A comparative analysis of factors that determine the competitiveness of short sea container traffic amongst Scandinavian and European ports
This thesis assesess the specialized competitiveness of Norwegian container ports with respect to a collection of similar performing ports in other Scandinavia. The rationale for the study was primarily based on the premise that there is dire need for the seaports to improve their performance because of the constant pressure of increasing container backlog. The method of reasoning is that a specialized proficiency appraisal of Drammen and Oslo was not found in the literature; in this way, it obscures what their potential for development is against other equivalent global ports. A descriptive and qualitative research approach is used for the research. The information set involves Drammen and Oslo ports which were used as a subset among other ports located in Norway.I n formation was obtained by personal interviews with some stakeholders and a reading of relevant literature on the subject. Other than the productivity investigation, an intent was made to gather a lot of information from the administrations of the separate ports. The study focusses on the following: Firstly, the efficiency of port operations would be exhaustively discussed using the parameters outlined above. Secondly, Norwegian ports level of utilization and appropriate pricing will be examined.Thirdly, for Norwegian ports to enhance their general effectiveness and competitiveness, t here has to be a focus on developing and building their size as Drammen and Oslo ports have done in respect to functions performed.