• Mineral waste recycling, sustainable chemical engineering, and circular economy 

      Yu, Haoxuan; Zahidi, Izni; Fai, Chow Ming; Liang, Dongfang; Madsen, Dag Øivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The mineral processing industry is pivotal in natural resource extraction and historically contributes to environmental damages like land degradation and groundwater contamination. In the face of resource scarcity and ...
    • Mini Guardian 

      Solbrekke, Daniel; Macintosh, Jennifer Marie; Christensen, Karine; Heistad, Marius; Hansen, Stefan Theodor Zurbuchen; Juverud, Veronica (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      The bachelors project Mini Guardian aims to develop a scaled down model of the air defense system NASAMS, focusing on key functionalities and components. The project further aims to solve the given task to implement a ...
    • Miniature Highly Sensitive Ultrasound Doppler Transducers 

      Bolstad, Per Kristian (Master thesis, 2017)
      The ultrasound transducer is considered a critical and important part of any ultrasonic measurement system. The transducer is the part of the system that transmits and receives soundwaves by converting electrical energy ...
    • Miniaturization of Circuit Packaging of an Accelerometer Heart Monitoring Device 

      Nguyen, Thai Anh Tuan (Doctoral dissertations at the University College of Southeast Norway;7, Doctoral thesis, 2016)
      Continuous monitoring heart activity based on implantable accelerometer devices have been demonstrated as efficient method that could provide higher sensitivity and specificity than the conventional electrocardiography ...
    • Minimalisme som livsstil – en nøkkel til lykke? 

      Stamper, Celina Wiksten (Master thesis, 2022)
      Alle er en del av forbrukersamfunnet i en eller annen grad. Noen mer enn andre. Det kan likevel se ut til at de som tar en mindre del i forbrukersamfunnet, føler at de lever et lykkelige liv. Verden i dag preges av en ...
    • Minimum ignition energy of hydrogen and hydrogen-carrying fuels 

      Jakar, Sarthak (Master thesis, 2022)
      Hydrogen is touted to be the fuel of the future leading to low carbon emissions globally. But as this fuel is being popularized all over the world for all the industry sectors, very little is known about the combustion ...
    • Minimum Viable Products for Internet of Things Applications: Common Pitfalls and Practices 

      Nguyen Duc, Anh; Khan, Khalid; Bajwa, Sohaib Shahid; Lønnestad, Tor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Internet of Things applications are not only the new opportunity for digital businesses but also a major driving force for the modification and creation of software systems in all industries and businesses. Compared to ...
    • Minoritetsforeldres møte med barnevernet 

      Krasniqi, Hazbije; Tangerås, Camilla (Master thesis, 2016)
      Tema for denne masteroppgaven er minoritetsforeldre og det norske barnevernet. Vi har tatt utganspunkt i hvilke erfaringer foreldrene opplever i møtet med barnevernet. Bakgrunnen for valg av tema er vår interesse på ...
    • "Minoritised mathematics students are motivated by gratitude": An analysis of storylines in Norwegian public media 

      Ryan, Ulrika; Andersson, Annica; Herbel-Eisenmann, Beth; Huru, Hilja Lisa; Wagner, David (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      As part of a larger participatory research project, we examine storylines about mathematics education and students from minoritised cultures and/or languages in Norwegian news media. We identify some of the positionings ...
    • MINRAD 

      Haugerud, Martin; Birkeland, Stian; Neumann, Magnus; Tangen, Magnus; Tøftum, Andrè; Reinskou, Victoria (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Prosjekt KampLuftVern går ut på å designe og bygge et miniatyr kampluftvern med tilhørende styringssystem for Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace. Oppgaven er basert på interdisiplinar integrasjon av elektriske og mekaniske ...
    • MIS 3 sediment stratigraphy in southern Sweden sheds new light on the complex glacial history and dynamics across southern Scandinavia 

      Möller, Per; Alexanderson, Helena; Anjar, Johanna; Björck, Svante (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Recent studies have revealed that areas with sediments pre‐dating the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) are more common in southern Scandinavia than previously thought. To describe and date these sediments, four deep core drillings ...
    • Mitigating hook effect in one-step quantitative sandwich lateral flow assay by timed conjugate release 

      He, Guozhen; Dong, Tao; Yang, Zhaochu; Jiang, Zhuangde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Sandwich lateral flow assay (LFA) is one of the most successfully commercialized paper-based biosensors, which offers a rapid, low-cost, one-step assay. Despite its advantages, conventional sandwich LFA is fundamentally ...
    • Mitochondrial phylogeography of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber L. 

      Durka, Walter; Babik, Wieslaw; Ducroz, Jean-Francois; Heidecke, Dietrich; Rosell, Frank; Samjaa, Ravcigijn; Saveljev, Alexander P.; Stubbe, Annegret; Ulevicius, Alius; Stubbe, Michael (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)
      Nucleotide variation in an approximately 490 bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region (mtDNA CR) was used to describe the genetic variation and phylogeographical pattern in the Eurasian beaver ( Castor fiber ) ...
    • Mixed Martial Arts - kultur og miljø i Norge 

      Cano, David Godoy (Master thesis, 2016)
      Studien bruker teori fra Pierre Bourdieu og Erving Goffman for å se nærmere på hvordan deltakelse i MMA oppleves for medlemmer i en MMA klubb i Norge. Med spørsmålene: • Hvem velger å trene MMA og hvorfor begynner man ...
    • A mixed methods stakeholder satisfaction study of sports events based on the case of the 2016 international children’s games 

      Schlemmer, Philipp; Stickdorn, Marc; Kristiansen, Elsa; Schnitzer, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Sports event research has displayed gaps in the analysis of different stakeholders’ perspectives and satisfaction levels. Consequently, this study aims at laying bare real-time experiences of event stakeholders via a unique ...
    • A mixed-methods exploration of virtual reality as a tool to promote green exercise 

      Calogiuri, Giovanna; Keegan, Brendan J.; Birkheim, Siv Lena; Rydgren, Tore Litlere; Flaten, Ole E.; Fröhlich, Fred; Litleskare, Sigbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The salutogenic effects of green exercise are widely recognised, yet many individuals do not engage in this health-related behaviour. Using a convergent mixed methods approach, this study explored the impact of Virtual ...
    • Mixture of term assignments, tutorials, laboratory assignments and problem based learning for masters degree in engineering: an alternative to traditional learning and examination forms 

      Mylvaganam, Saba; Clausen, Trond; Archer, Jørn (Conference report, 1999)
      We look at a course as a process of continuous learning and assessment of knowledge transfer to the students. In this context, we use a mixture of term assignments, tutorials, laboratory assignments and Problem Based ...
    • Mobbing i ungdomsskolen. Hva kan miljøterapeuten gjøre? 

      Alale, Ibiwunmi Oluwaseun (Master thesis, 2021)
      Mobbing i ungdomsskolen er et fenomen som har fått stadig fokus både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Mobbing kan gi store konsekvenser for de involverte og samfunnet som en helhet. Denne studien omhandler ungdomskolen som en ...
    • A mobile application for early labour support -feasibility pilot study 

      Fritzson, Magdalena; Nordin, Anna; Børøsund, Elin; Johansson, Margareta; Varsi, Cecilie; Ängeby, Karin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background: Use of mobile applications (apps) are increasing during pregnancy but few of these are evidence-based or evaluated in research. Aim: To examine the feasibility, including perceived usefulness and usability, ...