Sport management during COVID-19 in the Norwegian context
Original version
Kristiansen, E. (2022). Sport management during COVID-19 in the Norwegian context. I P. Pedersen (Red.), Research Handbook on Sport and COVID-19 (s. 290-299). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Norway closed down March 12, 2020, together with the rest of the world, but restrictions for sport participation and competitions, travel and quarantine regulations were stricter and kept for a longer period than the rest of Europe. Being an athlete in Norway became a real challenge, especially for preparing for the Olympics and trying to qualify for this postponed international sporting event. After first investigating how six athletes preparing for Tokyo 2020 perceived sport leadership and management issues caused by the COVID-19 in Norway, this chapter next examines the regulations and restrictions that affected the athletes' opportunity to train, compete, and qualify. The athletes came from different sports and they perceived different challenges accordingly. Yet what they had in common was having to cope with the inability to plan, quarantine challenges related to travels, and lack of communication regarding things that impacted them. However, coach support helped them to refocus, excel, and come out feeling stronger mentally.