• Recommendation of a model for simulating & analysis of the influence of particle size distribution on the simulations of bubbling fluidized beds 

      Ariyarathna, Sanoja D. (Master thesis, 2008-06-06)
      A computational study of the influence of particle size distribution on bubbling fluidized beds is performed. Several simulations are performed using Eulerian multiphase model for a two dimensional fluidized bed with an ...
    • Reducing the CO2 emissions of a gas cracker by reforming fuel gas 

      Rustad, Emmy Kristine Lindeløff (Master thesis, 2021)
      With the rising need for CO2 reduction and the pressing two-degree target there is no doubt that measures must be made in the chemical process industry. Ethylene production by steam cracking is a mature and widespread ...
    • Reduction in Sulphur Emissions from the Norcem Cement Plant in Kjøpsvik 

      Pandey, Umesh (Master thesis, 2018)
      SO2 emissions in the stack gas from the Norcem cement plant in Kjøpsvik was significantly higher than the permitted emission limit in 2017. The plant aims to reduce the emissions by installing a seawater flue gas ...
    • Redundans ved bruk av masse- og varmebalanser for plattformprosesser 

      Hansen, Jørn-Harald (Master thesis, 2005)
      Institutt for energiteknikk (IFE) har i flere år arbeidet med bruk av balanseligninger sammen med måledata for å overvåke systemer i kjernekraftanlegg. Gjennom data reconciliation (datatilpasning) kan redundans i målingene ...
    • Remote monitoring by impulse radar 

      Taghimohammadi, Ensieh (Master thesis, 2015-10-09)
      This master thesis is centered on development of signal processing algorithms for an Ultra - Wideband (UWB) Radar system. The goal of signal processing algorithms is to identify components of radar received signal. Moreover, ...
    • Sensitivity analysis of oil production models to reservoir rock and fluid properties 

      Sharma, Bikash (Master thesis, 2021)
      In this fast-growing world, the demands for energy supply are growing rapidly as well. The oil has become one of the basic needs of human beings in this era. Hence, to meet the supply of the growing world, the available ...
    • Simulating open channel flow for drill mud mass flow measurement, part II 

      Basnyat, Prabin (Master thesis, 2015-11-06)
      Advancement in oil drilling technology, particularly managed pressure drilling requires better knowledge of return drill mud flow. Since the mud outflow is in an open channel, it is proposed to use flume with constriction ...
    • Simulation and control of hydro power plants 

      Splavska, Valentyna (Master thesis, 2017)
      Sustainable energy development implies meeting the energy needs of the future without jeopardizing the life quality of the planet. To achieve these goals is possible by gradually replacement in energy production profile ...
    • Simulation and cost estimation of CO2 capture processes using different solvents/blends 

      Orangi, Sina (Master thesis, 2021)
      There has been a growing trend toward removing CO2 emissions from the industry with different methods. One of the most mature methods for carbon capture is to absorb CO2 in an amine-based (MEA) post-combustion ...
    • Simulation of ammonia cracker process with Aspen HYSYS 

      Farokhi, Vahid (Master thesis, 2024)
      Ammonia is recognized as a promising marine fuel due to its potential to reduce emissions especially CO2, serving both as an energy carrier and a clean fuel. In 2018, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) set targets ...
    • Simulation of flow in sedimentation tank using FLUENT 

      Weerasooriya, Achini (Master thesis, 2015-10-09)
      Sewage treatment is the process which removes majority of the contaminants from a sewage stream and produces a liquid effluent suitable for safe disposal into the natural environment and sludge. Physical, chemical and ...
    • Simulation of gas and liquid flow in a biogas reactor using Fluent. 

      Dayarathna, Sithara (Master thesis, 2015-09-18)
      Anaerobic Digestion (AD) is a popular secondary treatment method to handle biological wastes in sewage and wastewater treatment plants due to its multiple benefits apart from the waste reduction. One of the biogas reactors ...
    • Simulation of hydrogen tank refueling 

      Salcido Sanchez, Jose Luis (Master thesis, 2021)
      Several simulations of hydrogen filling process for a type IV tank were completed using openFOAM Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) open-source code. CFD codes have been proven to be a useful method for estimating temperature ...
    • Simulation of manure resource recovery plant 

      Hussain, Shahid (Master thesis, 2015-09-18)
      The Bio Win software was used to simulate manure feeding to a separator, anaerobic digester (AD) and activated sludge (AS) nitrification reactor system. The General Bio Win model called integrated AS/AD model was capable ...
    • Simulation of oil production and CO₂ 

      Furuvik, Nora Cecilie Ivarsdatter (Master thesis, 2016)
      Deep geologic injection of supercritical carbon dioxide (CO₂) for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), plays an important role in the sequestration of CO₂ to minimize the impact of CO₂-emissions due to global warming. CO₂-EOR ...
    • Simulering av CO2-fjerning med aminer 

      Moholt, Bjørn (Master thesis, 2010-08-26)
      Gasskraftverk produserer store mengder CO2, og det er ønskelig å unngå utslipp av CO2 til atmosfæren. Skagerak Energi AS har planer om et gasskraftverk med CO2-fjerning i Grenlandsområdet. Det er utført simuleringer ...
    • Software Testing, Data Security and GDPR 

      Agbamoro, Michael (Master thesis, 2019)
      Software and data security are an important part of a modern-day business strategy of any organization as it forms the basis for guaranteed security of information, data, and assets of any organization. This project is ...
    • Spredning og antenning av hydrogen - Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS) visualisering 

      Jørgensen, Espen (Master thesis, 2007)
      Rapporten er delt inn i tre deler. Første del er et litteraturstudie som omhandler tidligere undersøkelser og evalueringer av ”Background Oriented Schlieren”-fotografering (BOS) og hvilke anvendelsesområder den kan ...
    • Stochastic flood control using MPC of Kragerø waterways 

      Dhakal, Bhuwan (Master thesis, 2015-11-06)
    • Structural Response Due to Detonations in Hydrogen Emergency Vent Systems 

      Solomon, Ishmael Nii Nyarko (Master thesis, 2024)
      Deflagration to Detonation Transition occurring as a result of air mixing with hydrogen in vent systems leads to rapid energy release and consequent high-pressure loads. This poses significant challenges to structural ...