Publikasjoner fra CRIStin
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Playing to learn? Analyzing participants' framing of competition and professional conduct in maritime simulations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study scrutinizes how a simulated scenario framed as a competition is discussed in a post-simulation debriefing, where students reflect on game-like play in the context of professional education. This study draws on ... -
Sammenhengen mellom øving og dybdelæring i kunst og håndverkundervisning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I dette prosjektet undersøker vi fra lærerens perspektiv hva som er sammenhengen mellom øving og dybdelæring i kunst og håndverkundervisning. Tradisjonelt er øving knyttet til repetisjon av tekniske ferdigheter. Men vi ... -
"Og rektor fortalte det var arbeidsskolemetoden". «Og rektor fortalte det var arbeidsskolemetoden». Reformpedagogiske elementer i norskundervisning ved Eidsvoll landsgymnas (1945–1946)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Reformpedagogiske ideer knyttet til begrepet «arbeidsskole» var sentrale i forbindelse med implementering av lov om høiere almenskoler av 1935. Vi vet lite om hvordan disse ideene påvirket undervisningen. Denne artikkelen ... -
Teaching religious stories in lower primary school: a Norwegian case study of 8-year-old students’ perception of the Moses narratives
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study investigates the instruction of religious stories of Judaism at the primary school level in a Norwegian educational setting, with a focus on the perceptions of 8-year-old students regarding narratives about ... -
Opening the heart: exploring the interpersonal neurobiology of spiritual practices suitable for public education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Modern education has prioritised the intellectual dimension, while giving insufficient attention to children’s emotional and spiritual development. This article offers an interdisciplinary understanding of how public ... -
Women’s Academic Career Trajectory to the Top: Strategies and Ways of Doing Gender
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In recent years, the political approach to gender balance in academia has shifted from “fixing the women” to “fixing the system”. Based on an action research (AR) project aimed at enabling more women to qualify for senior ... -
Norse gods on Instagram - Developing critical literacy through multimodal text production
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article explores how critical literacy can be developed through multimodal text production. The study was conducted with lower secondary school students in Norway, who in a school task were asked to reconstruct the ... -
Exploring the embodied experiences of social relationships in physical education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)There is a need for new pedagogies in physical education that emphasise embodied learning experiences and meaningfulness [Ennis, C. D. (2017). Educating students for a lifetime of physical activity: Enhancing mindfulness, ... -
Workplace health promotion in a continuous Rationalised Hospital sector
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The article explores the complexities of implementing health-promoting physical activity within the context of a Norwegian public hospital. Through an extensive case study, it examines the rollout of Active Hospitals, a ... -
Å gi rom for nye begynnelser: Demokratisering og dekolonisering gjennom arbeid med estetiske læringsprosesser og samiske perspektiver i høyere utdanning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I denne artikkelen utforsker vi hvordan estetiske læringsprosesser kan bidra til endring i kunnskaps- og læringssyn i høyere utdanning. Det empiriske grunnlaget for artikkelen er kollektive autoetnografiske refleksjoner ... -
Å utvikle eit fagleg repertoar i kunst og handverk: Grunnlag for djupnelæring i eit praksisfellesskap på 5. trinn
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Denne artikkelen bygger på ei kasusstudie frå 5. trinn innan det norske grunnskulefaget kunst og handverk (KH). Undersøkinga søker større kunnskap om det faglege repertoaret av delte ressursar elevane i eit spesifikt ... -
Actinomma sogndalensis n. sp. (Radiolaria, Polycystina) an endemic species to the Sognefjord, western Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Studies of polycystine radiolarians (marine planktonic protists) have shown that great faunistic differences occur between the different Norwegian fjord systems. Plankton studies by Swanberg and Bjørklund in the early ... -
From responsibilities to accountabilities: school principals’ expected roles in composing inclusive schools since 1994
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this paper, we examine the role of principals in making schools more inclusive, which means enabling joint learning of all students. The article draws on empirical investigations from 2700 pages of legal documents on ... -
Kreativitet i læreplanverket for Kunnskapsløftet 2020. Hvordan kommuniseres kreativitet i læreplanen, og hva betyr dette i skolen?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I et samfunn i endring, krig og klimakrise har vi behov for samfunnsborgere som kan tenke nytt og finne løsninger. Kreativ kompetanse etterspørres i arbeidslivet, og med revideringen av læreplanverket for Kunnskapsløftet ... -
I spennet mellom respekt og nedlatende omtale - Rolv Gjessings skrift om Kautokeino-lappene 1934.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I denne teksten skal vi ta for oss Rolv Gjessings skrift om Kautokeino-lappene, utgitt i 1934, og vise hvordan denne boken beskriver Kautokeino-samenes fysiologiske antropologi. Gjessings bok må ses i nær sammenheng med ... -
Lov, lek og ledelse: Samspillet mellom organisasjonskultur og endring av pedagogisk praksis
(Chapter, 2024)The article offers critical perspectives on power dynamics and staff interactions in kindergartens, stemming from the implementation of laws regarding the psychosocial environment. The aim of this article is to shed light ... -
Entangled lives: a dialogic reading of the characters Heed and Christine in Toni Morrison’s Love
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article investigates the construction of character in Toni Morrison’s novel Love, arguing that its characters are dialogically constructed in multiple ways and that this relational structure reflects the novel’s ... -
Artificial Intelligence in Nursing: Perspectives from Norwegian Nurses
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Nurses continue to face challenges in leading health information technology innovations such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). There is an acknowledged need to explore the attitude of nurses towards AI and nurses’ acceptance ... -
Naturfredning eller egeninteresser? Naturfredningssaker i DNT og NJFF 1880–1930
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I denne artikkelen diskuteres hvordan to sentrale friluftslivsorganisasjoner, Den Norske Turistforening (DNT) og Norges Jæger- og Fisker-Forening (NJFF), møtte natursynet til naturfredningsbevegelsen, som kom til Norge ... -
Lekens lange linjer: En historisk analyse av lekbegrepet i læreplandokumenter for norske barnehager og skoler fra 1996 til 2020
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article is based on a content analysis of the concept of play in the national curriculum for Norwegian kindergartens and schools from 1996 until 2020. The results show how play’s place in the curriculum has changed ...