Emergency-SIME for real-time assessment and evaluation of transient stability
The primary objective of this thesis is to evaluate the potential of the method Emergency-Single machine equivalent (E-SIME) to be used as a tool for assessing transient stability. To do this E-SIME was applied to a 9 bus system and also to a model of the New England grid. This was done utilizing the software PowerFactory for simulation of the transient event, then subsequent calculations using Excel and Python.
The results show that E-SIME successfully identified stable and unstable scenarios, where in the latter case corrective measures were taken for it to remain stable. Results indicate that E-SIME will tend to perform unnecessary corrective measures, if the fault location is closer to the center of the power grid. Conversely, in cases where the fault occurs on the outer limits of the grid, and the clearing time (CT) is close enough to the critical clearing time (CCT), it may falsely classify an unstable case as stable.
In conclusion, the E-SIME method has demonstrated its potential as a viable tool for assessing transient stability on different transmission systems of varying sizes. Moreover, the method seems to be within reach of today’s technology if necessary Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) are installed in the system. Further, it shows the potential to both increase transmission capabilities and enhance grid security. Therefore, the method could become a valuable resource for the Nordic power system.