Browsing Institutt for friluftsliv, idrett og kroppsøving by Title
Now showing items 91-110 of 216
Generasjon 2.0: Mannlige lærere i kunst og håndverk
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Menn er i mindretall som lærere i grunnskolen, denne tendensen blir forsterket i kunst- og håndverksfaget. Vi har intervjuet mannlige lærere som underviser i faget i grunnskolen, samt mannlige studenter som utdanner seg ... -
The genesis of a football field: urban football in Soweto, South Africa
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The township of Soweto is formally a part of the Johannesburg Metropole and is home to an estimated 1.3 million people. While this famous high-density suburb has served as a subject for a broad spectrum of social-scientific ... -
Global Paradoxes and Provocations in Education: Exploring Sustainable Futures for Children and Youth
(Chapter, 2021)Global trends in education are accompanied by both paradoxes and provocations. The paradoxes constitute inherent educational dilemmas, such as the paradox of institutional education, wherein social rules and mandatory tasks ... -
Good seamanship in traditional utility boats. Responsibility - competence - safety - training
(Chapter, 2015-08-17)Good seamanship used to be something one grew into by living everyday life on an exposed coast. At the same time, it was something one needed to strive to develop in play with a boat, weather and shipmates. Now there has ... -
Governance of nature-based health promotion: public policy and volunteer organisations’ innovations of outdoor activities among urban youth
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article explores multilevel governance networking and innovation to better understand how nature-based public health can be promoted at a grassroot level within an urban context. Hence, the leading research question ... -
Greening Sport for Development and Peace: A Socio-Ecological Approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The global “sport for development and peace” (SDP) sector uses sport as a field of social activity to promote diverse types of non-sport social development. In this short perspective article, I critically examine and ... -
Hans B. Skaset : mannen i media
(Chapter, 2005) -
Hånden og ånden : praksis og teori i et historisk/filosofisk perspektiv
(Conference lecture, 2006) -
The Healthy Body Image intervention and reduction in eating disorder symptomatology and muscle building supplement use in high school students: a study of mediating factors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Mediation analysis is important to test the theoretical framework underpinning an intervention. We therefore aimed to investigate if the healthy body image (HBI) intervention’s effect on eating disorder (ED) ... -
Henrik Wergeland, også tindebestiger? : om førstebestigningen av Store Skagastølstind
(Others, 2008)I avisen Dagbladet 22. august 1881 hevdes det at Henrik Wergeland utvilsomt skal ha besteget Store Skagastølstind under sin ferd over Sognefjellet i 1832. I tilfelle en pionerbedrift av de sjeldne. Store Skagastølstind er ... -
Heresy as a victorious political practice : grass-roots politics in Norwegian sports 1972-1975
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2000)This article deals with a question of sport politics: the fight for female participation in the most popular running competition in Norway between 1972- 75. The focus is on the process from doxa (what we take for granted), ... -
Hiking, indoor biking, and body liking: a cross-sectional study examining the link between physical activity arenas and adults’ body appreciation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Body appreciation might serve as a protective factor for developing eating disorders and is associated with participation in physical activity. Less is known about whether various arenas for physical activity ... -
A home away from home: football and the street in a South African township
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)rassroots football in Soweto is peculiar – played in public, but suspended in ideas of confined protection. Physically situated in the midst of treacherous streets, but understood through concepts of safety and security. ... -
How Does Being Solo in Nature Affect Well-Being? Evidence from Norway, Germany and New Zealand
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: Solo—being intentionally solitary in nature—is receiving growing attention as a valuable outdoor education program component. Its practice and history have been researched in the context of experiential learning, ... -
How to address physical activity and exercise during treatment from eating disorders: a scoping review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Purpose of review: This scoping review aimed to provide a recent update on how to address dysfunctional physical activity and exercise (DEx), and on effects and experiences from including supervised and adapted physical ... -
"Hva skjer hvis en hval sluker deg?": Elevers kunnskaping på Hvalfangstmuseet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Each fall, seventh-graders and teachers from the Norwegian region Vestfold in south-eastern Norway are invited to the Whaling Museum for a guided tour with museum educators. In the article, approaches from actor-network ... -
Hvorfor blir ikke flere norske frikjørere drept i snøskred?
(Conference report, 2005) -
The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown During Spring 2020 on Personal Trainers’ Working and Living Conditions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose: The aim of this study was to map changes in working and living conditions of Norwegian personal trainers (PTs) during the Covid-19 lockdown spring 2020. Methods: A total of 150 PTs (mean (SD) age 35.5 (8.4) years, ... -
The impact of visualization techniques of immersive virtual scenarios in promoting nature connectedness: A blind randomized controlled trial with mixed-methods approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Little is known on whether and how different visualization techniques used to develop Immersive Virtual Nature (IVN) scenarios influence the users' subjective experience and feelings of nature connectedness. Methods: ... -
Improving Utilization of Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Work Economy in Recreational Cross-Country Skiers With High-Intensity Double-Poling Intervals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Purpose: To investigate the effect of a double-poling (DP) high-intensity aerobic interval-training (HIT) intervention performed without increasing total HIT volume. This means that regular HIT training (eg, running) was ...