitet mot ... -
Effects of socio-emotional stressors on ventilation rate and subjective workload during simulated CPR by lay rescuers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)Several studies have documented the occurrence of high ventilation rates during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but to date, there have been no scientific investigation of the causes of hyperventilation. The objective of ...