Browsing Master of Science in Industrial IT and Automation by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 63
Developing an activity simulator of a person living in a smart house
(Master thesis, 2018)People tend to follow specific patterns in their daily lives. In a smart house context, this can be useful information to determine normal and abnormal behavior of smart house inhabitants. By using patterns based on the ... -
State Space Model Based PID Controller Tuning
(Master thesis, 2019)Advances in digital computing over the last years have resulted in new and powerful tools for obtaining process models. An example of such a tool is the dsr toolbox, which gives a state space model based on measured ... -
Modeling of building occupation using motion sensor data
(Master thesis, 2019)As SMART house technology has emerged, the need to estimate position of residents has been important for several cases. In this project, a model of PIR sensor data is presented. The model should be able to predict ... -
Parallel calibration of multiphase flow meters (MPFM) based on measurements of phase streams in separators
(Master thesis, 2019)The Alvheim field suffers from significant production deferrals of oil and gas, during calibration of multiphase flow meters used in ownership allocation. This thesis has developed an algorithm solving a new method, which ... -
Developing and Testing of an MPC strategy for a four tanks multivariable process using Emerson Delta V system.
(Master thesis, 2020)With the advancement of control system, Model Predictive Control has taken over the mainstream PID controller because of its more efficient and advanced control over the multivariable process. The Quadruple Tank process ... -
Parallel configuration, control and mirror operation of twin processes using DeltaV
(Master thesis, 2021)The University of South-Eastern Norway has two identical Serial Two Tank systems, a first-order system with time delay. Identical twin processes are systems built with identical physical components. These identical systems ... -
Identification of process models in closed loop
(Master thesis, 2021)In control engineering, there are two types of models known: Open loop and Closed loop. In the open loop model, the input is altered manually by an actuator based on the output desired. But in a closed loop system, the ... -
Optimal Operation of Processes Under Uncertainty Using Robust Model Predictive Control
(Master thesis, 2021)Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a well-established technology for advanced control of many industrial processes. One of its main benefits is the ability to handle process constraints. However, accuracy of the process ... -
Comparison between finite impulse response (FIR) and deep neural network (DNN) models for prediction of the CO2 slip in the CO2 removal system of ammonia plant
(Master thesis, 2021)Data-driven modeling of the decarbonization section in an ammonia plant was the main purpose of this project. The available data from plant historians was used for the prediction of CO2 slip from the decarbonization section. ... -
Regularization and Machine Learning Features in the System Identification Toolbox and similar MATLAB functions
(Master thesis, 2021)In this thesis we look at the difference of OLS and RLS methods for estimation of system values and coefficient. Estimating system values using different methods such as, ssregest, DSR, DSR-E etc. Lastly looking at what ... -
Application of Reinforcement Learning for Action Evaluation
(Master thesis, 2021)Forsterkende læring er en type maskin læring, hvor læringen er basert på prøving og feiling. Det er vanligvis strukturert som en kobling mellom en agent og et miljø. Agenten velger hvilken handling som skal tas, og får en ... -
Machine learning methods for Industrial processes
(Master thesis, 2021)The general machine learning algorithms are introduced and explained before being implemented in Python. A comparison of various algorithms are made, and their workings are visualized. Time series data is defined and ... -
Development of models for estimating snow depth and snow density using machine learning methods
(Master thesis, 2021)Denne oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i data fra prototyper av et foreslått system for å måle snødybde og snøtetthet med kapasitanssensorer. Den eksterne partneren, Skagerak Energi AS, ønsker et system for å måle dette. Basert ... -
Modeling of the chemical dosing at a water resource recovery facility (WRRF)
(Master thesis, 2021)The focus here in this master thesis is developing a smart artificial neural network to model wastewater dosing. In order to use this model in the optimization process to optimize using chemical dosing materials. The thesis ... -
AE-Sensors and Multimodal Sensor Data Fusion in Liquid Flow metering
(Master thesis, 2022)One of the biggest challenges in Oil and gas industries is finding convenient method for accurately measuring flow rate of multiphase materials flowing through a system. There are different approaches done to handle this ... -
Real time monitoring of train wheels and track conditions based on acoustic measurements and multivariate data analysis
(Master thesis, 2022)With rail-vehicle transport considered as greener and more sustainable means of travel in recent global times, there is a need for study and exploration of a real-time monitoring system for rail and its vehicle structures, ... -
Trajectory following using model predictive control for SeaDrone collision avoidance using Robot Operating System
(Master thesis, 2022)Navigation of unmanned surface vehicle (USV) is much important now a days due to much improvement in communication system. Details survey information can be collected using USV by passing it over wireless communication. ... -
Stochastic MPC for optimal operation of hydropower plant
(Master thesis, 2022)Different categories of industries, such as manufacturing plants, power production plants etcetera, are equipped with a control mechanism to keep their process-variables of interest within the desired limit. Among different ... -
Real time control of robotic arm manipulators
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis is based around creating an interface between a ROS-based robot arm and MATLAB, focusing mostly on robots in the industry. MATLAB will be used to implement a simulator of the robot and to create communication ... -
Multiphase flow estimation using accelerometers, ultrasonic sensors, and machine learning
(Master thesis, 2022)The new sensors, accelerometers, and ultrasonic sensors were installed in the existing multimodal sensor suite used in the multiphase flow in the process hall in Campus Porsgrunn of USN. Multiphase flow experiments were ...