Blar i USN Open Archive på forfatter "Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando"
A review of Smart House Analysis Methods for Assisting Older People Living Alone
Sanchez, Veralia Gabriela; Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando; Skeie, Nils-Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Comparison of control strategies for a 2 DOF helicopter
Sharma, Roshan; Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The two degrees of freedom (2-DOF) helicopter is an openloop unstable multi-variable process. Various control strategies can be applied to stabilize the system for tracking and regulation problems but not all control methods ... -
Control of temperature and energy consumption in buildings - a review.
Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando; Skeie, Nils-Olav; Perera, Degurunnehalage Wathsala U. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Building sector is one of the largest energy consumers in the world and currently it utilizes 40% of the total energy in the European Union. At the beginning of the article, energy crisis related to the buildings is defined ... -
Covering the Gap Between Advanced Control Theory Design and Real Time Implementation Using Simulink
Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando; Sharma, Roshan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)New developments in sensor technology and control actuators make it viable to monitor and regulate more process variables, providing an opportunity to apply advanced multivariable control techniques. Although modern control ... -
Estimating uncertainty of model parameters obtained using numerical optimisation
Brastein, Ole Magnus; Lie, Bernt; Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando; Skeie, Nils-Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Obtaining accurate models that can predict the behaviour of dynamic systems is important for a variety of applications. Often, models contain parameters that are difficult to calculate from system descriptions. Hence, ... -
Experimental Design and Modeling for Propylene Oxide - CO2–Poly (Propylene Carbonate) Solutions
Pandey, Umesh; Sætre, Kai Arne; Mathiassen, Jostein; Ronasi, Sara; Fredriksen, Siw Bodil; Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this research, experimental design was used to formulate the empirical models of viscosity and density of poly(propylene carbonate) (PPC), propylene oxide (PO), and carbon dioxide (CO2) solutions by designing experiments ... -
Modeling and Simulation of A Multi-Zone Building for Better Control
Perera, Degurunnehalage Wathsala U.; Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando; Skeie, Nils-Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-12-09)Buildings are one of the largest energy consumers in most of the countries. Building sector in the European Union (EU) is continuously expanding and currently utilizes 40% of total energy consumption in the union. Out of ... -
Modelling and control of collecting solar energy for heating houses in Norway
Dehghan, Mehran; Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In this research, a new model was developed and modified with a combined solar heating system which works with solar radiation and electricity. In order to model the system, the outdoor temperature of the location and solar ... -
Modelling the heat dynamics of a residential building unit: Application to Norwegian buildings.
Perera, Degurunnehalage Wathsala U.; Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando; Skeie, Nils-Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)The paper refers to the development of a continuous time mathematical heating model for a building unit based on the rst principles. The model is described in terms of the state space variables, and a lumped parameter ... -
Optimal Operation of the Peat Drying Process in Steam Tube Dryers
Kulakovsky, Leonid; Rosen, Victor; Sharma, Roshan; Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando; Lie, Bernt (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-11-25)Ukraine is an energy-dependent country and aims to reduce the import of natural gas, heat, and power in general. This implies extracting fuel from her own natural resources; one relevant and readily available energy carrier ... -
Parameter and State Estimation of Large-Scale Complex Systems Using Python Tools
Perera, M. Anushka S.; Hauge, Tor Anders; Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This paper discusses the topics related to automating parameter, disturbance and state estimation analysis of large-scale complex nonlinear dynamic systems using free programming tools. For large-scale complex systems, ... -
Parameter estimation for grey-box models of building thermal behaviour
Brastein, Ole Magnus; Perera, Degurunnehalage Wathsala U.; Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando; Skeie, Nils-Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Good models for building thermal behaviour are an important part of developing building energy management systems that are capable of reducing energy consumption for space heating through model predictive control. A popular ... -
Selection methodology of energy consumption model based on data envelopment analysis.
Nakhodov, Vladimir; Baskys, Algirdas; Skeie, Nils-Olav; Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando; Dmytro, Ivanko (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The energy efficiency monitoring methods in industry are based on statistical modeling of energy consumption. In the present paper, the widely used method of energy efficiency monitoring “Monitoring and Targeting systems” ... -
Simulation of the Pyrolysis Process: from Plastic Waste to Environmental Friendly Fuel
Andersen, Marius; Sætre, Kai Arne; Fredriksen, Siw Bodil; Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)How to deal with plastic waste is an important question, as it may affect both the climate and environment. A method that may be beneficial to dispose some kinds of plastic waste that cannot be material-recycled is ... -
Structural observability analysis and EKF based parameter estimation of building heating models
Perera, Degurunnehalage Wathsala U.; Perera, M. Anushka S.; Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando; Skeie, Nils-Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Research for enhanced energy-efficient buildings has been given much recognition in the recent years owing to their high energy consumptions. Increasing energy needs can be precisely controlled by practicing advanced ... -
Structural observability analysis of large scale systems using Modelica and Python
Perera, M. Anushka S.; Lie, Bernt; Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)State observability of dynamic systems is a notion which determines how well the states can be inferred from input-output data. For small-scale systems, observability analysis can be done manually, while for large-scale ... -
Towards a Safer Home Living - Behavior Classification as a Method to Detect Unusual Behavior for People Living Alone
Pfeiffer, Carlos Fernando; Skeie, Nils-Olav; Hauge, Solveig; Lia, Ingunn; Eilertsen, Ingrid (Research report, 2015-08-06)