LocalHawk – UAV Bakkesystem
This LocalHawk project report treats development of LocalHawk ground system, primarily the development of the Ground Station software, position accuracy improvement and further development of the Launcher. Goals accomplished during this project: -A working Ground Station software application
-Telemetry transfer from the UAV1 to the new Ground Station
-Implemented DGPS2 and position filtering
-Siren airframe launch capability, with the use of a new wagon adapter
-Redesigned a durable release mechanism
Guides on how to set up and use the new hardware and software are included in the appendices. The Ground Station software consists of a computer with a connected GPS and Radio Link and a running application that communicates with the aircraft. The application's task is to receive data from a radio link and a GPS, then displaying this information in a GUI3. The information from the radio link consists of telemetry from the aircraft. GPS and IMU4 data is collected in the aircraft then transmitted down to a receiving unit and into the Ground Station. We implemented DGPS to improve position accuracy and position filtering possibilities for more correct acquisition of the Ground Stations position to be used in the DGPS calculation. The Siren airframe wagon adapter consists of two main parts forward and aft stabilizers both are adjustable and can be used for other front powered model aircrafts. We chose to design a new durable servo operated release mechanism, which is capable of both delayed onsite switch and wireless release with added safety features.