“Make it tangible!” Exploring University Students' Perception of Environmental Sustainability in Friluftsliv Studies
The purpose of this master thesis was to explore the perceptions of environmental sustainability among students in friluftsliv studies. The reason for researching this topic is the growing importance of sustainability in education and the perceived growing expectation from students to learn more about sustainability. The research addresses sustainability within the framework of the UN sustainability goals. It looks at both education for sustainable development and sustainability didactics, drawing on the latter for the purpose of the research.
The research was conducted based on qualitative methods using focus groups. The participants were students selected from the second and third year of a bachelor programme in friluftsliv studies at a Norwegian university. There were in total four focus groups. The data was transcribed, coded and analysed using thematic analysis. The main findings are four themes (1) carbon emissions: transport, clothing and equipment, (2) skills and knowledge: a pre-requisite, (3) finances as a driver for actions and (4) sources of influence and role models. In addition, and a little beside the research question, the focus groups provided interesting data and insight on how the students would like to operationalise sustainability differently in friluftsliv studies.
If I were to sum up the findings from this thesis in one sentence it would be “Make it tangible!”. The research results indicate that students have a high awareness of sustainability, yet are hungry for more insight, knowledge, and skills. They would not mind seeing sustainability as something that permeates the entire study, on the condition that it is practical and accessible. More bluntly, the participants want someone to tell them what to do, and what not to do, in order to be environmentally sustainable.
Keywords: friluftsliv, friluftsliv studies, sustainability, environmental sustainability, higher education, sustainability education, sustainability didactics.