Person-centred research practice: the user involvement in research of older adults with first-hand experience of reablement
Original version
Jokstad, K., Landmark, B. & Skovdahl, K. (2020). Person-centred research practice: The user involvement in research of older adults with first-hand experience of reablement. Ageing and Society, 1-14.
User involvement is increasingly common in health-care research, and the ideal is user participation and influence during all research stages. Here we describe and reflect on the processes and outcomes associated with advisory group–researcher collaboration from a person-centred perspective. When planning a study in which older adults’ experiences of reablement were investigated, older adults with previous first-hand experience of reablement participated in an advisory group. We found that the fostering of healthful relationships, in which experiential and research knowledge are considered complimentary and equitable, and all members have the power to exercise their unique roles, seems to be a prerequisite for the co-creation of knowledge. Also, practical arrangements and social relationships constitute important details that are crucial to ensuring contribution from older adults with health-related conditions. While such individuals may be unable to participate during all stages of a research project, their involvement on an advisory level during the initial stages can increase study quality and relevance. Input from the advisory group members contributed to the improvement of the language in the study information sheet, improvement of the study design, development and validation of the interview guide, and insight into how the interviews should be conducted. The personal knowledge and expertise of the advisory group members, which emanated from their immediate sensitivity, contributed to the person-centredness in the study.