Browsing Master of Science in Industrial IT and Automation, Industry Master by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Manufacturing analysis and data acquisition in advanced machining
(Master thesis, 2021)To cut cost of maintenance, being able to stop the machines at the right time before fault and the possibility to implement zero defect manufacturing is an important part of manufacturing aeroplane engine parts. The purpose ... -
The development of a metering reporting system
(Master thesis, 2021)The current Metering Reports application at Ineos Rafnes and Inovyn will be outdated when Microsoft ends internet explorer support. No commercially available off-the-shelf product seems to be available for a new Metering ... -
General Approaches for 3D Point-Cloud Evaluation, Classification and Material Thickness
(Master thesis, 2021)Analysis of geometric point cloud measurements pose very difficult challenges if removed from prior knowledge regarding the measurement process or measured object. The goal is to investigate how collections of 3D coordinates ... -
Spesifisering av et maskinlærings operasjonaliseringsrammeverk, forbedring og generalisering av maskinlæringsmodeller for eksenterskruepumper på Den Magiske Fabrikken
(Master thesis, 2022)En av prosessdelene på Den Magiske Fabrikken bruker eksenterskruepumper, disse blir må ofte bli byttet ut og er kostbart. For å redusere antall erstatninger og heller øke mengde reperasjoner med slitedeler er det ønskelig ... -
Automatic data collection, visualization and predictive maintenance during probe calibration in CNC machines
(Master thesis, 2022)GKN Aerospace is a world leading supplier of engine parts in the aerospace industry, for both military and commercial engine programs. One of GKN’s 51 manufacturing locations is GKN Aerospace Norway AS (GAN), located in ... -
Anomaly detection in sensory data and Automatic tuning of CIP time parameter
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven presenterer gjeldende spesifikasjoner for Cleaning-in-place-stasjonen (heretter kalt CIP) som ligger i Tine Tunga-anlegget i Norge. Anlegget har en rikelig mengde av data generert gjennom den daglige driften. ... -
Development of Machine learning methods for extracting data from furnaces and IR camera to enhance tapping process
(Master thesis, 2022)This project was done in collaboration with Eramet Norway and USN with focus on quantifying events during the tapping of molten metal and slag. The main objective was to get data from the furnace tapping process using an ... -
Neural Network-Based Inspection of Printed Circuit Boards
(Master thesis, 2022)The goal of this master thesis is to research the feasibility of creating a neural network-based automatic optical inspection system using off-the-shelf parts and open-source software. The purpose of the finished system ... -
Automate Reflector Assembly Using a One- Armed Robot
(Master thesis, 2022)A system has been built for the purpose of automating parts of the assembly process. The system consists of a robot arm with a corresponding controller that has been programmed to handle a variety of tools. These tools are ... -
An approach to optimal control of snow melting systems
(Master thesis, 2022)Snø smelte systemer har blitt vanligere benyttet for å smelte snø og is fra områder rundt kommersielle bygg. Snø smelte systemer installeres normalt sammen med Varme, Ventilasjon, og sanitær systemer(VVS). Snø smelte ... -
Anomaly Detection for Packaging Machines Using Machine Learning
(Master thesis, 2022)Tronrud engineering’s packaging machines have occurrences of lost products that exceed the expectations of their customers, and there is currently no optimal way to detect it. The goal of this thesis is to use computer ... -
Architecting a Low-Cost System for Acoustic Monitoring in Hydroelectric Power Stations
(Master thesis, 2022)Acoustic sensors are used to monitor components in hydropower plants. Research and development of new solutions are of interest for plant maintenance, but requires processing of data sampled with a high frequency. Performing ... -
Development of a predictive maintenance application for packaging machines
(Master thesis, 2022)Målet med denne masteroppgaven var videreføringen av analysen og proof of concept av en applikasjon kalt (Application Packaging Machine) utført høsten 2021 av en prediktiv vedlikeholdsapplikasjon for pakkemaskiner produsert ... -
Object detection, information extraction and analysis of operator interface images using computer vision and machine learning
(Master thesis, 2023)Operator interface display images, often referred to as HMI, contains large amounts of information that can be valuable to obtain. If access to the source code or design files are limited, modern frameworks for object ... -
Surveillance system for drainage pumps with the use of machine learning
(Master thesis, 2023)Bergene Holm AS, Avd. Kvelde is a planer factory, surrounded by vast fields that are susceptible to flooding. This thesis looks into the possibilities of building upon the Tokyo Amesh system. The objective is to investigate ... -
Colour Quality Monitoring System for Plastic Pipes Exterior Walls Colour with Machine Learning and Image Processing
(Master thesis, 2023)Pipelife Norge AS is working on automating quality control for their pipes, specifically monitoring the exterior wall colour. Currently, operators manually inspect the pipes and rely on their experience to judge the ... -
Vertical track geometry identification from IMU data and GNSS data
(Master thesis, 2023)This report presents a study on predicting the elevation of a stretch of railroad track using a combination of sensors, data processing techniques, and algorithms. Initially, the research aimed to utilize both an IMU sensor ... -
Data driven Approaches for Pump Condition Monitoring and Curves Estimation
(Master thesis, 2024)The H-Q curve serves as a critical parameter in pump operation and design selection for a given system. However, it is important to recognize that changes over time, such as wear and tear on the pump, pipes, and fittings, ... -
Batchwise Dosing Controller
(Master thesis, 2024)A new controller scheme is developed for raw material dosing in pellet production.More specifically, in fish feed production with testing and implementation in a Frenchplant. The proposed controller aims to adress a number ... -
Model-based control for optimal polymer addition to the drum screens in a wastewater treatment plant
(Master thesis, 2024)This study examines the process of optimizing the amount of polymer added to the sludge that goes into the drum screens at Veas, which is the biggest wastewater treatment plant in Norway. The goal is to reduce the amount ...