Use of Process Analytical Technology (PAT) as on-line measurement technique for pipe erosion due to particle impact
Solid particle impact is getting enormous attention due to rapid progress and development in coal conversion plant, where flows of solid particles are sky-scraping at various equipments of plant. Such particles flow can lead to severe erosion in plant for example valve constrictions, blades, pipe joints and other surfaces. The main aim of the thesis is on-line measurement technique of pipe erosion due to particle impact by using Process Analytical Technology (PAT). Three different methods have been introduced to find the thickness of the material. In 1st method, center is made rough and thickness is measure at various rough places by using ultrasonic sensor. Similarly in 2nd and 3rd method, rough edges of material and bending pipe thickness are measured respectively. Thickness of material can be calculated from the sinusoidal graph given by distance between 2 successive reflection (echo time) i.e. T = V * t/2. Result from three different experiment shows, erosion on the material can be measured precisely by the application of ultrasonic method. During ultrasonic testing of specimen, Amplitude vs Time graph appears to be higher oscillations at the beginning and almost negligible at the end. Several factors influence the graph for example sample delay, ON and OFF of high gain, high pass filter and low pass filter.