• Diversity of thermophilic Campylobacter isolated from the Bø River, Southeast Norway 

      Rosef, Olav; Paulauskas, Algimantas; Stølan, Aud; Bråthen, Elisabeth Moen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      Out of 125 samples we isolated 45 thermophilic Campylobacter spp. from Bø River by filtration followed by growth on selective agar plates. The species were identified by biotyping, multiplex PCR and riboprinting. C. jejuni ...
    • Diving behavior in a free-living, semi-aquatic herbivore, the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber 

      Graf, Patricia Maria; Wilson, Rory Paul; Sanchez, Lea Cohen; Hackländer, Klaus; Rosell, Frank (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Semi-aquatic mammals have secondarily returned to the aquatic environment, although they spend a major part of their life operating in air. Moving both on land, as well as in, and under water is challenging because such ...
    • Divisjon i begynneropplæring: En casestudie 

      Eggen, Adele Andersen (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne studien har undersøkt lærerens tilrettelegging av arbeid med divisjon i klasserommet, i begynneropplæringen. Formålet har vært å få innsikt i hvordan en erfaren matematikklærer jobber med dette temaet som elevene ...
    • DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence: meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies 

      Vehmeijer, Florianne O.; Küpers, Leanne K.; Sharp, Gemma C.; Salas, Lucas A.; Lent, Samantha; Jima, Dereje D.; Tindula, Gwen; Reese, Sarah; Qi, Cancan; Gruzieva, Olena; Page, Christian; Rezwan, Faizal I.; Melton, Philip E.; Nøhr, Ellen Aagaard; Escaramís, Geòrgia; Rzehak, Peter; Heiskala, Anni; Gong, Tong; Tuominen, Samuli; Gao, Lu; Ross, Jason P.; Starling, Anne P.; Holloway, John W.; Yousefi, Paul; Aasvang, Gunn Marit; Beilin, Lawrence J.; Bergström, Anna; Binder, Elisabeth; Chatzi, Leda; Corpeleijn, Eva; Czamara, Darina; Eskenazi, Brenda; Ewart, Susan; Ferre, Natalia; Grote, Veit; Gruszfeld, Dariusz; Håberg, Siri Eldevik; Hoyo, Catherine; Huen, Karen; Karlsson, Robert; Kull, Inger; Langhendries, Jean-Paul; Lepeule, Johanna; Magnus, Maria Christine; Maguire, Rachel L.; Molloy, Peter L.; Monnereau, Claire; Mori, Trevor A.; Oken, Emily; Räikkönen, Katri; Rifas-Shiman, Sheryl L.; Ruiz-Arenas, Carlos; Sebert, Sylvain; Ullemar, Vilhelmina; Verduci, Elvira; Vonk, Judith M.; Xu, Cheng-Jian; Yang, Ivana V.; Zhang, Hongmei; Zhang, Weiming; Karmaus, Wilfried; Dabelea, Dana; Muhlhausler, Beverly S.; Breton, Carrie V.; Lahti, Jari; Almqvist, Catarina; Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Koletzko, Berthold; Vrijheid, Martine; Sørensen, Thorkild I. A.; Huang, Rae-Chi; Arshad, Syed Hasan; Nystad, Wenche; Melén, Erik; Koppelmann, Gerard H.; London, Stephanie J.; Holland, Nina; Bustamante, Mariona; Murphy, Susan K.; Hivert, Marie-France; Baccarelli, Andrea; Relton, Caroline L.; Snieder, Harold; Jaddoe, Vincent W. V.; Felix, Janine F. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background: DNA methylation has been shown to be associated with adiposity in adulthood. However, whether similar DNA methylation patterns are associated with childhood and adolescent body mass index (BMI) is largely ...
    • Do Antiracist Efforts and Diversity Programs Make a Difference? Assessing the Case of Norway 

      Stokke, Christian (Chapter, 2019)
      This chapter discusses multicultural developments in Norway over the last decade, in public debate, policy, and education, and assesses if antiracist efforts and diversity programs make a difference. The chapter uses two ...
    • Do bank voles (Myodes glareolus) trapped in live and lethal traps show differences in tick burden? 

      De Pelsmaeker, Nicolas; Korslund, Lars; Steifetten, Øyvind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In studies assessing tick abundance, the use of live traps to capture and euthanize rodent hosts is a commonly used method to determine their burden. However, captive animals can experience debilitating or fatal capture ...
    • Do boards of directors foster strategic change? A dynamic managerial capabilities perspective 

      Åberg, Carl; Torchia, Mariateresa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The purpose of this study is to understand the dynamic relationships between managerial human capital, dynamic managerial capabilities and strategic change within boards of directors. Building on the dynamic managerial ...
    • Do environmental, social and governance performance affect the financial performance of banks? A cross-country study of emerging market banks 

      Shakil, Mohammad Hassan; Mahmood, Nihal; Tasnia, Mashiyat; Munim, Ziaul Haque (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Purpose Earlier firms were evaluated mostly from their financial performance perspective, but with the increasing attention to sustainability goals, environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance of firms became ...
    • Do Eurasian beavers smear their pelage with castoreum and anal gland secretion 

      Rosell, Frank (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2002)
      The scent-matching hypothesis postulates that scent marks provide an olfactory link between a resident owner and his territory, and that this enables intruding animals to recognize the chance of escalated conflicts. However, ...
    • Do expectancies of return to work and Job satisfaction predict actual return to work in workers with long lasting LBP? 

      Opsahl, Jon; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Tveito, Torill Helene (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Background Musculoskeletal disorders including low back pain have major individual and socioeconomic consequences as it often leads to disability and long-term sick leave and exclusion from working life. Predictors of ...
    • Do ingredient and nutrient intake reveal individual dietary specialization in an omnivorous carnivore, the brown bear? 

      De Cuyper, Annelies; Strubbe, Diederik; Clauss, Marcus; Lens, Luc; Zedrosser, Andreas; Steyaert, Sam; Kopatz, Alexander; Janssens, Geert P. J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Generalist populations often harbor individual dietary specialists. Whether using a narrower set of resources than the population (= specialization) affects specialists' nutrient intake remains underexplored. We evaluated ...
    • Do Investor-State Dispute Settlement Cases Influence Domestic Environmental Regulation? The Role of Respondent State Bureaucratic Capacity 

      Berge, Tarald Gulseth; Berger, Axel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Does international politics influence domestic politics? In the investment treaty regime, there is currently a debate about whether investor-state dispute settlement cases influence respondent state domestic regulation. ...
    • Do Norms Count? State Regulation and Compliance in a Norwegian Fishing Community 

      Gezelius, Stig Strandli (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2002)
      The article addresses the interface between law and the morality of civil society. It starts with a review of the discourse between the utilitarian approach to rationality and perspectives which include normative action. ...
    • Do Older Employees Have a Lower Individual Productivity Potential than Younger Employees? 

      Børing, Pål; Grøgaard, Jens Brandi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We examine the relationship between employees’ age and their individual productivity potential (IPP). IPP is measured by individual characteristics which are related to skills utilisation at work. Using PIAAC data for 27 ...
    • Do Scandinavian brown bears approach settlements to obtain high-quality food? 

      Elfström, Marcus; Davey, Marie Louise; Zedrosser, Andreas; Müller, Martin; De Barba, Marta; Støen, Ole-Gunnar; Miquel, Christian; Taberlet, Pierre; Hackländer, Klaus; Swenson, Jon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Large carnivores that approach human settlements are usually considered a threat to human property and safety. The prevailing paradigm, that such ‘problem’ animals approach settlements in search of food, ignores their ...
    • Do Software Firms Collaborate or Compete? A Model of Coopetition in Community-initiated OSS Projects 

      Nguyen Duc, Anh; Cruzes, Daniela Soares; Snarby, Terje; Abrahamsson, Pekka (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background: An increasing number of commercial firms are participating in Open Source Software (OSS) projects to reduce their development cost and increase technical innovativeness. When collaborating with other firms whose ...
    • Doctorateness across Higher Education Institutions in Norway 

      Burner, Tony; Bjerkholt, Eva; Gaathaug, André Vagner; Kleiven, Synne; Ljoså, Tone Marte (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      This article investigates doctorateness in Norway by evaluating the juridical regulations for doctoral studies at all PhD-awarding universities and university colleges according to the following categories: admission, ...
    • Does a parental history of cancer moderate the associations between impaired health status in parents and psychosocial problems in teenagers: a HUNT study. 

      Jeppesen, Elisabeth; Bjelland, Ingvar; Fosså, Sophie Dorothea; Loge, Jon Håvard; Sørebø, Øystein; Dahl, Alv A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Severe disease in a parent is associated with increased psychosocial problems in their children. However, moderating factors of such associations are less studied. In this cross-sectional population-based controlled study ...
    • Does antenatal fear of childbirth predict postnatal fear of childbirth? - A study of Japanese women 

      Takegata, Mizuki; Haruna, Megumi; Matsuzaki, Masayo; Shiraishi, Mie; Okano, Tadaharu; Severinsson, Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The study aimed to determine whether antenatal fear of childbirth (expectation) could predict postnatal fear of childbirth (experience) by taking account of other antenatal psychological variables(anxiety and depression) ...
    • Does despotic behavior or food search explain the occurrence of problem brown bears in Europe? 

      Elfström, Marcus; Zedrosser, Andreas; Jerina, Klemen; Støen, Ole-Gunnar; Kindberg, Jonas; Budic, Lara; Jonozovic, Marko; Swenson, Jon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Bears foraging near human developments are often presumed to be responding to food shortage, but this explanation ignores social factors, in particular despotism in bears. We analyzed the age distribution and body condition ...