Teknostress hos sykepleiere – ikke bare angst og fobi
Original version
Hynnekleiv, I. I., Sørebø, Ø. & Grov, E. K. (2022). Teknostress hos sykepleiere – ikke bare angst og fobi. Klinisk Sygepleje, 36(4), 271-285. https://doi.org/10.18261/ks.36.4.5Abstract
Background: In 2014, a new Electronic Health Record (EHR) system integrating standardized nursing terminology was introduced at a hospital in Norway. Previous research shows that the combination of new technology and tasks are stressful, expressed as technostress.
Purpose: To gain knowledge of stressors and inhibitors of technostress when nurses use new EHR software.
Method: The study is descriptive and has an exploratory design. Data was gathered from two focus-group interviews and in-depth interviews with nine nurses in a cancer ward. Content analysis was used to analyze data.
Results: Important stressors seemed to be time shortage and incomplete instructions before starting to use new software. Critical inhibitors were the follow-up approaches performed by the superusers and supported access to nursing care plans.
Conclusion: Technostress vary depending on tasks, competence, and technology. Time for assistance and advice, supplied with support from the nearest management level, reduces the nurses’ experience of technostress.