Blar i 2 Doktoravhandlinger ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge på tittel
Viser treff 233-252 av 272
Task Shifting in the Emergency Department: Pain management, competence building and holistic care
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;219, Doctoral thesis, 2025)Background: By 2050, there will be 10 billion people on earth, compared to 8 billion today—and many of them will be living longer. Consequently, having fewer human resources available for healthcare services will be fatal. ... -
Taste og tenke, mene og mestre : En tekstanalytisk studie av konstruksjoner av norsklæreridentiteter i multimodale bloggutsnitt
(Doktoravhandlinger ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge;39, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Formålet med avhandlingen er å undersøke konstruksjoner av norsklæreridentiteter i grunnskolelærerstudenters norskfaglige bloggtekster. Avhandlingen er en tekstanalytisk monografi og studien er forankret i sosialsemiotikk. ... -
Teachers As Human Rights Defenders : Transforming Teachers’ Safeguarding Role Against Harmful Sexual Behaviour
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;160, Doctoral thesis, 2023)This study explores teachers’ understandings of and responses to harmful sexual behaviour (HSB) in primary schools, and the challenges that schools face in building interdisciplinary cooperation with other children’s ... -
Teachers’ practices of non-standardised oral exams and implications for validity
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;217, Doctoral thesis, 2024)In educational assessment, the methods applied must ensure high validity (the feasible gathering and use of assessment outcomes), especially in situations where the stakes are high, and the assessment results have serious ... -
Teaching Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Classroom practices and student perspectives in three Norwegian classrooms
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;71, Doctoral thesis, 2020)This thesis investigates Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) teaching practices with English L2 as the medium of instruction in three Norwegian secondary schools. The primary data are video observations of CLIL ... -
Techno-economic analysis of CO2 capture concepts
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;42, Doctoral thesis, 2019-10-03)The estimates of post combustion CO2 capture costs reported in the literature ranges typically from 50 €/tCO2 to 130 €/tCO2, reflecting differences in the cost estimation methods used, scopes of the analyses, and assumptions ... -
Territorial movement behaviour in the Eurasian beaver
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;162, Doctoral thesis, 2023-06-09)It can be challenging to observe and quantify natural behaviour in wild free-ranging animals. Species that are reclusive or exploit multiple environments, such as semi-aquatic mammals, may be particularly difficult to ... -
Territoriality and life history strategies of the Eurasian beaver
(Doctoral dissertations at the University College of Southeast Norway;24, Doctoral thesis, 2017-09-29)We studied life history strategies in the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber), a territorial, monogamous, long-lived mammal, to increase our understanding of the mechanisms and trade-offs affecting the onset of natal dispersal, ... -
The development of a miniaturized hydration sensor based on the principle of osmotic pressure
(Doctoral dissertations at the University College of Southeast Norway;9, Doctoral thesis, 2017)The thesis presents a novel hydration sensor that employs osmotic pressure to detectde‐ and overhydration in body fluids. This sensor could be used to measure different levels of hydration in an organism, e.g. the human ... -
The effect of training intensity, age and diet on aerobic capacity and metabolic risk factors: testing procedures and training interventions
(Doctoral dissertations at the University College of Southeast Norway;13, Doctoral thesis, 2017-04-21)BACKGROUND: Low cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) with accompanying metabolic risk factors such as overweight/obesity, reduced blood glucose control, elevated blood pressure, and dyslipidemia, is one of the most important ... -
The effects of harvest on the sociospatial and genetic structure of a solitary-living large carnivore, the brown bear Ursus arctos
(Doctoral dissertations at the University College of Southeast Norway;28, Doctoral thesis, 2017-10-20)Understanding the effects of harvest is integral for sustainable wildlife management and conservation. And yet, the focus of managers has predominantly been on the direct mortality of harvest, often ignoring the indirect ... -
The impact of staged combustion on the operation of a precalciner cement kiln
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;1999:89, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 1999)In this thesis, the impact of staged combustion on the operation of a precalciner cement kiln, is considered. Mathematical modelling and full-scale experiments at the Norcem cement works in Brevik, Norway, is the basis for ... -
The importance of helpful help in mental health crises : Experiences, stories, and contexts – A qualitative exploration
(Doctoral thesis, 2017)The main aim of this thesis was to explore experiences of helpful help in mental health crises within the context of crisis resolution teams (CRTs). Helpful help has been explored from three different perspectives: 1) ... -
The importance of snow for mountain vegetation in the Hardangervidda area (Southern Norway): plant distribution, plant phenology, plant diversity, and effects of global climate change
(Doctoral dissertations at TUC;2013:4, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2013-06-21)Snø er en av de viktigste faktorene for fjellvegetasjon. I fjellet forårsaker den varierende topografien og dens interaksjon med klimatiske faktorer en ujevn fordeling av snøen. Fordeling av snø og snøsmeltingsmønsteret ... -
The snow, the horse and the mountain. Towards a pluriversal understanding of natures and nature-based tourism in Kyrgyzstan
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;46, Doctoral thesis, 2019-12-13)Tourism has become one of the most common strategies for economic development in many poor countries. Moreover, tourism has become a force of globalization not only contributing to the mobilization of people and economic ... -
The Unity School Diversified -Ideological and Social Transformations
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-02-15)Siden midten av 1900-tallet har globale migrasjonsstrømmer tiltatt. I takt med dette har spørsmål om hvordan den norske enhetsskolen skal forholde seg til elever fra familier med innvandrerbakgrunn i økende grad preget ... -
Theoretical and Experimental Studies on Combustion of Alternative Fuels in Cement Kilns
(Doctoral thesis, 2002) -
Therapeutic dual-frequency ultrasound transducers
(Doctoral thesis, 2020)The interaction of ultrasound with organic and non-organic matter has opened up for a vast industry. Arguably, in medicine, the most known application of ultrasound is diagnostic imaging of fetuses. However, ultrasound can ... -
Three Essays on Market Shaping Dynamics in Digital Local Food Markets
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;113, Doctoral thesis, 2021)The overall purpose of this research was to investigate how and why markets emerge, change and vary. In traditional consumer and marketing literature, adoption models, such as the theory of planned behavior and the ... -
Through the eyes of immigrants and health professionals: Coping and treatment experiences of men of immigrant background living with co-occurring substance use and mental health problems in Norway
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;163, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Recent years have seen an increase in the immigrant population of Norway. Immigrants, due to a variety of pre- and post-migration factors, are considered at risk of developing psychological distress and therefore involvement ...