• Materialpoetiske øyeblikk. En a-r-t-ografisk studie av små barns eksperimentelle materialprosesser i barnehagen 

      Waterhouse, Ann-Hege Lorvik (Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;100, Doctoral thesis, 2021-06-18)
      I min studie undersøker jeg gjennom å a-r-t-ografere (Irwin & Springgay, 2008) hva som utfolder seg, oppstår og aktiveres i eksperimentelle prosesser med jorda materialer og de yngste barna i barnehagen gjennom rhizomatiske ...
    • Means or meaningful? – The historical construction of the patient concept in health professions’ education 

      Narverud Nyborg, Vibeke (Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;90, Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      All concepts have an origin. They shape, and are shaped by the context in which they exist. This thesis explores how the construction of the patient concept has been given meaning, changed and developed in the context of ...
    • Mellom idealisme og realisme: Om fremming av samfunnstilhørighet for unge voksne med samtidige rus- og psykisk helseproblemer 

      Semb, Randi (Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;112, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      Avhandlingen undersøker hvordan unge voksne med samtidige rus- og psykisk helseproblemer (ROP-problemer) kan oppnå samfunnstilhørighet. Avhandlingens tilnærming representerer et «nedenfra-perspektiv» på sosial inklusjon ...
    • Mellom risiko og kontroll — dramaturgiske perspektiver på lærerutdanneres undervisning 

      Lindstøl, Fride (Doktoravhandlinger ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge;12, Doctoral thesis, 2018)
      Sammendrag Denne studien plasseres som en del av forskningsfeltet «the pedagogy of teacher education». I dette forskningsfeltet studeres spenninger mellom profesjonsspråk, praktisk lærerarbeid og disiplinfag. Nyere forskning ...
    • Membership Change in Advertising Development Teams: The Role of Market Knowledge and Information Elaboration 

      Koulaei, Afra (Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;51, Doctoral thesis, 2019)
      Advertising agencies rely on membership change to improve creative team performance. In a study of 224 advertising projects in the US, I consider the effect of team membership change on two desirable team’s creativity-relevant ...
    • Meningsskapende karriereveiledning: Karriereveilederes forståelser og erfaringer med Life-design veiledning i norsk kontekst 

      Dalene, Kirsten Marie (Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;119, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      Vi lever i en tid preget av endring og uforutsigbarhet i arbeidslivet, og menneskers behov og karriererelaterte utfordringer forandres deretter. De siste årene har behovet for en «motdiskurs» innenfor karriereveiledningsfeltet ...
    • Mercury in freshwater biota in southeastern Norway, with special emphasis on potential antagonistic effects of selenium on mercury bioaccumulation 

      Økelsrud, Asle (Doctoral dissertations at the University College of Southeast Norway;23, Doctoral thesis, 2017-10-06)
      Mercury (Hg), and in particular methylated Hg (methyl-Hg, MeHg), because of its high potential for bioaccumulation and biomagnification in aquatic food webs, generate health risks to both aquatic top predators and humans ...
    • Mercury pollution in fish and invertebrates in natural and wildfire impacted lakes in Norway 

      Moreno Vicente, Clara Enedina (Doctoral dissertations at TUC;2014:8, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2014-11-14)
      Mercury (Hg) contamination in fish has become a global issue and remains a major problem of concern in the Nordic countries, with atmospheric long-range transport of Hg being the main source to aquatic ecosystems. Most Hg ...
    • Methane production from lignocellulosic residues 

      Ghimire, Nirmal (Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;93, Doctoral thesis, 2021-05-25)
      Aims: Biochar production by intermediate pyrolysis of renewable lignocellulosic biomass to replace traditional carbon material as a reducing agent and energy source in the metallurgical industries produces carbon rich waste ...
    • Micro and Nano Technologies for Unmanned Nano Air Vehicles (NAVs) 

      Petricca, Luca (Doctoral theses at Buskerud and Vestfold University College;2, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
      Nano Air Vehicles (NAVs) consist of remotely controlled miniaturized flying objects with maximum dimensions smaller than 15 cm and less than 20 g in weight. The small size of such systems allows them to penetrate and ...
    • The microbiology and geochemistry of a landfill-contaminated aquifer 

      Abiriga, Daniel (Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;107, Doctoral thesis, 2021-10-20)
      Thousands of aquifers worldwide have been polluted by landfill leachates and many more remain threatened. However, the ecology of these perturbed aquifers remained understudied. The current study incorporates aspects of ...
    • Miniaturization of Circuit Packaging of an Accelerometer Heart Monitoring Device 

      Nguyen, Thai Anh Tuan (Doctoral dissertations at the University College of Southeast Norway;7, Doctoral thesis, 2016)
      Continuous monitoring heart activity based on implantable accelerometer devices have been demonstrated as efficient method that could provide higher sensitivity and specificity than the conventional electrocardiography ...
    • Mobile radiography services in nursing homes - utilisation, costs and organisation 

      Kjelle, Elin (Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;32, Doctoral thesis, 2019)
      Background: Due to demographic changes in the western world, with an ageing population and fewer resources for health services, there is a need for a new way of organising and delivering health services to the population. ...
    • Modeling and design of piezoelectrically actuated MEMS tunable lenses 

      Abdelmeguid, Mahmoud Ahmed Farghaly (Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;76, Doctoral thesis, 2020)
      Autofocus is a crucial feature in cameras, especially when photographing objects at different distances and having them in sharp focus without any quality loss in the captured image. Over the last decade, several research ...
    • Modeling for Automatic Control and Estimation of Influx and Loss During Drilling Operations 

      Berg, Christian (Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;61, Doctoral thesis, 2020-03-20)
      In the modern energy driven world, oil and gas will be important resources, at least in the foreseeable future. Wells with challenging pressure windows are more com-monly drilled, and in recent years the drop in oil prices ...
    • Modeling, Control and Optimization of a Hydropower Plant 

      Zhou, Wenjing (Doctoral dissertations at the University College of Southeast Norway;33, Doctoral thesis, 2017-12-19)
      Hydropower is a crucial power resource for everyday life in Norway, and a traditional industry that could be improved along with new updated technologies. The PhD work focuses on exploring new solutions, in aspect of ...
    • Modelling and simulations of bubbling fluidized bed and entrained flow biomass gasification reactors 

      Timsina, Ramesh (Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;118, Doctoral thesis, 2022-02-24)
      The world needs sustainable energy solutions to replace fossil fuels. Climate change is the defining challenge of our time. New reports from the International Energy Agency (IEA, 2021)1 have developed a roadmap for max ...
    • Modelling of ash melts in gasification of biomass 

      Furuvik, Nora Cecilie Ivarsdatter Skau (Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;120, Doctoral thesis, 2022-03-04)
      The need for advanced biofuels produced from sustainable sources is stressed, both on national and international level due to a global agreement to limit the Earth’s global warming. The major goals in the Norwegian agreement ...
    • Modelling of gas explosions 

      Vågsæther, Knut (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2010:221, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2010-12-03)
      The content of this thesis is a study of gas explosions in complex geometries and presentation and validation of a method for simulating flame acceleration and deflagration to detonation transition. The thesis includes a ...
    • Modelling Tool for Hydropower Systems, with Analysis and Design 

      Pandey, Madhusudhan (Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;173, Doctoral thesis, 2023-10-19)
      The increased use of renewable energy sources is due to an increasing global energy need, and to counter the effects of fossil fuels on the environment. Common renewable energy sources such as solar energy and wind energy ...