Structural Response Due to Detonations in Hydrogen Emergency Vent Systems
Deflagration to Detonation Transition occurring as a result of air mixing with hydrogen in vent systems leads to rapid energy release and consequent high-pressure loads. Thisposes significant challenges to structural engineers, particularly in the context of designing structures to withstand explosions within hydrogen emergency vent systems. This study focuses on measuring the structural response of a pipe segment within a vent system, containing a mixture of hydrogen and air when subjected to detonation conditions within a controlled environment. Using an HBM 1-RY18-6/120 rosette strain gauge, the strain experienced by the pipe during detonation was measured, and subsequently stress analysis was conducted using the measured data. This approach is instrumental in comprehending how structures respond to varying pressure loads during the transition to detonation process.Comparative analysis revealed that the principal stress obtained from the measured strains deviates by approximately 18% from the hoop stress calculated using pressure loads from the explosion. Additionally, the measured data and stress calculations showed stress values twice or higher when detonation occurs. The experiment's findings and calculations serve to enhance understanding of structural responses to explosions and will inform the development of resilient structural designs capable of withstanding such explosions. Deflagration to Detonation Transition occurring as a result of air mixing with hydrogen in vent systems leads to rapid energy release and consequent high-pressure loads. Thisposes significant challenges to structural engineers, particularly in the context of designing structures to withstand explosions within hydrogen emergency vent systems. This study focuses on measuring the structural response of a pipe segment within a vent system, containing a mixture of hydrogen and air when subjected to detonation conditions within a controlled environment. Using an HBM 1-RY18-6/120 rosette strain gauge, the strain experienced by the pipe during detonation was measured, and subsequently stress analysis was conducted using the measured data. This approach is instrumental in comprehending how structures respond to varying pressure loads during the transition to detonation process.Comparative analysis revealed that the principal stress obtained from the measured strains deviates by approximately 18% from the hoop stress calculated using pressure loads from the explosion. Additionally, the measured data and stress calculations showed stress values twice or higher when detonation occurs. The experiment's findings and calculations serve to enhance understanding of structural responses to explosions and will inform the development of resilient structural designs capable of withstanding such explosions.