Publikasjoner fra CRIStin
Recent Submissions
Word searching in multilingual dementia: An interdisciplinary approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Aims and objectives: This study investigates how multilingual speakers with dementia mobilise their multilingual and interactional resources when searching for words in a naming test setting, and how their word-search ... -
Relational and cultural continuity for children in foster care; A critical exploration of national policies in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England, Ireland and Scotland
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Based on an analysis of 14 national child welfare policies, the paper explores how relational and cultural continuity are framed in national foster care policies in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England, Ireland and Scotland, ... -
Å (sammen)filte(s) med ull og steder gjennom a-r-t-ografens agenser i egen undervisning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Artikkelen er skrevet frem med utgangspunkt i en undervisningssituasjon sammen med en gruppe barnehagelærerstudenter og store mengder kassert ull fra norsk villsau. Med a-r-t-ografi som forskningsmetodologi og pedagogisk ... -
Innovation in the realm of the unforeseen: A review of competence needed
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: Our main research question in this article was: What are the competence structures for innovative processes? Both the nature of the unforeseen and innovation are related to something unknown, i.e., that ... -
Needs led research: ensuring relevant research in two PhD projects within maternity care
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background There has been a growing concern regarding research waste and the mismatch between conducted research and the research needs of knowledge users. The Needs Led Research (NLR) approach is proposed as an effective ... -
Automation Processes for Efficient Verification of Complex Systems: an Empirical Case Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
A Complete Globe Dislocation without Orbital Wall Fracture
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: The complete globe dislocation is a rare type of trauma in clinical practice of ophthalmologists. Case Presentation: In this report, we present a case of complete globe dislocation with optic nerve avulsion ... -
“Without IPS I Think I Would Really Fall Apart”: Individual Placement and Support as Experienced by People With Mental Illness—Phenomenological Peer Research Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Having a job is an important component of recovery from mental illness and a source of economic, social, and Health benefits. Most people experiencing severe mental illness (SMI) want to work but are excluded from employment ... -
Review of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose in Artificial Tears for the Treatment of Dry Eye Disease
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Dry eye disease (DED) is a highly prevalent condition, resulting in reduced quality of life, lower participation in social life and impaired work efficiency. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) is a cellulose-based ... -
Kjønnsroller i skolens samfunnsfag: Kunnskap og lærebøker gjennom fire læreplanperioder
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Artikkelen tar for seg hvordan kunnskap om kjønnsroller har blitt framstilt i lærebøker i samfunnsfag over mer enn tre tiår. Kjønn og likestilling fikk en viktig plass i Mønsterplanen av 1974, og analysen starter med bøker ... -
Offentlig regnskap. Kompetansebehov i norske kommuner og rollene til høyere utdanning og kurstilbydere
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Offentlig regnskap og økonomistyring har lenge vært et neglisjert fagområde innenfor høyere utdanning. Konsekvensene er at offentlige virksomheter ikke får dekket sitt kompetansebehov gjennom ansattes høyere utdanning, og ... -
Children had smaller brain volumes and cortical surface areas after prenatal opioid maintenance therapy exposure
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Aim: The studies have shown that infants with prenatal OMT exposure had smaller brain volumes than non-exposed controls, but long-term outcome data are lacking. We examined 5-13-year-old OMT-exposed children with brain MRI ... -
Utdanningshistoriens skjæringspunkter og muligheter
(Others, 2024) -
What drives crowdfunding intentions of artist-entrepreneurs? – Evidence from Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Crowdfunding has been proclaimed as a new fundraising channel offering multiple benefits to artist-entrepreneurs, yet its use has been surprisingly underwhelming. The study examines the determinants of artist-entrepreneurs’ ... -
Swedish Intensive Care Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Views on Donation After Circulatory Death Before a National Implementation *
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: An increasing population and a shortage of identified potential organ donors are causing the waiting list for organ transplants to grow continuously. Donation after circulatory death (DCD) is a method aimed ... -
Literature in language education: Exploring EFL learners' literary competence profiles
(Journal article, 2024)Literary competence is a critical component of foreign language education and has far-reaching implications for language learners’ linguistic and cultural development. This article reports on a study that examined how the ... -
Topical glaucoma medications − Possible implications on the meibomian glands
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)One of the most common causes of blindness on a global scale is glaucoma. There is a strong association between glaucoma and increased intraocular pressure (IOP). Because of this, adequate IOP‐lowering is the most important ... -
Samfunn og samhandling under press: Betydning for pedagogisk praksis og teori
(Chapter, 2024)Samfunnet er i endring – det uforutsette setter sine spor; kriser, trusler, etterretning, pandemier, krig, ideologikonflikter, teknologisk utvikling, målstyring, økonomiske forskjeller og miljø- og bærekraftutfordringer ... -
Shapley visual transformers for image-to-text generation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In the contemporary landscape of the web, text-to-image generation stands out as a crucial information service. Recently, deep learning has emerged as the cutting-edge methodology for advancing text-to-image generation ... -
The relationship between interaction mindsets and language teachers’ self-development practices
(Chronicle, 2024)Self-development is a crucial aspect of language teaching as it fosters various dimensions of language teacher cognition, affect, and identity, ultimately contributing to better learning outcomes. Most studies on language ...