Chronic Disease Management:Implementation and Coordination of Heatlhcare Systems for Depressed Elderly Persons
Original version
Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 2014, 35 (12), 934-939. 10.3109/01612840.2014.930215Abstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of the research-based Chronic Care Model (CCM), discuss methods and summarise research recommendations for improving the care of depressed elderly persons. Interviews were conducted and state-of-the-art reviews employed.Three important areas emerged:(1) barriers to and facilitating factors in the implementation of the CCM; (2) the challenges involved in re-designing the delivery system and interdisciplinary team collaboration; and (3) empirical evidence pertaining to self-management support and how older persons manage to live with depressive ill-health. In conclusion, implementation research requires evidence-based knowledge, staff involvement and familiarity with the context in which development occurs.